80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 557: Insomnia

In the evening, Zhao Yinghua came back from outside and heard that Meimei and the others showed their femininity in the He's house in the afternoon, not only did not accuse them, but praised Meimei greatly.

"Yes, my Zhao family's daughter should be like this, but my daughter, don't do anything you do in the future, let your brother go, and carefully hurt your hand!"

Zhao Yinghua took Meimei's hand to look left and right, seeing that there was no broken skin, and then she was relieved, and she told her not to do things by herself in the future, Zhao Xuelin also followed: "Yes, there is a brother here. Well, why don't you do it, little sister, it's all on your brother!"

Poor Meimei has never enjoyed this kind of warm-hearted treatment in her previous life and this life. At this time, she felt as if she had suddenly come to Africa from the Antarctic. Heavy heat waves hit her, which warmed her head to her feet and her heart.

The corners of her brows and eyes were a little wet, she had dreamed of the warmth for two lifetimes, and she finally got it in this lifetime.

Thank God!

"Thank you dad, thank you brother!"

Meimei sniffed, and the glutinous voice made the two men, one big and one small, extremely satisfied, especially enjoying the feeling of being relied on and trusted.

Zhao Yinghua blinked, and dubiously poked out his ears. Did he hear it right just now? Did his daughter call him Dad?

Seeing Zhao Yinghua's expression of cautiously wanting to ask but not daring to ask, her brows softened and her voice raised a little, "Thank you Dad!"

"Hey, what kind of politeness do you have in your own family? It's just right for me to do things for my daughter. If I have something to do, I just look for my father. As long as I don't pick the stars and the moon, my father can help you do it!"

Zhao Yinghua was so moved by his father that he almost cried in front of his daughter. Twelve years!

He finally waited until his daughter called him!

The sweet little padded jacket's voice calling Dad is really nice, a hundred times better than the son's!

Comrade Zhao Yinghua, who was captured by Meimei's sweet voice, instantly changed from a dignified deputy mayor to a small daughter slave in front of his daughter.

It's a pity that his daughter has grown up now. If it was a few years earlier, he could have let his daughter ride on his shoulders and take her to the Chenghuang Temple to watch a big play, and others would definitely envy him!

Zhao Xuelin was more proud than his father, because his sister called him brother first, and his father had to be in the back!

They were going to Kyoto the next day. In the evening, Yan Xinya and Zhao Yingnan packed their luggage together. When they came back from He's house, they went to the department store and bought several new clothes for Meimei, all of which were fashionable.

The night in the hostel was very quiet. Meimei suddenly lost sleep that night, and she couldn't sleep in bed. She was very uneasy.

I wonder if the relatives in Kyoto will like her?

I don't know what their personalities are like?

Do you get along well?

These are what Meimei is worried about~www.readwn.com~ The whole heart is raised in the air, even if Zhao Yinghua and Yan Xinya make any guarantees, it will be of no use, and they will not be able to get on the ground.

And she misses Yan Mingshun. She hasn't seen Yan Mingshun for a day. When she goes to Kyoto tomorrow, she won't see him for at least half a month. This fact makes her brows empty, and she doesn't know why.

The familiar Xixisuoso sounded from the window, and the ball of black bean, who was lying on the bed, blinked by the insomniac's eyebrows and tail, and cooed a few times, "Ouch!"

This guy is here, and if he doesn't come, the handsome tail of his uncle will be bald for the little master.

As long as he thinks that the beautiful tail that it uses to tease the beautiful mouse will become bald, Qiuqiu's heart will be filled. Open the window.

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