80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 37: Wuyue with a small heart

Mr. Wu wanted to teach him a few lessons, but seeing Wu Mei's low-brows pleasing to the eye, his mood was relieved a lot, and he was less disgusted with Wu Mei. Although he was old-fashioned and pedantic, he was essentially a man.

Men are lustful. Since ancient times, most men have valued a woman's skin more than her inner self. Of course, except for Wu Qinghang, otherwise he wouldn't have married an old lady with a short stature.

However, the young granddaughter who is not a talent is still pretty, even if he has a belly, he will not worry about not getting married in the future. Although Wu Mei's appearance makes the old man feel more comfortable, Wu Qinghang only needs to think of Wu Mei who counts. The results, boredom flooded my heart again, and I couldn't show a good face to Wu Mei.

"After dinner, in order to wait for your family's dishes to be cold, if you are late again next year, the second child and your family simply don't come!"

The old man had a dark face, but Wu Zhengsi and He Biyun responded vehemently, not daring to refute a word.

Everyone sat down with a smile. There were two tables, one for adults and one for children. The dishes were very rich. Wei Qiuyue and He Biyun went to the hot dishes, and Ji Jianbo poured wine for everyone. The atmosphere was very lively.

Wu Mei sat silently in an inconspicuous position. None of the siblings in the family liked her, so she should not be boring herself, and she also didn't like these indifferent brothers and sisters.

Wu Yue was still hugged by the old lady. She was the old lady's treasure. She hadn't seen her precious granddaughter for a while, so she was willing to let go and only let Wu Yue eat next to her.

"Grandma, I'll peel the crabs for you."

Wu Yue smugly glanced at Wu Mei's table, smiled sweetly, and opened the crab's lid, revealing the oily yellowness. She carefully scooped it out with a spoon, dipped it in vinegar and garlic, and gave it to the old lady. feeding.

The old lady was so happy that her eyes narrowed, she ate the fragrant crab roe in one bite, and couldn't stop praising: "My family Yueyue has filial piety, so it's not worth it that I love her so much!"

"You are my grandma, who else will I honor if I don't honor you? Grandma, take another bite!"

Wu Yue fed another mouthful of crab roe and coaxed the old lady into a smile. She did not forget to honor the old man next to her. She peeled off a big pair of pliers and handed it to the old man. This exquisite strength has reached its peak at a young age.

Wu Zhenghong has always disliked Wu Yue, because Wu Yue is more beautiful than her daughter, and she is more favored than her daughter in front of the old lady. Wu Zhenghong is very angry for her daughter.

Now, seeing Wu Yue coaxing the old couple into a circle, Wu Zhenghong felt as if he had knocked over a vinegar jar, and it was full of disgust.

"Mom and dad, crabs are cold in nature. It's better for you to eat less. Mom, don't you like to eat duck heads the most? This duck head is for you."

Wu Zhenghong took the duck's head and put it on the bowl in front of the old lady. Wu Yue's complexion changed slightly. This aunt, like her daughter, was ugly and always competed with her for favor. She was more annoying than an idiot.

"Grandpa, grandma, I don't know if crabs are bad, I'm sorry." Wu Yue lowered her face and said uneasily.

The old lady glared at Wu Zhenghong in dissatisfaction, put the duck head in Wu Yue's bowl, and said lovingly: "Yueyue eat the duck head quickly, grandma knows you like it, so she specially stewed the duck."

"Thank you grandma, I will eat with grandma."

Wu Yue glanced vaguely at Wu Zhenghong, who was unwilling, and then glanced at Ji Jianbo next to her. Her mind moved, she sneered, and said innocently, "Uncle, I saw you in Nanshui Street last month. , I still called you, but you ignored me!"

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