80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 558: Let's not be Mr. Dongguo

Meimei jumped out of bed in surprise and pushed all the windows open. The person she was missing just now appeared outside the window in an instant.

Yan Mingshun hugged the sewer pipe, with one foot on the windowsill, smiled slightly, exhaling white air from time to time.

"Brother Mingshun, come in!"

Meimei pulled Yan Mingshun into the house, worried, she was on the third floor, if her foot slipped and fell, her life might be lost.

She took out a hot water bottle from the quilt and stuffed it into Yan Mingshun to warm his hands. She couldn't help but accuse: "Brother Mingshun, don't do this in the future. When a thousand miles of horses stumble, if they fall, Breaking hands and legs is a trivial matter, but if it falls somewhere else, it will be troublesome!"

Seeing the little girl chattering and thinking, Yan Mingshun didn't feel annoyed at all, on the contrary, he was very relieved.

In this world, except for the grandmother and grandmother who care about his body so much, the little girl is the third one!

"It's okay, climbing stairs is easier than walking. Even if you fall, it won't break. I have learned kung fu."

Yan Mingshun couldn't help showing off in front of Meimei, after all, no matter how calm he was, he was only a sixteen-year-old boy.

It is the nature of every boy to show off his pride in front of the girl he likes, but Yan Mingshun didn't realize it at this time.

It was only at this moment that Meimei remembered that Yan Mingshun was a great leader in the future. He did not rely on any external force, but climbed up little by little by his own real skills. He could not do it without real skills.

"Then you have to be careful, even if you walk, you may break your head!"

Meimei said softly and softly, the ending sound was long and raised a few tunes, Yan Mingshun couldn't help digging his ears several times.

The little girl's voice is so nice, but her ears are always itchy!

"Well, I remembered, this money is for you, keep it well, don't tell anyone."

Yan Mingshun took out a bag of money from the pocket of his coat. It was the 500 yuan that Meimei had left in the Wu family, and he took it out.

Meimei didn't accept the money, but asked, "Brother Mingshun, do you have enough money for the New Year? If it's not enough, use all the money. I still have money on me, which my mother gave me."

As she said that, she also took out a stack of money from her pocket, about ten yuan, all of which were given to her by Yan Xinya.

Yan Mingshun put the money back to Meimei and said with a smile: "A few days ago I went to take back a few hundred dollars for rent, which is enough for the New Year's Eve. You should take this money carefully. Kyoto is a big place, so bring some more money with you. Peace of mind."

Meimei nodded and put the money in the drawer~www.readwn.com~ Yan Mingshun asked her something again. He asked her ingeniously, just wanting to know if Zhao Yinghua and Yan Xinya were good to her. Mei's answer made Yan Mingshun feel at ease.

Zhao Yinghua and his wife are a hundred times stronger than Wu Zhengsi and He Biyun, and Meimei will definitely live happily in their new home!

"Brother Mingshun, this afternoon we..."

Meimei couldn't help but shared her afternoon record with Yan Mingshun, and she said it with excitement, Yan Mingshun smiled slightly, with a look of doting in his eyes that he didn't even know he knew.

Now the little girl is full of vitality, and the corners of her eyes and brows do not have the haze before, which is really good!

"Brother Mingshun, do you think I'm bad?"

After talking for a long time, he didn't get a response from Yan Mingshun, his brows sank, and he looked at Yan Mingshun anxiously.

The little girl's big eyes were wet, apprehensive, worried, afraid... which made Yan Mingshun soft-hearted and turned into spring mud, he couldn't help reaching out and pinching his nose.

"Meimei is fine now, let's not be Mr. Dongguo."

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