80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2972: When witnessing miracles

"God bless...poor guy!" Jason murmured, crossing his chest.

So far, this unfortunate man has died the most tragically, and I can only blame him for being really unlucky. He ran into the hands of troublemakers who like violent aesthetics, and it is impossible to die peacefully.

When night came, the remaining seven people were even more silent. Everyone was silently preparing dinner, and they were not in the mood to speak.

Twelve took out a small transparent bottle, about the size of a thumb, Xiaobao was surprised and asked in a low voice, "Is this a water spirit?"

"Yes, liquid water spirit, below...it's time to witness the miracle." Twelve smiled mysteriously, held the small bottle in his palm, and walked towards the mountain stream next to the camp.

"I'm going to fetch water." Twelve said crisply, holding a water bag in his hand.

She squatted on the edge of the water, reached into the water, a crystal clear drop of water, along the palm of her hand, flowed into the clear mountain stream, and slowly... began to dissipate.

Twelve reached out and drew a circle around the dissipated water droplets. A miracle really happened. The water in this circle stopped flowing, as if it had been frozen.

Others also came to draw water. The place where they scooped the water was exactly the area where the twelve circles were drawn. These people didn't realize that the water had stopped, so they went back to make dinner.

After a day of trekking, they now just want to eat some warm food and get a good night's sleep.

Twelve also came back with a bag of water, winked at them, and said silently, "There's a good show to watch later."

Lele said angrily, "What's so good about it, the person you kill is not much better than making a noise. It's disgusting to look at."

This girl looks like a cute little loli on the surface, but she is actually a little devil at heart. She likes to study poisons the most, and because her talent is water control, the method of poisoning is ethereal and strange, even if she is careful, she may be caught. .

Twelve's most terrifying poison is her most precious water spirit. This thing is actually not poisonous, but you can't overdo it. The same is true of water. Drinking too much water will definitely cause you to swell to death.

Shui Ling looks like only a small drop, but it can actually focus on hundreds of liters of water. Just imagine, what will happen if hundreds of kilograms of water enter the human body?

There is only one result - an explosion.

The blood vessels and stomach... can't hold so much water, nor can they withstand the water pressure, just like people diving into the depths of the sea, they will definitely be burst to death by the water pressure.

The consequences of drinking water spirits are like this, blood will seep out from the whole body, the more it flows, the skin will break, and even if the person is dead, the body will continue to break until the water spirit in the body is released.

Lele was fortunate enough to have seen a wicked person who was smitten by twelve people~www.readwn.com~ was so disgusting that he didn't want to eat meat for three days, and he didn't want to see the hair and blood flourishing within a month, so he was willing to bow down to this girl.

Twelve smiled mysteriously, "Shi don't be impressed for three days, I have improved it, and I will definitely not make you sick, Sister Lele."

Lele became interested, "what's the change?"

"I knew it early in the morning, the secret must not be revealed, eat." Twelve Xue Xiaobao's tone was pretentious.

Lele slapped her, snatched half of the rabbit in Twelve's hands, handed over a few roasted potatoes, and pretended to force in front of her, starving you to death!

He left quietly at night. The sound of birdsong in the early morning was very pleasant, which woke up the sleeping people. Everyone got up one after another, but the number of people was wrong, there were three fewer.

"Why don't you get up? I'm going to wake them up." Jason was nosy, ran to one of the tents, opened it and screamed, but his voice was stuck in half, his expression was horrified, and there was fear in his eyes . (https:)

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