Chapter 210 The sixth floor of Samsara Tower: “Pirates of the Caribbean”!

Just now, Chen Feng saw that there was a “degaussing” among the attributes that could be enchanted, right at the bottom of the list.

“Degaussing: Make the magnetism of the body disappear.”

It also consumes 20,000 Samsara points.

This is simply great news for Chen Feng, and it happens to be able to make up for the BUG of the Edman alloy that he is most worried about.

“Ding! Enchanting is complete!”

It consumes another 20,000 Samsara points, leaving a balance of more than 40,000 Samsara points to complete the enchantment.

The effect of enchanting is not only effective on a single item, but directly on the entire Samsara who carries the item.

This time Chen Feng put on the numb ring again, feeling different from just now. There was a faint strange feeling in his body, as if it had become lighter.

Then there was a sense of relief, a feeling that the vengeance was avenged, the boulder was let go, and the haze that lingered in the heart was finally dispelled.

Without the worry of being beaten by a person with magnetic power, the whole person suddenly became refreshed and refreshed.

“It’s almost time!”

The expression on his face changed, and Chen Feng’s eyes suddenly became as cold as ice.

Everything is ready, it’s time to hit the Samsara Tower!

All the preparations that can be done are done, there is no need to delay the rhythm!

Before leaving, Chen Feng sent a special message to Jonah, expressing his own gratitude, and asked her to wait for the fanatics to return from the Samsara Tower triumphantly and also help him say thank you.

Even though he was forced to become the vice president of the Warsong Guild, who was not worthy of his name, he was forced to be a lunatic, and he still charged money if he didn’t do the job, he still wanted to be polite.

“Chen Feng, in fact, I really envy you.” Before leaving, Jonah said sincerely to Chen Feng.

“If the Samsara Tower goes to a higher level, the difficulty of the dungeon will become more and more difficult. If the combat power is not obvious, there is no way to continue to swipe the dungeon. That’s why many Samsara people are stuck on a certain level and are struggling.”

“The foundation of each Samsara is really important! As for the foundation, Chen Feng, I think there should be no one else in the entire Samsara space that can compare with you.”

“Chen Feng, I hope you can continue to keep it up and reach a height that none of us can reach! But please also remember, don’t take it lightly!”

“Looking forward to hearing your full-space broadcast again.” Jona laughed.

Chen Feng smiled and said, “I understand, thank Sister Na for encouraging me. I will meet you at the upper level as soon as possible.”


The next moment, Chen Feng left the house directly and teleported to the Samsara Tower.

Chen Feng immediately used the dungeon cooling refresh card without hesitation.

Stepped out one step and directly entered the sixth floor of Samsara Tower.

The elf appeared out of thin air and came to him.

“Hello, honourable Samsara ‘Chen Feng’, are you sure you’re ready for the challenge?”

“OK!” Chen Feng said.

Now that you have entered the tower, of course you are fully prepared!

“The sixth floor copy of Samsara Tower is a free copy of the Great World. The current copy is the “Pirates of the Caribbean” world. The difficulty of the copy is divided into normal, difficult and nightmare. Please choose your copy difficulty.”

Hearing this news from the elf, Chen Feng’s mouth could be seen with a hint of joy.

It’s a bet!

Among the three copies of “Anaconda”, “Underworld” and “Pirates of the Caribbean”, the world of “Pirates of the Caribbean” is undoubtedly the most friendly to him!

Because the Jackdaw will come in handy right away!

“Nightmare!” Chen Feng said immediately.

Not in the slightest!

Great world! Labor and capital are here!

The next moment.

Chen Feng was transported to a huge white room.

The white light surging around, the Samsara were constantly being sent in, and the scene was very lively.

This room in the standby area usually looks like only 30 or 40 people can stand, but now it is much larger than the standard size in the past, like a mini Samsara square.

It turned out that there were already many Samsara in the standby area, and the crowd was naturally divided into two areas.

On one side is the Samsara of the Eastern Continent, and on the other side is the Samsara of the Western Continent.

The free copy of the Great World is served by the two continents.

Although they both wore fancy clothes as disguise, the skin color, hair color, and the language they used to communicate clearly distinguished each other’s belongings.

Seeing Chen Feng’s appearance, everyone was slightly taken aback, and the whole person was in a state of weakness in an instant.

“Fuck! A tube of mask! Windbreaker! Hat! It’s Chen Feng!”

“What’s the matter? How can Mr. Chen Feng also come to brush a copy of normal difficulty?”

“What, is it that you chose the difficulty of the dungeon yourself, OK? This is a free dungeon in the big world, and the difficulty is different for everyone!”

“Fuck, Chen Feng’s god-tier is here, and we must be crushed by him. There will be no copies of this game.”

“Go, hurry up to form an alliance with him, sign an alliance contract, and hold his thigh!”

“…I dare not…”

“I’m telling you that we don’t necessarily have to form an alliance. We follow him to pick up the omissions, and we should be able to mix well.”

“The big world, I heard that the map thief is big, if it is not a contract ally, each birthplace is a hundred and eight thousand miles away, how can you follow it?”

“Fuck, that’s gone.”

That’s how it is said, but there are still many bold people who directly greeted Chen Feng and offered to make an alliance with Chen Feng.

Of course, Chen Feng refused one by one.

On the one hand, it is really difficult for people with low difficulty in their nightmares. After all, the main and side missions are definitely different. It is not easy to carry a few oil bottles on the road.

Although Samsara is weaker, his combat power is definitely stronger than those of ordinary natives, but with the combat power of these people, in front of Chen Feng’s current combat power, it is simply better than nothing.

In “Pirates of the Caribbean”, what Chen Feng wants are powerful crews and sailors. In this regard, the Samsaras really don’t have any natives who were born and grew up in the Caribbean.

In addition to these people who have thought about holding their thighs, there is also a group of people who just look from a distance, looking bad.

Chen Feng estimated that it should be Tyranny Guild or those who took the hunting list and were hostile to own.

That is to say, while Chen Feng was surrounded by a group of Samsara from the Eastern Continent, the Samsara from the Western Continent also looked over here after hearing the pronunciation of “Chen Feng” from time to time from the surrounding area.

Staring closely at Chen Feng’s direction, there was a vigilant and cold Yi expression on his face.

Although they have never seen Chen Feng’s appearance in the Western Continent, because of the whole space broadcast, the name Chen Feng has been heard too many times, and they all know that it is a very strong and tricky character!

“Good guy, people haven’t entered the dungeon yet, they have already engaged in such a wave of hatred, absolutely!”

Chen Feng regretted it a little, and he really had to change his face before entering the Samsara Tower. Now he is so famous and ostentatious that he can be recognized at a glance.

“Attention Samsara fellows, after 10 minutes, start teleporting the dungeon world…”

At this time, looking around the entire standby space, Chen Feng estimated that there were nearly a hundred people.

Seeing this large-scale battle, the self-proclaimed and knowledgeable Chen Feng was shocked. This is the copy with the largest number of Samsara participants he has encountered so far!

Ten minutes passed quickly.

The system prompt sounded again:

“Start teleporting countdown, 10, 9, 8… 3, 2, 1!”

The countdown is over.

Hundreds of white lights during the transmission illuminate this place transparently, and all the 100 Samsaras disappeared in place.

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