80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2943: Heaven and Earth

Lele told Twelve's guess, "The dragon group is not easy to mess with. Anyway, you are not interested in this kind of thing. Just give the jade pendant to the dragon group and let those people entangle with the dragon group."

Xiaobao didn't say a word, frowned slightly, and after a long time, he said, "I have to figure this out, wait until it gets dark!"

He was unwilling to hand it over to the dragon group inexplicably.

After he figured it out, he would give it to Uncle Yan. He believed in Yan Mingshun more than the dragon group.

It was getting dark soon, Xiaobao took out the jade pendant and looked carefully under the light, but there was no clue, Lele's eyes were blurred, and he whispered, "Why don't you smash this thing, maybe You can see the treasure map."

Little Treasure couldn't help laughing, all the jade pendants were so small, what could be hidden in it, it would definitely not work if it was smashed, there must be another secret.

He took out a flashlight and shone it on the jade pendant. Under the strong light, the jade pendant was crystal clear and the pattern on it was clearly illuminated. Lele couldn't help but sigh, "This sculptor is really amazing, even the feathers on the phoenix can be carved clearly. Clearly, and the scales on the dragon are the same as the real ones."

Xiaobao's thoughts moved, and he raised the jade pendant. Lele was right. The phoenix and dragon on the jade pendant were intertwined. The feathers and scales on his body were lifelike, and the carving was really good.

He turned off the lights in the room, then closed the curtains, the room was dark, and then turned on the flashlight, shining it on the jade pendant, and facing the white wall, but there was nothing.

Xiaobao spun the jade pendant gently, very slowly, and there was still nothing on the wall, but he didn't stop, and when he was about to turn around, Lele exclaimed excitedly, "There is... there is a pattern. ."

A clear map appeared on the wall with small words on it. Xiaobao asked Lele to hold a jade pendant and a flashlight. He drew carefully with a pen and paper, and quickly traced the map.

"Turn around another half to see." Xiaobao said.

Lele did as she was told, and soon the map disappeared, and a paragraph of words appeared. Xiaobao recognized the handwriting of Ning Chenxuan. The person who carved the jade pendant was really not easy. How did he engrave so many things?

"Xiaobao, the map is in Shiwanda Mountain. You go up the mountain from Pangu County, Province Z, and follow the map to find what I left behind. We must restore our Ning family, don't imitate your father, he is an unworthy descendant. "

Lele curled his lips in disdain, "don't listen to your grandfather, what's good about being an emperor, the emperor doesn't have a long life."

Moreover, the emperor has three thousand beauties in the harem. Xiaobao belongs to her alone, and no one is allowed to rob her. This old man Ning can't live in peace if he dies.

Xiaobao didn't say a word~www.readwn.com~ He was looking at the map he had just drawn, and was very curious about what treasure Ning Chenxuan would leave behind. It should not only be a new type of weapon, but if it was just a new type of weapon, the Dragon Group could directly ask him for it. , but the dragon group was just consuming it, feeling more like supervising him.

"I have to go to the hundred thousand mountains." Xiaobao said suddenly.

Lele was stunned for a while, and said without hesitation, "I'll go too, anyway, don't try to get rid of me!"

From now on, wherever Ning Xiaobao goes, she will follow her. Don't they all say that good women are afraid of entanglement with men? Thinking in reverse, good men should also be afraid of entanglement with women!

Xiaobao looked at Lele helplessly, but he thought in his heart that he would get rid of Lele secretly, and he only needed to go alone.

"Okay, we will set off in three days. We will gather here." Xiaobao pretended to agree.

"Well, I'll go back and prepare."

Lele also pretended to believe in Xiaobao, but she made up her mind, staring at this guy from now on, Xiaobao will definitely leave early, and if she suffers a loss, she will not be fooled a second time.

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