"Waiter?" The nurse was shocked, and then asked anxiously, "which steam shop, please let me know."

Is such a handsome and temperamental man a waiter? Make sure you hook up.

"Sorry, it's not convenient for me to disclose." Song Qingcheng was excited. With the little nurse smile, quickly back to the ward.

Just entering the ward, Xin Yue complained again, "what are you doing? Mysterious. "

"You eat first. I'll make a phone call." Song Qingcheng goes to the sofa with her mobile phone. She must make sure whether it is Ji Zhengting or not.

Xin Yue is so confused by her that she doesn't care about her.

Song Qingcheng dials the phone, but it rings several times and doesn't get through. By the time of the fifth sound, she was already disheartened and wanted to hang up.

But at this time, the phone was connected again, and then, the man's low voice came, "what's the matter?"

Maybe it's because of his cold. His voice is a little hoarse. It sounds special and pleasant.

"That Did you come just now? " Song Qingcheng originally thought that he would not be nervous, but after he opened his mouth, he still had a pause.

"By the way." The tone is cold and light.

Song Qingcheng sent him a word -- pretend!

"Did you bring breakfast?" Song Qingcheng knew it and asked it.

But this sentence asked out, waiting for the silence on the phone.

Song Qingcheng worried that he might hang up the next second, so he quickly asked, "also, did you buy the tampon just now?"

This sentence asked out, she felt her face red, heart beat also followed disorderly for several times.

However, the phone was silent for several seconds, which made song Qingcheng feel that it was longer than a few hours.

"Let the nurse help." For a long time, the voice of Ji Zhengting came again.

“…… Really? " Song Qingcheng obviously didn't believe it.

"I have something else to do, first of all." Ji Zhengting cut off the phone in a hurry.

Song Qingcheng chuckles at the broken mobile phone. She can imagine Ji Zhengting's embarrassment now. She must be very embarrassed.

This man is just dying for face and suffering. Mingming helped others, but refused to admit it.

"You're all smiling Xin Yue didn't know when she was behind her and was looking at her with her head tilted.

Song Qingcheng was shocked, and recovered from his thoughts just now, "aren't you eating? When did you come here? There was no movement at all. It startled me

Xin Yue looks innocent, "please, am I going well? It's you who are absent-minded and patronize and smirk. Tell me honestly, what makes you so happy? "

Xin Yue points at her, a pair of don't ask after all don't give up posture.

"Nothing. Let's eat." Song Qingcheng walked towards the table, with a smile on her face.

Xin Yue followed, boldly said: "it must be your big boss who surprised you?"

This sentence seems to be a question, but with a very positive tone.

Song Qingcheng glanced at her and said nothing.

"No denying is acquiescence." Xin Yue laughed at her, "he brought these breakfasts, didn't he? Also, he bought so many sanitary napkins, didn't he? "

Song Qingcheng's face was slightly red, but her mouth was unforgiving. "When did you become such a gossip?"

Xin Yue "ha" laughs and complacently says: "I'm not rare to ask me to gossip about other people's affairs. If you were not my best friend, I would not care about you. "

"Well, I'll trouble you. Come on, eat more. " Song Qingcheng peeled her a tea egg.

"I can't afford to eat Ji's breakfast. I'd better eat the street stalls I bought myself." Xin Yue took the fried dough sticks she bought and took a bite, deliberately souring her.

“……” Song Qingcheng knew that she was angry. She had no choice but to compromise. "OK, miss, I admit that Ji Zhengting brought me breakfast and tampons."

"OK, it seems that you are not the only one who is interested. Someone seems to be fascinated by you." Xin Yue patted her on the shoulder, picked her eyebrows, and really looked at her with new eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense. Just now, the situation was special. When he came, I was in the bathroom. I thought it was you, so I said that my relatives came and needed sanitary napkins. If I had known it was him just now, I would not have said it even if I had killed him. " What song Qingcheng said is absolutely true.

"Are you content? How many men in the world are willing to buy that for women?" Xin Yue reproached her.

"It's not buying a bomb. It's no fuss." Song Qingcheng murmured, but she didn't like it.

Xinyue really struggled, "so tell me, how many men have bought sanitary napkins for you so far? Including Zhou Shaojing. You've been talking about it for three years. Did he buy it for you? "

Song Qingcheng thought for a moment, not to mention the tampons. She didn't even buy an ice cream. Of course, she would not admit, "that's because I didn't need it, so I didn't buy it."If this is the case today, I would buy it for you Right?!

"Come on, you need it and no one will buy it from you. If you don't believe me, I'll make a bet with you Xin Yue looks confident.

"Bet on what?" Song Qingcheng is curious.

"There are countless boys chasing you in the school. Don't I have to count them one by one for you? As for you, just pick a few crazy boys who are chasing you, and then try who is willing to buy tampons for them. "

"I'm not that boring." Song Qingcheng refused.

"That's because you're not sure." Xinyue mercilessly exposed the worry in her heart.

"And if so?" Song Qingcheng also let go.

Xin Yue was stunned, and then said solemnly: "if there is one, that person is definitely worth your contact, and he likes you wholeheartedly."

"It's true." Song Qingcheng was dubious. But the more Xin Yue said that, the less she felt.

Sanitary napkins, she thinks it's nothing, and we are all adults, boys are not so exclusive, right?!

In a word, she didn't have a heart at all.

"If you don't believe me, let's try and make sure."

Song Qingcheng hesitated for a moment, didn't want to retreat, so he said, "well, if someone helps me buy it, you have to invite me to dinner."

We can't ask for nothing.

"If one person buys it, I'll treat you to a meal, whatever you choose; if two people buy it, I'll treat you to two meals, and three people will treat you to five meals. It's your word." Xin Yue has a clear mind and sticks her fingers.

"That's what you said. Don't say I've eaten you out." Although song Qingcheng's mouth was so hard, in fact, she had already backed out in her heart.

Xinyue is a person she knows and is not sure about. She won't say for sure. But I know clearly, why gamble with her?

Well, in fact, it's the careful thinking in my heart. She wants to prove that the meaning of a man buying sanitary napkins for a woman is really as difficult as Xin Yue said.

"You'd better worry about whether you can get it first." Xinyue mercilessly give her a cold.

The Song Qing City Nu mouth, completely unconvinced appearance.

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