Chapter 215 Aztec Gold Coins! Pirate Code!

Jack Sparrow sighed, and when he wandered to the iron bars of the cell, the sky cleared the fog, revealing a bright full moon.

Then Jack reached out from the iron fence.

In the moonlight, his ring flickered, and he picked up the bones left by other inmates and began to shake.

“Come here, good dog,” he called, “now it’s the two of us.”

“You and old Jack.”

The watchdog lay under the bench in the corridor, his head cocked, and with shattered steps, he walked slowly towards Jack, wagging his tail shyly.

“That’s it.” Jack said, trying to sound sincere. But he is a pirate after all.

The watchdog didn’t move forward fast enough, so he couldn’t help adding, “You ugly, dirty, smelly bastard.”

The watchdog made a whimper, and Jack watched in horror as he ran back to the corridor and took the key.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the entrance of the prison upstairs.

With a powerful bang, a soldier in a red uniform rolled down the stairs and crashed into a stone wall, unconscious.

The two pirates followed closely behind, both tall and dressed in the sloppy robes worn by people who had been at sea for many years.

One of them had long, jet-black dreadlocks, and the other wore a trilby hat.

When the two approached Jack’s cell, Jack stood up and put his hands outside the iron fence casually.

“Wow, wow, wow.” The dreadlocks said, pulling the sword back into the scabbard. “Look who we found, Twigg, it’s Captain Jack Sparrow.” He leaned toward the prison gate. And spit heavily at Jack’s feet.

Jack’s arm was still hung on the iron bars of the cell. He glanced at Keller first and then at his feet. He was indifferent, his lips did not move, and he didn’t even want to respond at all.

“The last time I saw you…” Yin & Yang said strangely, the man in the felt hat raised his eyebrows, “You were still alone on the deserted island, and gradually disappeared into the distance.”

After speaking, he laughed loudly, then turned to the dreadlocks aside and added, “It seems that his luck is really not growing.”

This sentence was deliberately irritating Jack, because it was their rebellious crew that caused Jack to live on the deserted island.

Jack stayed unmoved, pressed his face against the iron fence, and said, “I still care about your luck, gentlemen.”

He smiled smugly, “David Jones’ undersea grave is for traitors and unfaithful people.”

The dreadlocks were ridiculed and annoyed, he immediately snarled and reached into the iron fence, trying to strangle Jack’s throat with his ten fingers, forcing him to dodge backwards and walk into a beam of moonlight.

Jack grabbed the pirate’s arm to break free, but the sight he witnessed in the next second made his eyes widen.

In the moonlight, Keller’s arm was only a bare skeleton!

The curse of Aztec gold coins!

The pirate gold coins plundered by Spanish navigator, military strategist, explorer, and conqueror of the Aztec empire, Hernan Cortez, were exactly the same, altogether 882 coins.

Because Cortes was so greedy, the pagan gods imposed terrible curses on the gold coins.

Anyone, even if they take one of the gold coins from the box, will be punished forever!

It was Barbosa who did not believe in this tale of the tale of the night, and led the crew to betray Jack Sparrow, went to the Island of Death to find the treasure chest left by Cortes, took away the gold coins inside, and was very Quickly start to squander.

Gradually, terrible things happened.

Food can no longer fill their stomachs, and any drink cannot eliminate their thirst.

Greed drove them to act, but in the end it swallowed themselves and made them cursed.

They became the living dead, the skeletons that would reveal their bones once in the moonlight.

There is only one way to end their curse.

That is to return all the gold coins scattered around the Caribbean Sea, and pay it back with blood!

“So this is a curse.” Jack suddenly said to the bone hand that stretched out in front of the dreadlocks. “It’s really interesting.”

The fingers of the dreadlocks are harder.

“You don’t even know what pain is!” The dreadlocks roared angrily.

After grabbing Jack’s arm hard for a while, he finally let go, and the two pirates turned their heads and left indifferently.

They once again abandoned their former captain.


The artillery fire on both sides of the “Black Pearl” devastated Port Royal, and the surrounding air was full of cannon fodder and dust.

Elizabeth quickly surveyed the surrounding environment and noticed the tall mast flying the black flag.

Sporadic lights illuminate the deck, casting pale light on the rough wooden planks, leaving weird shadows.

She heard the clamor of pirates and the metal clash of loot throwing around.

Soon, the pampered governor’s daughter was taken to a man.

This man’s bearded face was engraved with wrinkles, his skin was weathered, and his eyes became cloudy and yellow.

He wears a delicate top hat decorated with feathers, a black robe, and a monkey in a white shirt sits on his shoulders.

Captain Hector Barbosa, once Jack Sparrow’s most powerful first mate, is now the owner of the “Black Pearl”.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, my people may not be polite to you.” Barbossa said. “People who request negotiations under the Piracy Code should be protected.”

“Captain Barbosa,” Elizabeth said bravely. “I’m here to negotiate with you to stop the attack on Port Royal.”

Hearing this, the pirates around her giggled.

A smile appeared on the corners of Barbossa’s mouth. He shook his head, looked around, and replied:

“What a long sentence, Miss.”

“We are just a bunch of vulgar and humble pirates, what do you think of us?”

Elizabeth paused, then said: “I want you to leave, and never come again.”

The pirates burst into laughter.

“Very good.” Elizabeth raised her chin and quickly reached out and tore off the pirate gold coin from her neck.

She quickly ran to the ship’s gunwale and held up the gleaming gold Aztec coin with a skull engraved on it, “Then I will throw it away!”

Barbossa finally frowned, “Your name, Miss?”

“Elizabeth.” Elizabeth started, but there was a pause.

If she says her last name, then Barbosa must be certain that she is the governor’s daughter, and she can’t take a risk.

So she changed her words: “Turner.”

“Elizabeth Turner, I am the servant girl in the Governor’s Mansion.”

Barbossa opened his eyes wide when he heard this, and turned to face his men.


At the same time, the pirates under him were also a commotion visible to the naked eye!

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