80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2970: 1 half left

Lele slapped the back of Twelve's head and shouted, "Show off your ability, right? Listen to Brother Xiaobao, if you dare to act privately, I will tear you apart!"

Twelve shrank his neck, and grumbled dissatisfiedly, "Aren't you feeling aggrieved? Obviously it can be solved easily, but it's so troublesome that it's annoying every day."

"It's boring to be dead!" Xiaobao said softly, filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Lele. The soup contained delicious mushrooms and was fragrant.

Lele happily took over the soup. You don't need to taste it to know that it is delicious in the world. The food made by Xiaobao never needs too many seasonings, but he can discover the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves, which is better than those made by so-called chefs. Much tastier.

Twelve flattened his mouth and muttered softly, "I'm pretending again."

What bothers her the most is that Ning Xiaobao always pretends to be extraordinary, as if she never eats mortal rice, but only eats fresh breeze and jade dew, but in fact, Ning Xiaobao has killed more people than her, and Still quite a foodie.

She is a super person who can pretend, she just can't stand it!

"If you don't have me, I can pretend, but you are the best in the world!" Lele ran over, and even dared to speak ill of Xiaobao in front of her, she was impatient!

Besides, how could Xiaobao have twelve relatives who can pretend, Uncle Li always has his nostrils facing the sky when he goes out, and when he talks to anyone, he is like 'I'm the best in the world'. It's a pity, so far, no one has really hurt him. he.

Except for one person.

It was the Madam Li she admired the most, the woman who killed more swiftly than chickens.

It is said that Uncle Li was beaten up by his wife. After that, he kept on looking for the twelve mothers, and finally brought the beauty back. Lele estimates that the twelve fathers must have been beaten at home and must have a battered physique. .

Twelve closed her mouth angrily. Her father was really good at pretending, and she couldn't refute it.

"My dad is much kinder now." Twelve whispered to correct his dad's name.

Lele snorted, the ghosts didn't believe it, just the man who should be named Long Aotian, he can't live without pretending to be forceful!

After breakfast, Lele also put the remaining roasted chestnuts in a cloth bag, which can be eaten as snacks on the road.

"Go over there." Little Pig studied the map and pointed out the direction.

The group continued on the road, followed by the remaining eight people. These people's expressions were very serious, their eyes became vigilant, and they did not dare to be careless.

Long Tu and Long Feng also followed, passing by Meizi's grave, Long Tu couldn't help but ask, "Could it be Ning Xiaobao who did it?"

The death of these four people, no matter which one seems to be an accident, but Long Tu thinks that it is related to Xiaobao. Once or twice can be a coincidence, but three or four times, it has to be suspicious.

Longfeng was also puzzled. He didn't know how Xiaobao could be so unknowing. What he was more worried about was that after ~www.readwn.com~ killed the remaining eight people, Xiaobao would attack them?

Three days later, the distance to the treasure is getting closer and closer.

"There are still three days left, so what about the eight people?" Little Pig asked.

Xiaobao glanced back, and said calmly, "I'll leave it to you, and keep half of it, including those two."

He pointed to Jason, who couldn't stop complaining to his companions that there were too many bugs.

"You and them are friends?" Twelve asked curiously.

"It's interesting." Xiaobao smiled. The two of them looked pleasing to the eye. As long as it wasn't too much, he wouldn't start.

Twelve was not satisfied that they could only kill four people, but they talked more than nothing.

"Do it at night." Twelve decided the death date of the four unlucky guys.

Noisily rubbed his chin, and said with a wicked smile: "It's too conspicuous to do four at once, I'll kill one first, the guy who worships God every day!"

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