After that, the nurse came in to collect blood. After collecting blood, Ji Zhengting feeds song Qingcheng something.

When she heard that song Qingcheng woke up, she rushed back to the ward.

When she came back, the door of the ward was not closed. At a glance, she saw song Qingcheng leaning on the bed. She looked pale and not in good spirits.

To tell the truth, for so many years, let a girl with a child out for so many years, no one felt sorry to others.

Song Qingcheng saw a dark shadow at the door, turned his face slightly, and saw that the stepmother had come in. There was a trace of shock in the fundus of the eye.

"You Are you awake? " It's a bit unnatural.

Song Qingcheng just nodded.

"That..." The stepmother couldn't find anything to say. She glimpsed the food on the table and said, "well, have you eaten yet? Would you like something to eat? "

"It's been eaten."

"Zheng Ting? Isn't he always with you? "

"I was found by Lu Qing."

The stepmother couldn't find any other topics, so she sat down in front of the bed. Hands intertwined, tangled for a long time, but also embarrassed for a long time, then said, "Qing Cheng, these years, we are really sorry for you and the children No, no, no, it's our family that's sorry for you and the kids, you Don't blame us for being angry. "

Song Qingcheng didn't make a sound.

How can she think about that now? What if it's weird? No wonder what?

As long as the child is safe, she has nothing else to ask for.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the stepmother felt resentment in her heart. Then she said, "well, it's really not Zhengting's fault that Zhengting married Ying Xueer. It's all forced by the old man. You know the old man's temper. When you heard the messy news outside, your blood pressure soared to more than 200, and you almost didn't rescue him. It was not easy to rescue him. You forced Zheng ting to marry Ying Xueer. Zhengting doesn't agree. The old man is furious. He waves his crutch to beat Zhengting to death and confiscates his phone. All the telephone lines and Internet lines at home are cut off. Zhengting lies at home and burns for several days and nights unconscious. Until yesterday, he was forced to go to the auditorium by the old man's people. "

Song Qingcheng looked at the stepmother and was slightly shocked.

It turns out that Ji Zhengting's freedom is really limited, just like Xin Yue's analysis. No wonder no one was able to reach him in those days. Gao Xin also called her at the meeting that day, not Ji Zhengting himself.

Just listen to the stepmother continue to say: "the old man because of this matter, now at home is also self reproach, do not eat or drink.". I'm sorry. "

"Auntie, please go back and persuade grandfather not to blame himself. I don't blame him." Song Qingcheng can imagine the old man's mood now. I've been looking forward to having a great grandson, but now I'm looking forward to it, but the child who has been injured by all kinds of mistakes will go to the hospital. The old man must feel bad.

No one would have thought of such a thing. It can only be said that it was a disaster arranged by heaven.


What the stepmother said next shocked her and made her incredible.

"To tell you the truth, it's not all the fault of the old man. Blame or blame that Ying Xueer's scheming is too heavy. She didn't admit that Zheng Ting had fallen asleep, and she was irresponsible to her. She also made up a pretext to say that she was pregnant with Zheng Ting's child, so the old man had to agree to their forced marriage. Yesterday, the police station called and said that Ying Xueer was not pregnant at all, and she colluded with the staff in the community where you live to lock you in the elevator deliberately, trying to suffocate your mother and son. Thanks to Xin Yue and Jing Ting's early discovery, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. "

So far, the heart of the stepmother hasn't slowed down. I'm afraid when I think about it.

Song Qingcheng was shocked. "Do you mean that it was not an accident that I was shut in the elevator with my children, but man-made?"

"It's true. After you were sent to the hospital, the security guard who locked you in the elevator realized that something had happened and wanted to run away. Later, he was caught by other colleagues, and he was scared to tell the truth. Don't worry, it will be because the culprit Xueer has been arrested by the police. She'll have to go to jail for the rest of her life. "

Song Qingcheng shuddered. The whole person seemed to be thrown into the ice pool all at once. He was cold all over.

All kinds of murderers in the world are heard and seen on TV. However, when we meet them in real life and experience them by ourselves, that kind of fear, that kind of afterfear

I'm afraid only those who have experienced it will know.

At this time, Ji Zhengting came back. Seeing his stepmother sitting by the bed, song Qingcheng was also awake. He was obviously stunned.

Three years ago, he never dreamed that this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would one day be able to sit together and chat peacefully like this.

"Zheng Ting, are you back?" When the stepmother saw her son coming back, she stood up.

Ji Zhengting came in, "Mom, you will also go to have a rest. I'll just be here."

Ji Zhengting is also worried that her health will be unbearable.

"How can I do that? I have to tell my grandson a story when he is ready for treatment. I tell you, the Housekeeper will bring me a lot of good story books later. I have to memorize them and tell them to my grandson. " What the stepmother said seems to be true.Looking at his mother's exuberant appearance, Ji Zhengting didn't say anything. Just went to the bedside to song Qingcheng asked: "how do you feel?"

Song Qingcheng shook his head, "when can children be treated well? Do you have anything to tell Lu Qing? "

"The treatment is not bad. It will be over in about half an hour. However, Lu Qing arranged for us to go to see the children in the afternoon, because after the treatment, the children need enough time to rest. "

"Good." After hearing his words, song Qingcheng nodded at ease, "that Did Lu Qing say when the child will wake up? "

"About two or three days, the specific need to see the child's recovery." Actually, the danger period is two or three days. However, he did not dare to tell her the truth.

"But can children's body stand it if they don't eat or drink for so many days?" Song Qingcheng was very worried. Small steamed stuffed bun usually so greedy, this will be a few days do not eat or drink, also not greedy bad.

"Don't worry, let's use the nutrition needle for a few days." There is no better way. If he can, he would rather suffer this crime for his child, even if it is ten times, twenty times or many times more serious.

Song Qingcheng knows that he also loves his child, and may even be more anxious than her, so he doesn't embarrass him any more, "then you can take advantage of this meeting to have a rest. I'm fine here."

"Yes, I'm taking care of you here, son. Go to sleep quickly. I haven't had a sound sleep these days and nights." The stepmother quickly followed.

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