80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 770: Panic

Yan Mingshun had no choice but to finish it, his stomach was full of gas, and the burps that came out were all soda-smelling!

He looked at the grinning girl and couldn't help but scratched her nose again, "Little rascal!"

Wrinkling her nose dissatisfied, she slapped her with a slap, "Don't scratch my nose, it will collapse."

"Don't be afraid, I'll squeeze it for you again when it collapses." Yan Mingshun squeezed it again, so angry that he bit his brows and brows. He looked very hard, but when he touched his fingers, he took back his strength. Like tickling, for Yan Mingshun, it was more like **.

Yan Mingshun's eyes darkened, he pulled his finger back very quickly, he couldn't let the little villain tempt him anymore, otherwise even if he poured ten bottles of ice soda, he wouldn't be able to calm down.

"Meimei, talk about what happened yesterday."

Yan Mingshun decided to start talking about serious things to distract him, otherwise he would suffer in the end.

Meimei explained the matter in detail and complained, "My grandmother was so confused, she was coaxed by Huang Yulian, and she didn't believe me at all. She insisted that I had misunderstood others. Yesterday it made me mad."

Then she proudly spoke of her great achievements, bit her lower lip and said bitterly, "Anyway, if there is Ouyang Shanshan in the future, there will be no me, and the two of us are incompatible."

Yan Mingshun looked at the girl who was gnashing her teeth with a funny look, obviously he made her pretend to be pitiful yesterday and try to say that he was wronged as much as possible, but this girl is really good, and it is really stupid to have **** with the old lady of the Zhao family!

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao is sensible, otherwise it would have been self-defeating yesterday!

"Is Meimei still blaming your grandma?" Yan Mingshun asked.

She raised her eyebrows and nodded lightly. In front of Yan Mingshun, she had nothing to hide. She whispered, "Grandma, she doesn't believe me. I feel uncomfortable. In her heart, Ouyang Shanshan is more important."

"Silly girl, how could your grandma like Ouyang Shanshan more? She must prefer her granddaughter. There may be other reasons why she doesn't believe you."

Yan Mingshun patiently persuaded him, although he also felt that the old lady's actions were unwise, but he was more rational than Meimei and knew that it was even more unwise to fight against the old lady, which really fulfilled the wishes of Huang Yulian's mother and daughter.

These two mothers and daughters are afraid that Meimei and the old lady will have sex!

Meimei knew what Yan Mingshun meant, but she was just sad, and hummed and acted like a spoiled child: "Anyway, I don't want to talk to her these days, I'm not a soft bread with no temper~www.readwn.com~ Well, my family Meimei is small and has a big temper, so you are allowed to be angry for a few days, and then you have to calm down in a few days, but you can't always be stubborn." Yan Mingshun said with a smile.

"I know, I'm not stupid." Meimei hummed dissatisfiedly, and said, "Brother Mingshun, my grandfather told you to go home for dinner at night."

Yan Mingshun didn't expect the old man to agree so quickly, he couldn't help but be stunned for a few seconds, then panicked and said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

What a silly girl, he didn't say such important things. He should have known earlier that the old chief would invite him to dinner, where would he still be in the mood to touch his future daughter-in-law?

He didn't eat bear's heart and leopard's guts anymore!

Meimei was very puzzled by Yan Mingshun's panic, "Brother Mingshun, why are you nervous? It's just a meal. My grandfather is very good, ah... Brother Mingshun, why are you going?"

Yan Mingshun frowned and walked out in a hurry.

"Go buy gifts, you can't go empty-handed!"

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