80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 515: Why didn't you guys help me before?

The Wu family rushed back, and Wu Zhengdao, who ran back panting with old lady Wu on his back, the more he thought about it in the hospital, the more worried he became.

The tragic state of Wu Zhengsi terrified everyone, and the old man Wu asked angrily: "Comrade Zhao, if there is any misunderstanding, we can talk about it, why do we have to do it?"

Zhao Yinghua sneered and said: "Misunderstanding? You ask what your good son did. I beat him lightly. Compared with the pain and suffering that my wife and daughter have suffered for twelve years, Wu Zhengsi died a hundred times for nothing. pass!"

Wu Zhengsi on the ground covered his face in pain, still arguing: "Zhao Yinghua, don't bully others, Meimei is my daughter, your daughter died twelve years ago, she was born dead!"

"You lied, you stole my eyebrows, Wu Zhengsi, you are not human, since you stole your eyebrows, why don't you treat her well? Instead, you abused my eyebrows with He Biyun, a poisonous woman? The two beasts will definitely be punished!"

Yan Xinya was so angry that she cursed, and even regretted that she didn't know someone well, and mistakenly regarded the jackal as a friend, which caused her daughter to suffer for twelve years. If it wasn't for this coincidence, maybe...

She didn't dare to think about it any longer. The more she thought about it, the more she hated Wu Zhengsi and his wife.

But Yan Xinya didn't know that in her previous life, she didn't know that her daughter was alive until she died, and she didn't know that Wu Mei's tragic life in the previous life died at the hands of Wu Yue, and the murderer was under the protection of Wu Zhengsi and his wife. .

Facing Yan Xinya, Wu Zhengsi felt inexplicably guilty. He couldn't be as confident as Zhao Yinghua.

Wu Zhengsi didn't dare to look directly at Yan Xinya, lowered his head and said a few words, still the same words, insisting that Wu Mei was his daughter, Yan Xinya's daughter was already dead, but the voice became smaller and smaller.

The Wu family listened to these intermittent words, and roughly pieced together the truth of the matter. They looked at Wu Zhengsi in horror. How could they not believe that Wu Zhengsi, who was always cautious and indecisive, would do such a crazy thing?

If it weren't for the facts in front of them, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed!

Wu Zhengdao wanted to distinguish a few words for his younger brother, but Wei Qiuyue stopped him. Don't look at Wu Zhengdao's sanctimonious appearance outside, but he still listens to his wife's words very much at home. This is also the greatest of his and his brother Wu Zhengsi different.

Wei Qiuyue could see clearly that Wu Zhengsi stole someone else's child without a doubt, and he was not good to the child at all. She was Yan Xinya, and she had the heart to kill Wu Zhengsi.

Moreover, Zhao Yinghua's background is not small, why should her family offend someone who even the secretary of the municipal party committee dares to offend for Wu Zhengsi's idiot?

For public and private purposes, their family can't swim in this muddy water!

Whoever goes is unlucky!

The Wu Zhengdao family didn't want to meddle in their own business, but Mr. Wu had no choice but to take care of it. Who made the accident happen to his own son!

Although the old man has a general idea in his heart, he must agree with his second son, insisting that Wu Mei is the child of the Wu family, and he must not let the Zhao family take Wu Mei away.

"Mei Mei, tell them quickly, you belong to our Wu family and have nothing to do with this family!" The old man looked at Wu Mei earnestly and pinned all his hopes on Wu Mei.

During this period of time, they were still very good to Wu Mei. Children were very coaxing. If they gave him a few bites of delicious food and said a few good words, they could give up their hearts to adults. The old man felt that Wu Mei would definitely not let him down.

But he didn't know that Wu Mei had already been utterly disappointed with these hypocritical and selfish relatives!

"I don't know whose child I am. If I belong to your family, why did you all refuse to stand up and help me when she beat me and scolded me for not giving me food or clothing?"

Wu Mei pointed to He Biyun on the ground and asked loudly.

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