At this time, the mobile phone on the coffee table suddenly rings. The housekeeper takes a look at it. It's Mr. Ji's mobile phone. He takes it and gives it to Ji Zhengting.

Ji Zhengting slowly took a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth. Then he picked up the phone and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Sir, Mr. Winnie will arrive at the airport at nine o'clock on time. If he picks up, he can leave now." Gao Xin's voice came from the phone.

"You take people to pick up the plane, arrange accommodation, show them around the company, and postpone the meeting in the morning to the afternoon." Ji Zhengting said.

"But isn't the time fixed?" Gao Xin's tone is full of doubt.

"Don't let me repeat it twice. Do as I say." Ji Zhengting just hung up.

The housekeeper thought that his husband was in a bad mood, but the next moment, his idea was dismissed.

"Housekeeper, help me prepare a breakfast to go." Ji Zhengting left a message and left the table.

“……” The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, and then hurried into the kitchen.

I don't know who you will send breakfast to this morning?

The point is, he really can't think of anyone who has such a great charm and can let their husband personally serve?

Could it be that Miss song?

The housekeeper didn't dare to guess or neglect. It's too late. It's time for lunch.

The housekeeper takes out the packed breakfast. Ji Zhengting has changed his clothes and shoes. He seems to be waiting for the breakfast, but it seems to be just ready.

The housekeeper gave him the breakfast. Without saying anything, he took the breakfast and left the villa. He got on the bus at the door and left.


Song Qingcheng put himself in the quilt and fell asleep. When she was sleepy, she felt a slight pain in her stomach. She suddenly felt bad and suddenly woke up.

If my guess is good, it should be a visit from relatives. She got out of bed, covered her stomach and rushed into the bathroom.

Sure enough, it was relatives who visited. Oh, no, it's too early or too late. It's just this time.

Fortunately, Xin Yue just called and said that she would arrive soon, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

While she was still thinking, she heard the sound of opening the door outside. It must be Xin Yue.

This woman is fast enough.

"Xinyue, is that you?" Song Qingcheng asked himself, "that My relatives are here. Can you help me buy a bag of sanitary napkins? I have some change in my bag. "

Ji Zhengting has a good step. Eyes down to the light of the bathroom.

Relatives? cotton wool?

If he didn't know something about tampons, he might have thought that her family had relatives coming.

"Xin Yue?" Song Qingcheng did not wait for a reply, and called again.

Or did not wait for the echo, just heard a sound of closing the door, probably Xinyue heard, went out to buy her.

A few minutes later, the door of the ward was opened again. Song Qingcheng knew that Xin Yue was coming back, so he said to her, "you hang it on the doorknob of the bathroom. I'll take it myself."

Then I felt someone coming and heard the sound of plastic bags.

Song Qingcheng estimates that after Xinyue has gone away, he opens the bathroom door and brings in the bag hanging on the doorknob.

But Do you want to be so heavy?

As a result, after lifting the bag in, she was confused.

In the bag, at least several brands of sanitary cotton, some of different models also bought a bag, a dozen bags.

If you don't know, you will doubt whether this is bought by a woman?

Xin Yue is also a woman. Do you want to know this common sense?

It's killing her with her money.

Song Qingcheng was annoyed when he was distressed. He knew that he had put some paper on his own and went down to buy it.

Forget it, you don't need to buy this year's tampons.

Finally, she found a brand she used to use.

When she came out of the bathroom, she found that the ward was still empty. How about Xin yueren?

"Xin Yue "Xinyue?" Song Qingcheng called twice. See the breakfast on the table again, brought by Xin Yue?

Where did this man go without a word?

Breakfast is still here. Maybe she went out to wash her hands.

Song Qingcheng takes the breakfast and opens it. Because I had a little meal at six last night, and I've been hungry for a long time.

Open breakfast, and surprised to find that all their favorite breakfast.

There are white porridge, tea egg, scallion cake and milk steamed bread, even her favorite pickled radish.


How does this breakfast feel so familiar?

"Qing Cheng, I'm coming." At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside, this time it was Xin Yue.

"Xinyue, where have you been?" Song Qingcheng looked at her, how can she feel something wrong?"Where can I go in the morning? I'll buy you breakfast." When Xin Yue came in and put the breakfast on the table, she found the breakfast on the table.

In a daze, she looks at Song Qingcheng. The eyes seem to complain: have breakfast you did not say?

Song Qingcheng was also confused.

"No Where did you get this breakfast? " Song Qingcheng could not return to the state completely.

Xinyue was asked by her mouth, "you ask me, I ask who? Haven't you been in the ward all the time? Don't you know anyone has been here? "

Song Qingcheng blinked. She also wanted to ask, who was that?

"So you didn't buy this bag of tampons?" Song Qingcheng showed her the big bag of sanitary napkins.

"Are you still awake? How can I say something that I can't understand? " Xin Yue was confused by her.

"Wait a minute." Song Qingcheng left his words and rushed out. She ran to the information desk, and there was a nurse on duty. She went to the desk and asked, "excuse me, did you see anyone coming into my ward?"

There are not many VIP wards upstairs. There are only three on this floor, and no one lives in the other two. That is to say, there is only one patient on this floor.

"Isn't there a girl just in?" Said the nurse.

"I mean before her."

The little nurse thought for a moment, "Oh, I remember. Just now, a handsome man did come, but he came out soon after he went in. Soon after he left, he came up with a big bag of things. I don't know if you asked him? "

"Is he tall, cold and expressionless?" Song Qingcheng's first thought was Ji Zhengting.

She couldn't think of anyone but him. In other words, when she saw the breakfast just now, she subconsciously thought of Ji's family and him.

"That's the handsome guy who sent you to the hospital that day. By the way, who is that handsome guy? How did he dress like that that that day? " When it comes to the level of male god, the little nurse has a peach heart in her eyes.

"Oh, he's the waiter at the sweat shop." Song Qingcheng remembered that they were all wearing clothes from the sweat shop that night, so he could only make a perfunctory remark.

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