80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 540: Mrs. Ho's regret

Mrs. He was really anxious. She never thought that the little granddaughter was actually the son-in-law who stole Yan Xinya's child. No wonder the little granddaughter didn't look like a daughter at all, but was printed in the same mold as Yan Xinya.

What is her family's situation with Yan Xinya's family, Mrs. He has a clear mind, she knows that her family can't be sorry for the Yan family, but people don't do it for her, she doesn't regret it at all, she used to think that Yan Xinya died, But who knows that not only did he not die, but he was alive and well, and his husband was also a high-ranking official.

This is what Mrs. He is most afraid of!

People don't fight with officials. They are just ordinary people. When they see the officials who can't even stand upright, how dare they fight with the officials!

Mrs. He still knows Yan Xinya well. This niece doesn't care about things outside her body. If there is no eyebrows, she might not think of this house at all.

But now her good son-in-law stole other people's child, not only did not treat the child well, but let her good daughter abuse the child, which parent would bear this?

This is the end, Yan Xinya will definitely settle the old and new accounts together to take back this house!

Mrs. He is so remorseful now that her bowels are green. At the time, the director of the street said that as long as she sent two bottles of Maotai, she would help her with the proof. As long as she had the proof, she could make up the house deed, and the house was rightfully hers. .

But she was reluctant to give up two bottles of Maotai at that time. She felt that Yan Xinya was dead anyway. This house was owned by no one. It didn't matter if there was a deed or not. director?

Mrs. He glared fiercely at He Biyun's mother and daughter. It was these two broom stars who caused the trouble. When the house is finished, come back and clean them up!

"Old man, hurry up, take these two bottles of Maotai to the director's house, send the certificate back, and go to the deed in the afternoon!"

Mrs. He took two bottles of Maotai from the room and kept urging Mr. He to do errands. She had to get the house fixed before Yan Xinya could react. As long as she had a house, what else would she be afraid of!

The old man's expression was very complicated. He didn't want to do this with his conscience, but he was afraid of being on the street. This selfish and cowardly old man finally did it. The reason he found for himself was—

The old woman is too fierce, he can't compete with the old woman.

The street director was quite cheerful~www.readwn.com~ received two bottles of good wine, and immediately gave them a certificate and stamped it with a bright red official seal. Madam He held the certificate, and half of her heart fell.

"Hurry up to eat, and go to the city to do errands after dinner. Hmph, as long as the old lady makes up the house deed, I will not be afraid of the emperor when he comes!"

Madam He was very confident, she put away the certificate carefully, cooked some noodles, and planned to go to the city after eating.

But Mrs. He was too happy. Although the relevant departments received her certificate, they said that it would still need to be reviewed by the above. After the formalities were completed, it would probably have to be delayed until a year later.

No matter how Mrs. He begged, that's what the people's department said, to handle it fairly and not to talk about personal feelings at all, Mrs. He had to come back unhappily, secretly praying that Yan Xinya didn't come so quickly, it is best to drag it on for ten It will take a day and a half to wait for her house deed to be filled before coming over!

But God was so busy that he didn't have time to pay attention to her. As soon as Mrs. He and Mr. He entered the house, Yan Xinya and the others came after them.

"Auntie, auntie, I haven't seen you for twelve years, you guys are doing well!" Yan Xinya looked at them coldly.

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