80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2971: 5th hapless

? Nao Nao picked a dark-skinned man at the back of the team, because this unlucky guy happened to be the seventh in the past. When Nao Nao decided to do it, he decided to kill the seventh guy.

"What are you going to do?" Twelve asked curiously.

Noisily smiled evilly, "The secret must not be revealed, just wait!"

Twelve snorted, and for the rest of the journey, she had been paying attention to the target of Nao Nao, wondering what method Nao Nao would use.

It was almost noon, the man was still fine, and there was nothing wrong with the commotion. He was arguing that he was going to hunt a few hares to eat. Everyone else went hunting.

The unfortunate man also went hunting. He was strong in physique, with tendons and flesh on his body, full of strength, and his steps were fast and flexible. He must be a master of kung fu.

Nao Nao Chong Lele and the others blinked and patted Xueer's head, "You rest today, I'll go get some food."

Xue Er whimpered a few times, licked Nao Nao's hand, and sat obediently.

Nao Nao didn't bring anything, just picked up a few sharp stones from the ground, put them in his pockets, and ran deep into the woods.

"Should we follow it, Brother Nao Nao is definitely going to attack that unlucky bastard." Twelve whispered.

Lele is not interested, she is roasting chestnuts and potatoes, "no go, go to yourself..."

Twelve thought it was boring, and didn't go. After a quarter of an hour, the howls of wild animals came from the woods, one after another, it sounded like there were two, Lele frowned, "Wild boar, or two."

Twelve said affirmatively: "It was caused by the trouble. He wanted to use pigs to kill people."

The fighting power of wild boars is no less than that of bears and leopards, especially if they are a couple, husband and wife are of one mind, and their profits break gold. If two wild boars join forces, even tigers may not be able to fight!

"God... run, there are wild boars!" Someone ran down, it was Jason, shouting at Lele and them.

None of the people moved, they ate calmly, it was just a wild boar, what was there to fear.

Jason ran over in panic and shouted at them, "Two wild boars, so big, can't be killed by a gun."

The voice just fell, the gunshots sounded, followed by more harsh howls, it sounded that the wild boar was angry, and a few people fled back, Lele counted, except for the unlucky guy, the rest of the people ran back. .

"God, his intestines were pierced by a wild boar..." Someone shouted ~www.readwn.com~ Twelve nuzzled, and whispered, "I knew it was the troublemaker."

Lele didn't care, and continued peeling chestnuts. There was a commotion, and the two wild boars would definitely not run towards this direction. Seeing that they were nothing, the others didn't move their buttocks. They couldn't help but relax and sat down.

They are seasoned agents, how can they be inferior to even a few children, and can't show their cowardice!

There were a few more howls, and then it was quiet. After a few minutes, Nao Nao came back with a few fat hares, all clean and not even messy.

"That guy is really unlucky, he actually provokes a couple, and he is a big mac couple, so he didn't die unjustly." Naoyao threw the hare on the ground, grinning.

Lele rolled his eyes at him, just killing someone. What is there to brag about with such a big battle.

After eating lunch and resting for a while, they continued on the road. From a distance, they saw the mutilated corpse lying on the ground. The ground was full of blood, and there were some broken insides and intestines, very bloody.

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