80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 514: bite to death

Zhao Yinghua walked towards Wu Zhengsi angrily, and came to Wu Zhengsi in an instant. The tall Zhao Yinghua was like a giant in front of the slightly thin Wu Zhengsi, and he easily grabbed Wu Zhengsi's collar.

"You... what do you want to do? Don't mess around!"

Wu Zhengsi was so scared that his face turned pale. Zhao Yinghua was a jerk. When we cut the queue together, Zhao Yinghua was the eldest brother of all the educated youths, because he fought the most. At that time, the production team deducted their rations from the educated youths. They dared not to speak out. I was hungry for a year.

Less than a month after Zhao Yinghua came, he led a few strong male educated youths to the production team leader's house to make a fuss, killing all the strong workers in the production team, the production team had no choice but I had to hand over all the rations I had deducted in the past, and I dared not deduct even one or two after that.

Wu Zhengsi still remembered that on the day when the rations were returned, the dozen or so educated youths cooked a large pot of rice just like the Chinese New Year. Zhao Yinghua also went to the mountain to hunt a few hares and let the female educated youth cook a large pot of meat. They all succumbed to eating.

Since then, Zhao Yinghua has become the invisible eldest brother of their educated youth. Not only their production team, but also the educated youth of other production teams, will look for Zhao Yinghua to make a name for themselves. status has improved a lot.

How could Wu Zhengsi not be afraid of being grabbed by the collar of such a desperate **** at this moment?

"Shangguan... no... Zhao Yinghua, calm down, you..."

How could Zhao Yinghua have the patience to listen to his nonsense, their brothers and sisters are all hot-tempered, and under the guidance of their father since childhood, if they can do it, don't be blind, and then talk about it!

A fist like a sand shovel was swung out, and it hit Wu Zhengsi's face. The blood flowed like a stream, and there was a slight clicking sound, probably because the bridge of the nose was interrupted.

Wu Zhengsi held his nose in pain, blood flowed out from his fingers, dripped onto the ground, and stained a lot on his clothes, looking very embarrassed.

Wu Yue was so frightened that she kept screaming. She didn't even realize what was going on. Who were these people?

She subconsciously hid in the room and watched in horror from the crack of the door.

Wu Zhenghong and Ji Jianbo were also confused, but when they saw that they actually started, they all rushed towards Zhao Yinghua. Wu Zhenghong's brother and sister were deeply in love and wanted to save her second brother. Ji Jianbo kept saying good things, but he was close to him. Not at all.

Isn't the Wu family worth his risk!

Zhao Yinghua threw several punches in a row~www.readwn.com~ The power of these fists was no less than He Biyun's ruler. Wu Zhengsi's face was swollen like a pig's head, and there was a dye shop on his face, which was terrible.

"Wu Zhengsi, do you think you'll be fine if you don't admit it? It doesn't matter if you admit it or not. I have a way to get you to admit it. You're just afraid of forgetting the old lady Wen?"

Zhao Yinghua looked at Wu Zhengsi with a sneer. Seeing the fear and fear on his face, he felt more confident. As soon as his hand was loosened, Wu Zhengsi slumped to the ground, and his mind was a mess.

How to do?

Now how to do?

I hope that Zhao Yinghua will not find the woman Wen, and I hope that the woman Wen is dead, so that no one will know what he did!

Wu Zhengsi prayed to himself. Now, what he is most worried about is his own reputation. I am afraid that after these things are exposed, how will he evaluate provincial models in the future?

What will his students think of him?

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