80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2909: Teacher Xiaobao

?Ning Xiaobao on the podium reluctantly looked at Lele who rushed towards him excitedly.

He escaped for a year, but in the end he couldn't help his inner desire. He walked out of the mountain and came to Kyoto.

He does not worry about Lele's sister, worried that she will cause trouble.

This is Xiaobao's reason to convince himself that it has nothing to do with Fengyue. He and Lele have a brother-sister relationship that is purer than Tianshan Snow Lotus. He only regards Lele as his own sister, and Lele just temporarily lost his way.

His main task now is to help Lele correct the direction.

How to correct it?

Xiaobao thought about it for a long time on the mountain alone, and also consulted many male animal friends, and finally came up with a good solution——

Lele knows too few male friends. As an older brother, he should introduce more good friends of the opposite **** to Lele, so that Lele will come out of his wrong infatuation and pursue the right relationship.

"This classmate, it's class time now, please obey the rules of the class!" Xiaobao looked at Lele who was getting closer and closer, and all the other students in the classroom opened their mouths in surprise.

They always thought that the overlord Hua Yan Lele was the general attack, but they didn't expect that one day she would also be confused by male sex!

By the way, the new criminal psychology teacher is really charming!

Pan An should also look like this!

Lele stopped, regained his sanity from the excitement, and said happily: "Then we'll talk about it after class!"

She turned back to her seat and saw the female classmate looking at Xiaobao obsessed with lust, her expression turned cold, and she whispered: "If you dare to look at my brother Xiaobao fascinatedly, gouge out your eyeballs!"

Only she can watch Brother Xiaobao, and everyone else, whether they are male or female, shy away!

The female classmates were so frightened that they shivered three times, and some timidly hurriedly lowered their heads. Overlord Flowers can't afford to offend them, so let's just read books honestly!

Some of the daring ones didn't hear it, and one of them was even more daring, and even whispered, "It's not your boyfriend, why don't you care about me admiring beautiful men?"

Lele was almost walking to her seat, she retreated after hearing the words, looked at the girl who was talking coldly, but didn't speak, she just grabbed the corner of the female classmate's desk, folded it gently, and the perfect triangular piece of wood fell. In Lele's slender hands.

There are edges and corners, and there is not even a trace of wood slag, and it is as beautiful as a knife.

Lele put the triangular wooden block in front of the female classmate~www.readwn.com~ and put her fingers to her neck and snorted coldly. The blood on the female classmate's face was gone, and her lips were white.

She understood what Lele meant, and she would break her neck next time!

Her neck is certainly no stronger than a desk.

"I won't watch it... I won't watch it again..." The female classmate begged for mercy in a low voice.

Love is beautiful, but life is more precious. She can't afford to lose her life for a man.

Lele hooked her lips with satisfaction, and phoenix eyes glanced around the classroom with warning, including male classmates, her little brother's beautiful men and women were all killed, first vaccinate these people, if you don't listen to the warning, you want to die. , then she will not be polite!

The classroom was unusually quiet. Under Lele's lewdness, all the classmates looked at the book without squinting, like an old monk entering meditation, and they had never listened to a class as seriously as now.

Xiaobao's voice is also very nice, not hurried or slow, like a mountain and flowing water, flowing slowly. The students who had no intention of listening to the class were gradually brought into the crazy psychological world of strange criminals by this beautiful voice.

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