80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2923: found on the mountain

?Little Pig sighed inwardly. He has already fled to the United States, why can't he escape the lion's roar?

Looking for a man to ask him for help... Do you want to find him in the bridal chamber in the future?

"I can't find it!" Piglet simply refused.

He is not in the capital, the ghost knows where Ning Xiaobao is.

"Yan Xiaozhu, if you don't help me find it, I'll send your ten-year-old **** photos to websites around the world... Do you believe it or not?" Lele threateningly threatened.

Fortunately, she was well prepared, and she had **** photos of her two younger brothers in 360 degrees without any blind spots. If the younger brother is disobedient, hmph... Then don't blame her for not thinking about the brotherhood!

The little pig was so angry that he vomited blood, how could he have such a ruthless sister?

"I can only find the approximate location." Xiaozhu had to compromise, he believed that Lele could really do it, this old sister has now denied her six relatives for the sake of a man.

"It's okay to have an approximate location, how long will it take?" Lele was so happy, she knew that Little Pig must have a way.

"At least two hours."

Piglet hung up the phone angrily, crawled out of bed with all his might, and pulled out his precious computer from under the mattress.

He turned on the computer, set up self-protection first, took a long time to enter the surveillance network of all streets in Kyoto City, and called up all the surveillance during the time when Lele and Xiaobao finally broke up.

I designed a simple program, just enter Xiaobao's avatar, you can find the monitoring with Xiaobao, which can save a lot of time.

Xiaozhu quickly found the surveillance cameras that photographed Xiaobao, and found his car, and then began to search based on this vehicle, and found the suburbs little by little, where there is no surveillance anymore.

Xiaozhu exited the monitoring network, locked the approximate location, and found out that it was in the suburbs west of Kyoto City. After calculating the distance according to the proportion, Xiaozhu easily found the last place where Xiaobao appeared.

It is in the west of Kyoto, about 20 kilometers away from the city, but there is a deserted road, and there are no villages or hillsides around.

The little pig searched for a few kilometers and found a mountain. It was called Funiu Mountain on the map. It was not too famous, but there was a temple on the mountain, and the incense was not bad.

"Hmph...I know to hide in the mountains!"

The little pig smiled smugly and drew a sketch with a pen. He didn't draw the Funiu Mountain wickedly. Instead, he only drew the wilderness ridge ten kilometers away from the Funiu Mountain, and smiled slyly.

How dare you threaten him, go find it slowly!

He took a photo of the roadmap~www.readwn.com~ and sent it to Lele, turned off the phone and fell asleep with his head covered.

He was so exhausted that he had to sleep for another eight hours, even if the sky fell.

According to the road map, Lele came to the wild countryside where there was no street in front of the village and no shop behind. It was pitch-black without even a street light. If it were an ordinary girl, it would definitely be frightening to death. Of course Lele wouldn't.

She looked at the surrounding environment. There were no villages, only a few slopes. Xiaobao would definitely not be hiding here, he should still be ahead.

Lele continued to walk forward. It was already eight o'clock in the evening. There was no moon or stars, and occasionally a few frogs could be heard. After about half an hour, Lele finally came to the foot of Funiu Mountain.

She is not sure if Xiaobao is on this mountain, but if she goes further, there will be no mountains, and Xiaobao will definitely not live in the village, so...he will most likely go to his favorite mountain.

Lele gritted his teeth, parked the car, took out the flashlight, and led Xueer up the mountain.

She followed the mountain all the way to find it, if it wasn't for her, she would never find it!

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