80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 727: A royal home

The biggest change of Miss Xiao in the past two years is her crazy growth. She is the same year as Meimei, but she is a head taller than her. Visually, it is 165 cm. If it grows further, it is estimated that it will be at least 170 cm.

"Aiya, why are you growing taller again? If you grow this tall again, I won't be your friend anymore."

Meimei stood on tiptoe and compared her chin. She was obviously taller in this life than in her previous life. She is already 156 cm tall now. It is estimated that 165 cm will be fine in the future. In her previous life, she was only 160 cm tall until she died. centimeters!

Just the height that made her proud, she was turned into scum by bleak seconds.

Xiao Se hooked his eyebrows on his shoulders affectionately, and said coolly, "I'm just right now, so it's not hard to hold your shoulders at all, and I'm still working hard during the New Year!"

Meimei giggled, took out a colorful sun hat from her bag, and said, "Look at the hat I put on the Queen Mother, she will definitely like it."

The corners of Xiao Se's lips rose, and she was very happy that her friends could accept her pets. She smiled slightly and said, "The queen mother is afraid of the heat, so she went to the lake to take a bath, and she can come back after playing enough."

"Then I'll go to see the king and the concubine first, and Cha Cha also misses them."

"Okay, the king is not in the incubator during the day now. He likes to go to the garden to steal flowers and eat them. He even lets them harm some flowers. He doesn't listen to what he says. He will teach him a lesson later."

When Xiao Se said it, fire came. Her favorite sunflower garden was almost finished by the king, and she was reluctant to teach the king a lesson. It was just right that the king was most afraid of tea, maybe he could save some sunflowers!

The two good friends talked and walked sweetly, completely forgetting the two behind them, Xiong Mumu and the little fat man were dumbfounded.

King, Queen Mother and Concubine?

The queen mother likes to take a bath, the king likes to pick flowers, what the **** is going on!

And this girl surnamed Xiao, their eyes widened, but they didn't realize that this guy is a mother, the front is flat, and the back is flat, what's the difference with them?

The two complained about it, but they still had to envy this non-male and female bleak family. Just like the palace on TV, the rockery, garden, pavilion, promenade, like a park, I'm afraid I have to do hygiene. How many people!

"Xiong Mumu, what's the origin of this family? How can I follow the palace?" Wu Chao asked in a low voice, sighing that Kyoto is indeed a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Looking at the posture of this Xiao family, I'm afraid it's not a small family. !

"Master Xiao Yan knows? It's this desolate grandfather, her father is more famous, Xiao Jingming, have you heard of it?" Xiong Mumu lowered his voice and briefly introduced the background of the Xiao family.

Wu Chao has never heard of Xiao Jingming~www.readwn.com~ He has never been interested in Western things, and he doesn't pay attention to it, but Xiao Yan knows it!

This master is amazing. Not only has he been immersed in Chinese painting for many years, but he also has deep attainments in rhythm, calligraphy, opera, and archaeology. No wonder!

Wu Chao was suddenly solemn, and he walked upright, Master Xiao's house, he can't be arrogant!

Xiong Mumu didn't despise his friend's respect at all, sneered, and said, "Why are you so nervous, Master Xiao can't afford to live in such a nice house, he lives in Tsinghua Garden."

Wu Chao immediately got up at will, and suddenly said: "I see, this is the home of Xiao Se and her parents."

"No, only Xiao Se lives here, her parents have their own land, oh, in short, I can't explain the Xiao family in a few words, I'll tell you in detail at night, tsk, I'm afraid it will last three days and three nights. I can't finish talking!"

Xiong Mumu shook her head as she spoke, she really didn't like Miss Feng and Xiao Jingming!

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