80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2924: Destroy your 9 clans

"Xue'er, have you smelled Brother Xiaobao?" Lele asked with her head lowered.


Xue Er took a sniff and shook her head embarrassedly, how can the male lead be so easy to find, it can't help the female lead!

Lele is not surprised. When Xiaobao enters the mountain, it is like a fish entering the water. Every grass, tree, bird and beast on the mountain will be Xiaobao's helper. It's normal for Xueer to not find it.

"It's alright, we'll look for it slowly, we can't find it today, we'll look for it tomorrow, we can't find it tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow... One day I'm going to sleep, Brother Xiaobao!" Lele gritted his teeth.


Xue Er shouted encouragingly and raised her four paws to support the female master. In her opinion, the female master and the male master are a natural pair, and the ground makes a pair, and the male master will avoid the mistress when the donkey kicks his brain.

As a female, if you fancy a male you like, you will bravely rush to sleep, and what's the point of wiggling!

A temple stands alone on the top of the mountain. The temple is not too big, but the incense is very strong. Because the abbot here is a well-known eminent monk with profound Buddhist studies, the abbot is invited to give lectures in many places.

Many people in Kyoto will come here especially, and the incense will naturally flourish.

Xiaobao and Master Abbot met by chance. Master Abbot admired Xiaobao's attainments in Buddhism and his harmony with nature, and he and Xiaobao became best friends.

"Master Xiaobao, your plain noodles." A monk held a bowl of fragrant plain noodles and entered Xiaobao's wing.

"Thank you, Master Baiwei." Xiaobao took a deep breath, very happy.

The reason why he chose to live in this temple, in addition to being close to nature, is mainly because there is a master Baiwei in the temple, who is a good vegetarian. tasty.

Just like this simple plain noodles, the aroma is extraordinary, making Xiaobao salivate and his stomach growled.

Master Baiwei smiled honestly, saluted Xiaobao, turned and left.

Xiaobao quickly finished the plain noodles, burped contentedly, went to the bathroom to wash up, and was ready to go to bed.

Alas... He has to go to school in two days, how should he face Sister Lele?

I don't know if Sister Lele is relieved?

It's late at night, people are sleeping... The night on the mountain is very quiet. There are occasional frogs and cicadas. Lele is already halfway up the mountain. She looks for and stops. .

"Huh... I'm so hungry, Xue Er, are you hungry too?" Lele patted her stomach, cooing non-stop, she didn't eat dinner, she starved to death!

Cher whimpered a few times, indicating that it wasn't hungry at all, but it would be more convincing if its stomach didn't growl.

Lele burst out laughing and patted Xueer on the head~www.readwn.com~ Hold on, we will have barbecued meat when we climb to the top of the mountain. "

Cher nodded excitedly.

Lele rested for a while and continued to climb up. On the way, he encountered lizards swimming at night and some birds flying around. Suddenly thinking of something terrible, he patted his head in annoyance.

Almost broke a big deal!

"If you dare to inform Ning Xiaobao, I will set fire to this mountain and destroy your entire clan!" Lele put his hands on his hips, although his voice was not loud, it spread throughout the entire mountain.

The aborigines who secretly peeped at Lele's mountain trembled with fright. Omg... This female two-legged beast is so murderous, they are so afraid!

Still don't inform Xiaobao...

At most, Little Treasures are only innocent, but they are going to be wiped out by the nine clans, which is terrible!


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