80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2942: not interested in restoration

? Xiaobao wanted to ask some more questions, but the phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. Xiaobao hesitated for a while, but answered.

"Ning Xiaobao, didn't you say you never use a mobile phone? What's the matter with this mobile phone?" Lele's roar can deaf ears through the phone.

Xiaobao was startled, and kept the phone away, his heart in his throat.

How could sister Lele know his cell phone number?

Only a few friends and Uncle Yan know his cell phone number. Those friends, Sister Lele, don't know him. Uncle Yan wants him to stay away from Lele, let alone say it. It's strange.

"I just used it, I haven't had time to tell you." Xiaobao explained guiltily.

"Wait for me, I'll be there in half an hour!" Lele hung up the phone, too lazy to listen to Xiaobao's explanation, and cleaned up the guy after meeting.

Don't you just want to be with her?

She still has to entangle this guy for the rest of her life, and she will never let her go!

"Go back, take this money, and live a peaceful life!"

Xiaobao took out a card and handed it to the man. He could see that this man did not live well. Although he did not agree with Ning Chenxuan's bizarre ideas, he still admired this man's loyalty, and he was able to treat a man who had died. It is really rare to find someone who has been loyal for 20 years.

"Thank you, young master, I..." With tears in his eyes, the man hesitated for a while before taking the bank card. He was really short of money, and he really wanted to live a peaceful life.

"Let's go, don't worry about these things, and don't tell anyone." Xiaobao made a gesture outside the window, and a bird flew in.

"You follow this bird down the mountain, it's not peaceful outside, be careful yourself."

Xiaobao is not too worried about the man's safety. Those people's attention is on him, and they won't do anything to this man. The reason why he let Xiaoniao give it away is because he is worried that he will run into Lele.

This girl is energetic and curious, so it's best if she doesn't meet her.

The man left gratefully, relieved, and finally completed the entrustment, and he could live the rest of his life in peace!

After the man left, Xiaobao took out the jade pendant from his arms and looked carefully.

Ning Chenxuan's tape didn't explain what he thought about the treasure map. He only said that he should slowly study the jade pendant, and he had to study it at night, so that he could find the treasure map he left behind, find those treasures, and revive the Ning family.

Xiaobao was definitely not interested in restoring such a stupid thing, but he was still very interested in the treasure that Ning Chenxuan left behind.

"Ning Xiaobao...what do you mean..."

The door was knocked open, and Lele rushed in with a look of anger.

Xiaobao shook his body, didn't dare to look at Lele, and turned his face to the side, this is indeed something he did inappropriately~www.readwn.com~ But he also had to do it, if Lele knew about it The mobile phone number can track his residence all the time.

He was really worried that this girl would quietly climb the bed!

"What is this? Why are you still using this old antique?" Lele was very strange when she saw the tape recorder.

What age is it now, still using such an outdated thing.

Lele curiously pressed the play button, and Ning Chenxuan's voice came out, which startled her, and her expression became solemn as she listened to it.

"Why do you have your grandpa's tape?" Lele asked curiously.

"Someone sent it here. People are already dead, and there is no need for things to exist anymore." Xiaobao said lightly, took out the tape, and pulled the tape out of the tape, rubbed it into a ball, and lit it with a lighter. It quickly vanished into nothingness.


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