80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 39: do not cooperate

Wu Mei could hear it clearly, and sneered, Wu Yue, who was a good man, lit the fire with ease, and withdrew easily, leading the fire to him, which was indeed a good plan.

She pretended not to hear these words, and calmly peeled the crab and ate the meat. Her movements were methodical and extremely elegant. The Wu Jie next to them were all stunned. They only felt that this little cousin seemed to have changed a person. shadow?

The old lady didn't like her daughter's surprise, she glared at Wu Zheng and said slowly: "What are you doing? Isn't it just Jianbo shopping with others? What's the big deal, the bigger it is, the more uncertain it is."

Wu Zhenghong shouted, "Mom, you don't know him..."

"I don't know what? I know everything, how could Jianbo be that kind of person? Jianbo, do you think so?"

Although the old lady's tone was calm, but her sharp eyes made Ji Jianbo's heart tremble, he forced a smile and said, "I still know me, how could I do something I'm sorry for Zhenghong? I have been in Tianjin for so long. I haven't visited Nanshui Street a few times, so Yueyue must have read it wrong."

Wu Yue was not happy. What she didn't like the most was when others doubted her. She turned her mind and said with a smile, "I can't read it wrong, right? I even pointed it to Meimei!"

She raised her voice on purpose, and was very dissatisfied with Wu Mei's performance. Why didn't this idiot take the initiative to say it, Ji Jianbo and a beautiful woman were walking hand in hand that day, and they were very affectionate.

At that time, Wu Mei said that she wanted to tell her aunt so that she could be suppressed. She just wanted to keep it until today. Of course, it was through Wu Mei's mouth. This would not only make Wu Mei scolded by adults, but also make Wu Zhenghong make trouble. .

Both of them are people she doesn't like, and the more troublesome they make, the happier she will be!

What happened to Wu Mei?

Why didn't you cooperate with her like before?

Seeing that Wu Mei was just as deaf, she could not help but go to the end of the fire and shouted at Wu Mei, "Mei Mei, didn't you hear your sister's call?"

This voice is much louder than Wu Yue's. Wu Mei can no longer pretend to be dumb, so she has to put down her crab claws, look up at He Biyun, and ask respectfully, "What did Mom call me?"

He Biyun pointed at Wu Yue and said, "Didn't you hear what your sister said before?"

"I didn't hear it!" Wu Mei flatly denied it.

He Biyun fell on her back in anger, and the tips of her fingers started to itch again. This dead girl is very evil today, so she will teach her a lesson when she returns.

Wu Zhenghong was anxious to know the truth, so she dragged Wu Mei to their table and asked, "Your sister said that she saw your uncle on Nanshui Street a few days ago, is that the case?"

Wu Mei rubbed the arm that was hurt by Wu Zhenghong, tilted her head and pretended to think about it for a while, Wu Yue next to her was also a little anxious, and reminded her: "It was just a few days ago that we went to Nanshui Street to buy rice paper, Meimei, you still Do you remember?"

"Remember, sister, you remembered it wrong. You didn't buy rice paper that day, but bought several flowers." Wu Mei corrected.

Wu Yue secretly hated, damned idiot, I don't remember what I should remember, but I remember everything I shouldn't remember.

"That day, the rice paper in the store was a little damp, so I didn't buy it. I bought the head flower and planned to give it to you. Look how good you look when you wear it."

Seeing that both the old man and the old lady were approving, Wu Yue could not help but sigh of relief, but she had a bad premonition in her heart, as if things wouldn't go so smoothly today!

Wu Zhenghong was not in the mood to listen to these flowery rice papers, so she asked again, "Mei Mei, did you see your uncle that day? Is there anyone next to him?"

Ji Jianbo's heart almost jumped out of his throat, he ate the peanuts mechanically, Wu Mei glanced at Ji Jianbo meaningfully, his deep eyes made Ji Jianbo's heart sink.

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