80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 728: isn't it my cousin?

Xiong Mumu knows more about the Xiao family than Meimei. First, he grew up in Kyoto, and of course he has heard many gossips in this circle. Second, his mother and Miss Feng are good best friends, and Zhao Yingnan will often be with Dad Xiong. Talking about the Xiao family, after a long time, he will know about the Xiao family.

In general, Xiong Mumu is quite sympathetic to the bleak girl, and it is really a very hard thing to meet such an out-of-control parents!

Xiong Mumu suddenly understood why Xiao Se refused to go out for many years!

Probably tired!

Or is it disdain for some ordinary and stupid people!

Meimei and Xiao Se went to the back garden, and Xiong Mumu and Wu Chao had to follow. They also learned how sacred the king was, and the queen dowager concubine!

The backyard is much bigger than the front yard. There is a lotus pond. The lush lotus leaves cover the water. Straighten his eyes.

"If I could live in such a house, I would be fine without going out for a year!" Wu Chao murmured enviously.

The quaintness of Xiao Se's house and the deep courtyard gave him a knowing blow, hit his G-spot, and gave him his future goals.

More than ten years later, Wu Chao, who became famous, personally designed a beautiful and illusory Jiangnan garden residence. Except for work trips, he lived in the big mansion at other times, and the nine cows could not be pulled away.

"Thurse, do you have a boat here? Why don't we row to the middle of the lotus pond to rest in the cool."

As soon as she saw the lotus pond, Meimei couldn't help thinking of that night in Mojia Village, her face burned for no reason.

"There's a boat, wait a minute, I'll have someone pull the boat out and bring the tea and snacks onto the boat."

Xiao Se was also very moved, and immediately beckoned to call a young girl standing far away, and asked her to ask someone to arrange all the matters of the cruise.

There are more than a dozen workers who serve Xiao Se. Among them, the housekeeper and the cook are sent by Xiao Se’s grandmother, and they are also a couple. They are servants of Xiao Se’s grandmother’s family. The other workers are temporarily trained by the housekeeper. It can be seen that, The bleak housekeeper is very capable, the Xiao family is in good order, and the workers are very disciplined.

The efficiency is even more first-class, and soon the housekeeper brought a group of workers to pull the boat out, and the chubby and amiable cook aunt also brought freshly baked cream biscuits and fragrant black tea, one by one. on board.

The Xiao family has a dedicated boatman~www.readwn.com~ and also a part-time gardener. He is a man in his 40s and 50s. He works in the Xiao family with his family. He is very skilled in boating. In the middle of the lotus pond, he huddled at the end of the boat, silent, a man who obeyed the rules.

Wu Chao felt the gentle breeze, and then admired the rolling blue waves and the naturally carved lotus flowers. He suddenly became very poetic and wrote an impromptu poem.

Xiao Se looked up and saw Xiong Mumu and Wu Chao. He was stunned for a while, and blurted out, "Who are these two people? How did they follow?"

Xiong Mumu was in a hurry, this surnamed Xiao is inauthentic, he and Fatty have been wandering in front of her for half an hour, and now he says he doesn't know?

They just don't exist?

Mei Mei patted his forehead, "Oh, I forgot to introduce you, this is my cousin Xiong Mumu, this is my friend Wu Chao, this is Xiao Se, it's a coincidence, the four of us have birthdays in the same year. Woolen cloth!"

Xiao Se stared at Xiong Mumu for a long time, and suddenly said, "Meimei, are you sure it's my cousin, not my cousin?"

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