Chapter 211 Pirate Path! start sailing!

“Identity is being created…”

“Name: Chen Feng”

“Identity: Sailor.”

“Age: 25 years old.”

“Samsara, “Chen Feng”, please remember your new identity, it can help you quickly adapt to this world.”

“Your appearance and the latest Samsara panel attributes have been synchronized with the new identity integration, and your language skills have been calibrated and synchronized.”

“Warning: According to the Samsara Confidentiality Agreement, you must not disclose any information about the Samsara space to any indigenous people in the Duplicate World in any form, otherwise it will be immediately obliterated.”

Oncoming turbulent waves, a curtain of sea water was formed in the squally rain, lightning tore the clouds, and the worldview text of the copy of “Pirates of the Caribbean” appeared on the water curtain.

“In the eighteenth century, the Caribbean, the vast ocean, black powder, rum, skulls…”

“The rough sailors sang the boat song, the hunting white sails were dancing wildly, accompanied by the salty sea breeze, looking up, Star guided the ambition to the end of the world.”

“In the crowded Royal Harbor, Charles Castle stands on the cliff, the troops stationed with live ammunition, the imperial Royal Navy Pier under close surveillance, the sun never sets, silently overlooking the blue Caribbean Sea.”

“In Tortuga, a pirate town where demons dance, privateer crews and desperadoes shuttle in the shabby tavern, the showgirls on the stage twist their waists, and the conquerors of the sea with their glasses high are caring hysterically.”

“Pirate Code, Wish Feng Shui compass, Aztec gold coin, Eternal Spring, Poseidon Trident, Mermaid, Deep Sea Giant Monster, Not Death Spirit…”

“The oldest power and freedom, the most mysterious witchcraft and magic, the most exciting journey and adventure!”

“The era of great voyage starts from the deck under your feet… Sail! Set sail!”

At the next moment, Chen Feng found himself being lifted high by this monstrous wave, above the clouds, and down to get a bird’s eye view of the entire Caribbean Sea.

“Samsara, ‘Chen Feng’, welcome to the big world copy of “Pirates of the Caribbean”.”

“The description of the Great World Copy is as follows:”

“The storyline of the Great World dungeon will run through the multiple layers of Samsara Tower. During the dungeon, the Samsara can temporarily leave at the preset joint points of each layer of the Samsara Tower. The Samsara Tower will save the nodes to facilitate synchronization when Samsara returns.”

“The dungeon of “Pirates of the Caribbean” will continue from the 6th floor of the Samsara Tower to the 9th floor of the Samsara Tower. During this time, you can leave the dungeon of Samsara Tower at four preset joint points, settle the staged dungeon rewards in advance, and return to Samsara. The space will take a short break.”

“You can also choose not to leave when you pass the joint point in the phase, and directly start the next phase of the mission. Every time you decide not to leave the dungeon, the Ascension 100% will be settled for your phased dungeon rewards for that phase, and the phased dungeon rewards will accumulate to The next time you leave the copy, the settlement will be unified.”

“Good guy, this rule is interesting.” Chen Feng smiled in his heart.

That is to say, as long as you stay in the Samsara Tower and hit the 9th floor at one time to complete the final level, the final unified settlement of the Great World dungeon reward can reach 400% of the original, which is 4 times!

“The “Pirates of the Caribbean” world copy will have three main routes for Samsara to choose from, namely the’Maritime Merchant Route’, the’Navy Route’ and the’Pirate Route’.”

“Samsara’s “Chen Feng”, because you chose the nightmare difficulty, the “Maritime Merchant Path” has been automatically blocked for you.”

“Now, please choose between the two main routes of the’Navy Route’ and the’Pirate Route’.”

“Please make your decision within a minute, otherwise the path will be automatically assigned for you.”

Fuck, do you still have to think about this?

Men must choose pirates!

Do you deserve to own the Jackdaw if you don’t choose a pirate? !

Without saying a word, Chen Feng said without hesitation: “I choose the path of pirates!”

“Ding! You have chosen the pirate path.”

“Because you chose the nightmare difficulty, the mission path with the highest degree of involvement in the world has been planned for you, and a specified time will be set for each of your phased missions. If you cannot complete the phased mission within the prescribed time, you will be It is directly judged that the copy has failed.”

“Your ultimate goal is to become the legendary pirate king who is enshrined in the piracy code and dominates the Nine Seas and is known as a naval nightmare!”

it is good!

Can’t ask for it!

Chen Feng estimated that if he chose the naval route, it would be a description of “becoming a legendary captain of the Royal Navy, who was written into the history of the empire by the sun never set, and was praised as a natural enemy of pirates.”

“Please note that the first phase will be released!”

“The first stage is to make a point: gain a foothold in the pirate world and establish your own base and power.”

“Ding! New mission distribution!”

“Current mission: own a ship that belongs to you.”

“You must complete the current task assigned to you within a week, otherwise this copy will be judged as a failure immediately.”


“It has been detected that you already own the legendary ship’Jackdaw’.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the “Chen Feng” Samsara!”

“Mission completed: own a ship that belongs to you!”

Laughing to death, seconds finished.

“Ding! New mission released!”

“Current mission: Recruit a capable crew for your ship and set sail in the Caribbean Sea.”

“You must complete the current task assigned to you within a week, otherwise this copy will be judged as a failure immediately.”

“Attention: In addition to you, there are ninety-nine Samsaras in this Great World Dungeon World! They can be fellow practitioners or enemies, please be careful!”

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng was suddenly pushed down from the high-altitude clouds by a huge force, turning into a white light, falling like a meteorite toward the Caribbean Sea below.

At the same time, the other 99 white lights were falling rapidly in different directions like Chen Feng.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Feng has been randomly born in a corner of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” world.


The pirate town Tortuga.

As a pirate, no one would not love Tortuga, the bustling taverns, the energetic women, and the flowing beer.

The whole town was dirty and smelly, and the streets echoed with the sound of fighting and gunfire.

Looking around, all the men and women were having fun, singing loudly and laughing.

In the “Old Oak” tavern, pirates gathered in twos and threes, drinking and chatting, playing cards and gambling for entertainment, or wrestling their wrists to compete for strength.

A group of ragged and dirty-faced drunks were drunk and drunk. A man leaned back on the bar counter and began to pour the rum from two different glasses into his throat. The amber liquid leaked. He is all over.

Not far away, three plump women in corsets laughed loudly.


At this moment, without warning, someone rudely pushed open the door of the tavern.

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