80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2908: Let go of that man, he's mine

?When going to school the next day, Lele received a text message from Nao Nao - "There's a surprise today!"

Lele turned back angrily: "stinky boy, wait for me, I won't beat you to death!"

It caused her to waste a summer vacation, obediently waiting for school to start at home, otherwise she would have gone out to find someone earlier, and maybe she would have successfully cooked a mature meal by now!

I could feel Lele's rage through the commotion on the phone, so scared that I hurriedly turned off the phone, and said to the little pig who was about to go to bed, "Are you sure that Brother Xiaobao will go to class today?"

The little pig hummed lazily, closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep.

He was so anxious that he slapped him on the head, "Your brother and I flew all the way to play with you, but you actually put me to sleep? Get up, take my lord to the club!"

By the way, soak a few hot babes!

"Go find it yourself." Little Pig didn't bother to answer, the ghost knew where the bar was, it was stinking, and he wasn't interested at all.

Nao Nao widened his eyes in surprise, "You haven't been to the bar once, have you? What have you been doing for the past six months? You don't go to class, you don't go out to play, and your school doesn't care about you?"

"No matter... huh..." The little pig was sleepy and fell asleep as soon as his eyes were closed.

Just a few days ago, a god-level conjecture was proved wrong, and he was exhausted. He had to sleep for three days and three nights.

Nao Nao reluctantly looked at his younger brother who was sleeping like a pig, glanced at the darkness outside the window, and prepared to go out to have fun.

Lele rushed out of the dormitory and was about to go to breakfast. Thinking of the time difference in the United States, it should be night. I heard that it was very chaotic there, so she couldn't help but send a text message.

"Yan Nao Nao, if you dare to end your precious virginity before the age of eighteen, I will definitely tell Mom and Dad!"

I was dancing wildly with the hot girl, and was interrupted by the vibration in my pocket. When I saw the text message from my old sister, I poured a bowl of cold water with enthusiasm.

I'm going...he just wanted to take his new hot girl to the motel!

Thinking of Lele's terrifying fists, I really don't dare to violate the law, and my parents have clearly stipulated that before the age of 18, you can have sex, but you can't do-love, otherwise, the whole family will fight.

Alas...he has to stay a widow for another three years!

Noisily and mournfully, he glanced at the hot girl who blew kisses at him, no longer in the mood to seek pleasure, turned around and left, let's go back to the pig to sleep!

Lele glanced at her phone triumphantly, hum... I can still treat that stinky boy when I'm not around!

The second class in the morning was a psychology class~www.readwn.com~ was in the lecture hall. Several classes were listening to the class together. Lele was tall and sat in the back. She was not in the mood, and lowered her head to play with her mobile phone. .

"The teacher is so handsome... oops... I'm moved..."

"I'm already stuck... Go ask the teacher's phone number after class."

"I also want to ask, maybe there will be an unparalleled teacher-student love!"


Lele sneered when she heard the girls in front of them being nympho, she wanted to see how handsome she was, could she be as handsome as her Ning Xiaobao?

He casually raised his head and confronted the man on the podium who made the stars pale, Lele's complexion changed greatly, and then he was ecstatic, and roared at the girls who were still whispering and nympho:

"He is mine, whoever dares to rob me will beat her to death!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lele who was furious with anger. What's the matter?

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