"It's OK. I'm not tired." Ji Zhengting doesn't want their mother and son to leave his sight for a second now. Once they leave, he always feels insecure.

"How can you not be tired? You're not made of steel. You still have injuries on your body, and you don't want to rest. If you also fall down, who will look after you and your children in the future? " Season mother thunderbolt Bala said.

Ji Zhengting said nothing. Just looking at Song Qingcheng. The eyes were full of heaviness and guilt.

Song Qingcheng also looked at him and saw through what he was thinking. She moved towards the bed and said to him, "just lie down next to me for a while. I'll call you when the child is ready for treatment. "

The stepmother excites, "that There's no more water. I'll get some. "

It's a good time for the couple to get in touch with each other. What's she doing here. Get out of the way and let your son take Qingcheng and grandson home as soon as possible.

The stepmother left the ward happily with a full pot of water. Go outside, may be the kettle did not take well, the nurse said to her: "aunt, you have spilled the water in this kettle."

Ji Zhengting and song Qingcheng look at each other, and they both smile.

Where is this to get water? It's clearly making room for them.

Ji Zhengting lay down beside her. As soon as his back touched the bed, he let out a hissing sound, his eyebrows closed tightly, then moved his body over and lay on his side.

Song Qingcheng looked at him in pain and saw a little blood on the shirt behind him. It suddenly occurred to me that the stepmother said he was beaten by the old man.

"Zheng Ting, are you hurt?" She asked him. I'm afraid it's a broken wound.

"Nothing." He closed his eyes and held her in his arms.

"It seems to be bleeding." Song Qingcheng could see that he was tired, as if he was going to sleep with his eyes closed. However, she was still worried about his injury.

The stepmother said that he was almost killed by the old man and burned for several days and nights.

"Nothing." His voice was lighter than just now, as if he was about to fall asleep.

In his heart, no matter how serious the injury was, it was not as important as their mother and son.

Song's face is very tired, and he looks very tired. Over the night, the beard also came out, he did not clean up, the whole person looked more and more haggard.

She just saw a razor in the bathroom, but he didn't clean it. Must be very tired, or very busy, or has been guarding their own, so not even time to clean up the beard.

He's asleep. He's sleeping like a log. She reached over and stroked his brow. Subconsciously, her hand was held by him. Her hand was slightly stiff, thinking that she had awakened him. But, No.

He just took her hand, put it on his mouth, and gently kissed her. After a while, like talking in a dream, murmured, "don't leave me again..."

Song Qingcheng's eyes were hot, and big tears fell out of his eyes. She held him tightly in her arms and said in a choking voice, "no, never again."

After another disaster, let her understand the meaning of life, also let her know the value of time. She has missed him in her 20 years' career. She finally met and fell in love with each other, but separated more than 1000 days and nights. She didn't want to miss it again. She will spend every day, every minute, every second with him in the future.

We should make up for those regretful days in our later life. Give your child a complete home, give yourself an account and give him an account.

Ji Zhengting seemed to hear her words, and sighed with ease.


Unconsciously, song Qingcheng also fell asleep beside him. When I wake up, I find that the position I used to hold him to sleep is now being held by him.

Watching him sleep so deeply, she couldn't bear to wake him up.

Although she has had a hard time these days, it can be imagined that he must have had a worse time.

Embarrassment, embarrassment, worry, helplessness, indignation, and accompanied by illness

It's all tormenting him.

While worrying about her and her children, she has no choice but to be forced to die by the old man, as well as the indignation against Xueer's behavior

And he can do very little.

Between filial piety and emotion, he chose filial piety first.

She doesn't blame him!

Because if the old man is really angry, he may not forgive himself in his life, and she has no face to face the ancestors of the Ji family.

And she, being betrayed is only temporary. People who can really understand each other will tolerate each other's everything.

Even if such an accident happened, it was unexpected. She doesn't complain, she doesn't resent, she just asks God to forgive her children and save them.

I don't know how long later, there was a noise outside.

Song Qingcheng heard it. It was the voice of the stepmother, as if there was an old lady.

This point, should be to send them lunch.She looked at the sleeping man and giggled. Still can't bear to wake him, she tried to move out of his arms, but don't want to, she just a little move, he hugged his arm to tighten. The harm of she was held in the past, lips, no sign on his lips.


Without waiting for her to step back, she heard the voice of the man joking, "if you want to kiss me, you can be aboveboard, I'm not so stingy."

Men just wake up voice dumb, with a little nasal, good to hear people dizzy.

Song Qingcheng blushed. Hastily back away, looking at his smile, she said, "who's going to kiss you? It's just that you suddenly hold people tightly and accidentally bump into them. "

This man, clearly awake, still pretends to sleep.

"You did, and now I'm going to touch it back." Then he would kiss her.

"Well, grandma, they seem to be outside."

Hearing her words, Ji Zhengting's kiss stopped a centimeter away from her lips. He gave up kissing her when he saw that there was someone shaking at the door.

"Write it down here and make it up in the evening." He rolled out of bed.

Song Qingcheng gives him a silent look. However, when she saw him on his back, there was a trace of pain in her eyes. Want to say something, but at this time, the ward door was pushed open from the outside.

"Zheng Ting, are you awake?" The stepmother pushed the door in. Followed by the old lady and the housekeeper.

Ji Zhengting nodded.

Song Qingcheng felt a lot when she saw the white haired old lady. The old lady saw her with tears in her eyes. She felt guilty and remorseful.

Feeling ashamed to face the child, the old lady turned around and left.

"Ma, what are you doing? I've been arguing to see sun's daughter-in-law in the early morning. Why did I come and go? " The stepmother grabbed the old lady.

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