80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 577: Don't be a mother-in-law

It turned out that Ouyang Shanshan's mother's original identity was the eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, that is, the ex-wife of the uncle Zhao Yingda who died on the battlefield.

It's just that Zhao Yingda is a gentleman. He knew that he was about to go to the battlefield. He didn't want to marry his fiancée, but the parents of the fiancée were unwilling. They said they would marry their daughter, saying that they wanted to stay with the Zhao family, just in case.

But Zhao Yingda didn't complete the marriage with his fiancee, Ouyang Shanshan's mother, and always kept the etiquette of a gentleman, because he was afraid of hurting other girls.

Later, when the bad news came, the old man Zhao and the old lady did not embarrass the girl and let her go back to their own house, and said that they would walk around like a daughter in the future.

Two years later, the girl married into the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family was also a red family, but its status was not as high as that of the Zhao family.

This girl is very good at doing things, and then she really regarded herself as the daughter of the Zhao family. She would come to the Zhao family to walk around during the festivals. The old man Zhao and the old lady still had some affection for her because of the sacrifice of the eldest son. of.

It's just that this woman has swelled a bit in recent years, mainly because she gave birth to a daughter fourteen years ago at an advanced age, namely Ouyang Shanshan.

That is, Zhao Xuegong and the others deliberately ran on Ouyang Shanshan and nicknamed her Ouyang Brown Bear. In fact, Ouyang Shanshan is still very beautiful, especially when she was a child, she was really like a doll. .

It was the first time that Mrs. Ouyang brought Ouyang Shanshan, who was one year old, to Zhao's house to play. Mrs. Zhao fell in love with this little girl who was like a dumpling.

It's just that Mr. Zhao didn't agree, and the matter was put on hold, but Mrs. Ouyang never gave up. She has been working hard for more than ten years to make her daughter the granddaughter of the Zhao family.

Zhao Xuehai snorted, "I really think of myself as a scallion, our grandparents haven't recognized it yet, and they say that he is the granddaughter of the Zhao family every day, but they still believe it blindly, touting the Ouyang brown bear to the point where to heaven."

Xiong Mumu sneered: "Now that the real princess of the Zhao family is back, let's see how this brown bear will say that he is the granddaughter of the Zhao family in the future."

Meimei asked curiously, "Why do you hate this Ouyang Shanshan so much?"

Ouyang Shanshan is good-looking and can act like a spoiled child. It should be very attractive to boys!

Why did her brothers turn around?

Zhao Xuegong rubbed his arms, made an exaggerated look, and imitated Ouyang Shanshan's expression and called out, "Learn Brother Lin!"

Zhao Xuelin shook violently~www.readwn.com~ angrily kicked over, "Learn to talk like that brown bear again, be careful I kick you to death."


Meimei followed Zhao Xuegong and they laughed backwards and forwards. Zhao Xuegong looked quite similar to him, but Ouyang Shanshan was just like that!

"Brother, Ouyang Shanshan, does she like you?" Meimei felt that she had discovered a great truth.

"Hey, Meimei, why are you so smart, doesn't that female brown bear just want to be the daughter-in-law of our family, Xuelin, hahaha!"

Zhao Xuehai and the others burst into laughter again, tears bursting out, Zhao Xuelin was so angry that he kicked him again.

Meimei thought that she might have a sister-in-law who pretends to be tender all day, her scalp is numb, and she immediately said, "Brother, you can't marry that Ouyang Shanshan as a wife, I don't want such a sister-in-law!"

"Eat your candied haws, don't listen to their nonsense!"

Zhao Xuelin's face was turning green, but the other party was his little sister, what else could he do!

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