80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 38: Same as previous life 1

Wu Mei, who was slowly peeling the crab, trembled, and the crab meat he had just peeled almost fell on the table. His heart was pounding, and he came, and it was exactly the same as in the previous life.

The previous life also started from Wu Yue, but Wu Yue was very cunning. She only said that she saw her uncle when she was shopping with Wu Mei. When Wu Zhenghong asked Wu Mei, Wu Mei honestly told the woman around Ji Jianbo, and said Ji Jianbo and the woman were holding hands.

At that time, Wu Mei really didn't know what it meant for a man and a woman to hold hands, especially a married man who didn't hold his wife's hand.

Her words caused an uproar in the Wu family. Wu Zhenghong flipped the table on the spot, and the dish fell to the ground. Ji Jianbo and Ji Jianbo started a fight. The commotion was so bad that the neighbors all came to persuade him to fight.

A good dinner ended just like this, and I didn't even eat a few bites of the food. That's fine. In the end, Wu Yue turned back, saying that she didn't see a woman beside Ji Jianbo, and that Wu Mei was wrong.

Ji Jianbo was very grateful to Wu Yue, and he had a quarrel with Wu Mei. This mistress turmoil soon subsided, Wu Zhenghong became more strict, Ji Jianbo became more obedient, and Wu Yue was more favored in the family.

Only Wumei—

Despised by the whole family, especially Ji Wenfeng and Ji Wenhui brother and sister, often want to humiliate her, because she almost caused their parents to divorce, which is a heinous crime.

Wu Mei took a deep breath and continued to eat the crabs. These hairy crabs were sent by a student of Mr. Wu's aquatic business. They were fished from the authentic Yangcheng Lake. They only have more than four taels, the cream is fat and the meat is tender. Can't eat such good hairy crabs.

Ji Jianbo was also flustered. During this time, he only visited Nanshui Street once, and he went with that person. He deliberately chose the remote Nanshui Street. How could Wu Yue see it by chance?

"Yueyue is wrong, right? Nanshui Street is so far away, how could I go shopping there? And if you call my uncle, it's impossible for my uncle to ignore you!"

Ji Jianbo said with a smile, secretly scolding Wu Yue for being troublesome, but he was uneasy and worried that the matter would be exposed.

Wu Yue pretended to think about it, and said with certainty, "I won't mistake my uncle. It seems that there are people around my uncle, Meimei, you were there that day, and I pointed it to you, do you remember?"

The smile on Ji Jianbo's face became more and more reluctant. When Wu Zhenghong heard that there was someone beside him, he looked at Ji Jianbo vigilantly.

"Yueyue, who is next to your uncle? Male or female?" Wu Zhenghong asked anxiously.

Wu Yue was proud in her heart, but she said, "It's a little far apart, I didn't see clearly, I only recognized my uncle. Aunt, you know that my eyesight is not good."

He Biyun said, "My family Yueyue worked too hard, she was still holding a book in the middle of the night, saying that she wouldn't listen, and her eyes were burnt out."

The old man smiled admiringly, and the old lady was both relieved and distressed. He asked He Biyun to cook more soup for Wu Yue. He Biyun smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry, both ends are stewed, I can't treat your granddaughter badly!"

"That's good, I have to stew more for eyesight, like longan soup and pig liver soup, but I can't make my granddaughter myopic!"


Wu Zhenghong wasn't in the mood to listen to these nonsense. She made Wu Yue recall fondly, who was next to Ji Jianbo!

Wu Yue was very proud of her anxious appearance. She liked the feeling that she was in control of everything, and she would not be happy for anyone who didn't like it. Just a light sentence could set off a huge wave.

"Auntie, I really didn't see it clearly. I should have seen it clearly. Her eyesight is better than mine."

Wu Yue glanced vaguely at Wu Mei who lowered her head to eat crabs, and a calculation flashed in her eyes.

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