80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 769: poor uncle

The eyebrows were so angry that they slapped Yan Mingshun hard, and said angrily: "Hurry up and buy me a bottle of ice soda!"

Yan Mingshun went out with a smile. In the future, his daughter-in-law had an order, so he naturally had to obey. By the way, he also bought a few popsicles for himself and made a fire.

When passing by the duty room on the first floor, Yan Mingshun glanced inside. Zhao Xuelin stood obediently against the wall, not daring to put a fart. Yan Mingshun smiled complacently, walked lightly, and went to buy popsicles.

With sharp eyes, Zhao Xuelin saw Yan Mingshun and the smug smile on his face. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"It must be that stinky hooligan. I can't stop with him!" Zhao Xuelin said with hatred.

Xiong Mumu is powerless. He is pitiful that he is just recovering from a serious illness. It is not good to stay at home and sleep well. He has to follow this group of people out to hang out.

"Stand up for me. If you do something wrong at a young age, you will become a thief? If I were your parents and interrupted your dog's legs, why would I not be convinced? If it wasn't for your young age, I would definitely Report to the police, don't make fun of me, I won't do anything with you, don't stand for three hours, don't think I'll let you go!"

The upright hostess administrator taught them a lesson in a righteous manner, spitting all over Zhao Xuelin and the others.

The ecstasy smell of scallions rushed to the face, and the smoke almost made them faint, wanting to cry without tears.

Yan Mingshun bought popsicles and soda and came back. He bought a dozen or so for the uncles who were punished to stand. Don't pass out on a hot day.

After all, he is the future eldest brother, so he still has to have a good relationship!

"Uncle has worked hard. I met an old lady with white hair selling popsicles on the road just now. I bought more, but I can't finish it myself. Uncle, please help me eat some!"

Yan Mingshun handed the popsicle to the administrator, and the arrogant middle-aged man immediately swallowed his refusal at the throat.

"Little comrade is really a lively Lei Feng with a warm heart. Why don't I give you the money."

"It's boring for uncle to give money, but it's just a few popsicles. I have to live here for a long time, and I have to be taken care of by uncle in the future."

Yan Mingshun was very good at talking, and with just a few words, the administrator was so excited that he accepted the popsicle, which naturally gave Yan Mingshun a better impression, and it really gave a lot of convenience after that.

Zhao Xuelin glared at Yan Mingshun fiercely, but he didn't shout out, he was a shameful man, he just told the administrator a fake name, so Yan Mingshun couldn't let Yan Mingshun know and laugh at him.

Yan Mingshun raised his eyebrows~www.readwn.com~ happily picked up the two bottles of soda and went upstairs, leaving the poor uncles behind.

The administrator ate one by himself, and gave the rest to Zhao Xuelin and the others, not forgetting the lesson: "Look, how good-hearted people are, you can't learn something? What's wrong, do this kind of stealing. thing..."

Zhao Xuelin and the others just happened to be hot, and the popsicles were really helpful. Several people licked the popsicles hungry and automatically blocked the administrator's nagging.

This guy must be too bored, so he deliberately brought them here to lecture, sick!

The effect of ice soda is still good. After two bottles of ice are applied, the redness and swelling have subsided a lot.

As for the soda, of course, Yan Mingshun drank it all, and not a single drop was allowed. Someone was watching over it!

"Don't waste it!"

Meimei stared at Yan Mingshun with a wicked smile. She was intentional. Whoever asked Yan Mingshun to kiss her mouth swollen, let him drink soda that he didn't like.

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