80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 539: The truth is revealed and called my mother

It's just that this house is beautiful, but it was severely damaged. Some doors and windows were removed. Meimei didn't need Yan Xinya to explain what was going on. Her grandparents were once knocked down. Such a good house Certainly cannot survive.

Houses like this that have been expropriated were mostly distributed to people with roots, Hongmiao and Zheng, and it is lucky to meet people with good quality. If you encounter people with poor quality, the house can be demolished for you.

It seems that her family's luck is not very good, the door panels are all down, I really don't know what use those people can do with these door panels!

There is also the messy graffiti on the walls, and the lime that peels off later, all of which show how much the residents of this house do not cherish the house!

This house must be repaired well, otherwise it will be impossible to live in. In the future, I have to talk to Yan Xinya about it. After the house is repaired, their family will move in. What a nice house, what a waste to live!

"This house was returned five years ago. I haven't come back to clean it up. In the future, I have to find a master to repair it well, and I can't let the house fall into disuse." Yan Xinya looked at the dilapidated house and felt very sad and blamed herself.

In the past twelve years, she has lived like a walking corpse, failing to fulfill her responsibilities as a wife, mother, daughter, and daughter-in-law, which is really inappropriate!

Zhao Yingnan said intentionally: "Sister-in-law, you have to cheer up in the future, she has to be protected by you!"

"I know, I used to be unable to think about it myself, but I won't in the future. I have to live every day well!" Yan Xinya's eyes were bright and she was full of energy.

She brought the big guy to the study. The study was very messy. There was only one desk left, and there was a bookcase behind it, which was close to the wall. Yan Xinya asked Zhao Xuelin to remove the bookcase, and a small hidden compartment appeared. .

"This is where your grandfather put his valuables. After the house is returned in five years, I will ask your father to put all the deeds here. I don't want to be saddened by it."

The secret box was actually a small safe. Yan Xinya took the key and opened it. There was a briefcase inside, which was the deed of the three houses. Yan Xinya took out the one from the He family, and put the other two back.

"Let's go to He's house now, Meimei, they won't let you in for dinner, and mom will let them go to the road for New Year's Eve dinner!" Yan Xinya sneered again and again.

Meimei grinned happily, and said again, "Thank you mom!"

This time she realized~www.readwn.com~ Today she called her mother twice!

And it was not intentional, but she called it out naturally, probably because she was really sincere, because Yan Xinya was so good to her, and she was bathed in the care of her loving mother all the time, so she could not help but call out. .

If there is one, there will be two, if there is two, there will be three. The saddest heart is over, and if Meimei calls her mother again, she doesn't feel awkward at all, and she can call it out very casually and easily.

The atmosphere in the He family was not good at the moment. He Biyun brought Wu Yue back to her parents' house. She was disheartened and only brought a few changes of clothes. The scars on her face showed that she had been beaten back.

Mrs. He had no intention of caring whether her daughter was going to be divorced or not. When she heard He Biyun said that Yan Xinya was back, she was shocked, and then panic surged up.

"Old man, hurry up and send two bottles of good wine to the street director, and let him give us a proof that this house belongs to us. The house deed was accidentally lost. While there are still people working, hurry up and make up the house deed."

Mrs. He urged Mr. He, so anxious that she couldn't care about He Biyun's mother and daughter.

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