80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 578: Again

It was only the second day that Meimei met with that Miss Ouyang Brown Bear again.

Mrs. Ouyang brought her daughter to pay New Year's greetings to the old man and the old lady of the Zhao family. They usually come only on the third or fourth day of the new year, but this year, they came on the second day of the new year. It can be seen that Ouyang Shanshan must have said something when she returned yesterday.

The mother and daughter were stimulated, and they hurried over to secure their position.

Mrs. Ouyang's surname is Huang and her name is Huang Yulian. Although her parents are also cadres in the army, they are not prominent people. Because she looks good, many high-ranking officials pursued her when she was young.

Although the current Mrs. Ouyang is a **** and a lot richer, she still has a special charm.

Ouyang Shanshan doesn't look like her mother. She doesn't look as good as her mother. She should look like her father. She doesn't look as soft as Mrs. Ouyang.

"Uncle, auntie, you are really, there is such a big happy event in the family, don't tell me a word, I have to listen to others to know."

Huang Yulian speaks slowly and slowly, and her voice is also very pleasant, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The old lady smiled and said, "It's enough for your family to know. Your Uncle Zhao is going to have a drink to celebrate, and you will come to drink when the time comes."

Huang Yulian groaned in her heart and gritted her teeth secretly. She had been flattering for so many years, but she was still just an outsider.

"Whatever Auntie said, I have always regarded myself as the Zhao family. Auntie, don't call me thick-skinned."

Huang Yulian smiled and flattered, and by the way, she also brought her relationship with the Zhao family closer.

It doesn't matter if your Zhao family doesn't admit it, as long as you don't deny it.

Zhao Yingnan snorted and choked: "Huang Yulian, your surname is Huang, and your man's surname is Ouyang. When did you become our Zhao family?"

Huang Yulian's complexion changed slightly. In the entire Zhao family, Zhao Yingnan was the one he most vexed. This former sister-in-law had the same tongue as a knife, and she never forgave anyone when she spoke.

"Ying Nan's temperament is as easy as when he was a girl. Although my surname is not Zhao, I really regard myself as Zhao's family. After all, I used to be with your eldest brother..."

Huang Yulian didn't say any more, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes, looking sad.

The old lady sighed, the smile on her face disappeared, and she looked at Huang Yulian with a little more guilt.

After all, it was a woman that the eldest son loved, and their Zhao family really couldn't handle Huang Yulian.

Although the eldest did not touch Huang Yulian, she was a married girl after all. It would be difficult to get married again. She could only marry the eldest widow of the Ouyang family.

When Zhao Yingnan saw the expression on the old lady's face, she knew that her mother was soft-hearted again~www.readwn.com~ Her parents were so coaxing, they always thought of others too well.

That's why Huang Yulian, a woman, rubbed so much light on their family.

"Huang Yulian, if you really love my eldest brother, you should guard for my eldest brother. It's only been less than half a year since my eldest brother was gone, and it's unclear whether you are hooking up with men outside. Are you worthy of my eldest brother?"

Zhao Yingnan didn't want to say these things about Chen Zhi's rotten millet and hurt the old lady's heart, so she didn't say it for so many years.

But in recent years, Huang Yulian has become more and more arrogant. If she doesn't reveal the true face of this woman, she is afraid that the old lady will be coaxed by this woman and want to accept her granddaughter.

Huang Yulian screamed badly, but she didn't show it on her face. She just looked at the old lady with red eyes and said that she could swear to God that she had never done anything wrong to Zhao Yingda.

If she did those things, let her go out and be hit by a car and killed by lightning!

Zhao Ying's masculine heart, liver and lungs are aching, and she is not afraid of taking a poisonous oath. This woman is so shameless!

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