80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2907: Just climbed the bed once

?September comes, and Kyoto welcomes students from all over the country. Every university becomes very lively, and the crowds are all freshmen and parents who came to report.

Lele went to the school to report by herself, Meimei wanted to accompany her, but Lele sternly refused. She carried her bag by herself and went to report casually.

In the morning, Lele went to report happily, but she came back in the afternoon with a frustrated face, because she searched the whole school's list of freshmen and couldn't find Ning Xiaobao's name.

During the winter vacation, I flew to the United States to beat this stinky boy to death!

Make her happy for nothing!

Lele is gloomy, where did Ning Xiaobao die, doesn't she really plan to meet her?

Didn't it just climb the bed last time, as for hiding from her for a year?

Last year, she went to Meishi to find Ning Xiaobao to play, and Hanmei arranged a guest room for her, but she especially missed the warm feeling of Tongning Xiaobao squeezed into a bed when she was a child, and also missed Xiaobao's special smell, so——

Lele children's shoes sneaked into Xiaobao's room in the dead of night, sneaked into the bed again, and slept with Xiaobao contentedly until dawn, scaring Xiaobao who woke up, and then disappeared. , has not yet appeared.

"Hmph...Ning Xiaobao is a big bad guy!"

Lele took a bite of the big apple and was in a bad mood. She had to eat more to nourish her heart.

Soon a month passed. The freshman basically finished the military training and started classes. Lele was very satisfied with the freshman's life, except for the poor mood. It was just because of her special image that she had the same appearance as when she was in middle school. sweet troubles.

The female classmates always love to be with her, and some even act coquettishly at her, which makes her goosebumps.

Please... She only likes Brother Xiaobao from the beginning to the end, and has no interest in her mother's. If she really messes up, the mother-in-law will definitely beat her to death!

"Lele, let's go dancing tonight, can you be my dance partner?" A beautiful girl came over and grabbed Lele's arm affectionately, and winked at her.

This beautiful girl is a criminology major. There are more girls in that major. This girl is Banhua. She is really pretty, but Lele is not interested, she is not as good-looking as Bao Rina!

Besides, she is not interested in her mother at all, she just wants to sleep with Ning Xiaobao!

"You can't dance, go find a male classmate!" Lele refused with a cold face, and pulled out her hand. The girl was short, and she was so close to her that the two men in front of her always squeezed her arms, which made her feel uncomfortable. .

Girls are coquettishly coquettish and twisted~www.readwn.com~ Go... I don't want those stinky men, I just want to dance with Lele you! "

"I don't understand people's language, I said that I can't jump, don't get so close to me, auntie, I don't do it!" Lele once again shook off Wenxiang Nephrite who was squeezed up, and scolded angrily.

Can't find Ning Xiaobao, she's annoying!

The girl wasn't angry either, she said with a smile, "No, I'll teach you, don't worry, this lady likes cucumbers, don't worry about your innocence!"

"If you like cucumbers, go find a stinky man to eat, don't bother me!"

Lele glared, don't think she doesn't know what this little fox is up to, she definitely wants her to deal with those fly-like suitors, she doesn't have the time to fly!

"...Tomorrow is a psychology class. I don't know what the teacher looks like. I hope she is a beautiful woman!" Several boys were discussing in front.

Lele's mind moved, as if she was going to take a criminal psychology class tomorrow. She majored in criminal investigation. Of course, the psychology of criminals has to be studied. This teacher is quite mysterious, and no matter how you check it, you can't find any information.

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