Chapter 216 The Curse of the Black Pearl! Tavern battle!

On the sea away from Tortuga Pier.

The “Black Pearl” sailed under the moonlit sky.

She splits the dark waves, her sails are like shadows, and the only light on the deck is the moonlight cast down through the clouds.

Above the stern, the portholes with candles lined up, and a strange light was reflected on the water below.

Elizabeth Swann was locked in the cabin. Wearing a dressing gown and coat, she stared blankly at the flickering candlelight that filled the room, only her eyes revealed her anxiety and tiredness.

She did not expect that when she deceived Barbossa and proposed that the own surname was Turner, she would instead be dragged into a situation where it was impossible to recover.

Will Turner is the one Barbosa is looking for. Although Elizabeth carries the last Aztec gold coin that needs to be returned to her land, she is not the one who needs blood.

The person who stole this gold coin was Wiltner’s father Bill Turner, and Bill Turner died. Now only with Wiltner’s blood to repay it, can the curse of all the living dead be lifted.

Elizabeth’s stupid behavior made her a scapegoat for Wiltner.


The door of the ship’s cabin was slammed open, and two pirates rushed in and said to Elizabeth fiercely:

“You will have dinner with the captain.”

Elizabeth raised her chin: “Go and tell the captain that I don’t want to obey his request.”

The two pirates suddenly laughed, showing their dirty and rotten teeth.

“The captain said, either you eat with him in the cabin, or you eat with the crew without clothes.”

Elizabeth’s pupils were quake, so she had to choose the former.

Ten minutes later, Elizabeth once again fled out of the captain’s room in a panic.

Just now, she learned an incredible secret from Barbossa’s mouth, the secret about the pirate gold coin she had been carrying close to her body.

The curse of a living dead.

“I won’t believe in ghost stories! Captain Barbosa!”

Although she didn’t want to believe it, Elizabeth still rushed out of the cabin in fear and ran to the main deck.

But the next second, everything she witnessed made her scream.

It was supposed to be the place where the human crew stayed. A group of skeleton crew members were busy scrubbing the deck and coiling the ropes.

Their bones were blue and pale in the moonlight, and their bodies were draped in tattered clothes.

Elizabeth called out loudly and tried to turn around and escape.

But she fell down and fell on a large blanket for loading and unloading goods.

Then, the skeletons pulled up the blanket under her, and she was thrown high into the air.

She fell down, but was caught by another skeleton swinging on the mast rope.

The terrified Elizabeth screamed again when she landed on the deck.

At the same time, the skeletons continued to work on the ship, seemingly unaffected by her bizarre behavior.

This scene is really horrible!

Elizabeth just wanted to escape, she ran and hid under the stairs, before she could catch her breath, she couldn’t help screaming.

The monkey of Barbossa!

It is also a skeleton!

Elizabeth jumped up and ran towards the captain’s room, but Barbosa was waiting for her in the shadows.

Barbossa grabbed her and pulled her closer: “Let’s see!”

“The moonlight has shown us the true shape! We can’t die!”

He laughed and pushed Elizabeth into the moonlight.

As he walked forward, the moonlight touched his arm, and Elizabeth watched in disbelief as Barbosa’s muscles turned into bones!

“You better start believing in ghost stories.” Barbosa said with a smile.

Fully exposed to the moonlight, his face turned into a grinning skull.

“You are in it.”



“This is much more interesting than the story of the Black Pearl and Jack Sparrow!”

“But… if you own a deep-sea opal, you get wealth, power, and fame. Those who steal it or those who try to steal it will be cursed forever. How can this statement seem familiar?”

“Isn’t this exactly the same as the legend of the Aztec gold coin curse?”

“Follow him, I am satisfied with this story. It is worth a glass of wine.” Finally an audience said, “But where did you hear this story?”

Huang Mao’s arm flicked backwards than his thumb, and he vowed: “When I was herding sheep in Havana, I heard it from an old Chinese sailor. People there said he was from Singapore.”

“Chinese sailor?” Someone squinted and muttered. “Is it the same as the guy over there?”

As soon as the words fell, several pirates who listened to the story put down their wine glasses and looked in Chen Feng’s direction.

Until this time, the tavern gradually began to notice Chen Feng.

Most of these people looked at Chen Feng with a little disdain.

Although Chen Feng’s 10% body fat rate is amazing, and after being injected with super soldier serum, his body appearance is even more perfect, but in terms of body shape, he does not have the Xiantian advantage of the Caribbean whites and niggas.

Moreover, Chinese pirates have always been ignored and looked down upon in the pirate group.

Although the Chinese are smart, small and light, they usually take the roles of navigator or chef on board.

The gang war is always hiding at the end and shivering.

Cowards and those who make the rudder by the wind are even more rare.

Therefore, it can be said that Chinese pirates are not good at fighting in the pirate circle.

“I will meet him,” said a black alcoholic.

The black man was shirtless, tall and strong, with strong arms and steady steps, and his body was as strong as a wall.

Looking at his appearance, his short head stood tall and straight like a steel pin, his nose was high, his lips were thick, his faint beard set off his hard chin, and his chin became stronger and stronger.

He walked towards the corner where Chen Feng was.

Leaning forward, he sprayed a sour smell of alcohol on Chen Feng’s face, and Chen Feng could even see the saliva on his lips.

“I haven’t seen you? Where did you come from? You Chinese monkey!”

As soon as the black words came out, there were theater-like shouts and laughter all around.

Except for the yellow curly hair that just told the story, they all waited to see Chen Feng’s jokes.

Chen Feng sat there, but he didn’t even move, as if he hadn’t heard anything.

Seeing that he was being ignored, the black man suddenly started from his heart and threw a fist from the front. His arms were dark and sturdy, his face and the open chest of the linen shirt were full of large and small scars. No one was a fierce man. goods.

However, what he didn’t expect was that he just took a step forward and suffered a sudden pain. The whole person curled up like dried shrimps and vomited a mouthful of sour water from his throat, as if his internal organs had been displaced.

The point is that under everyone’s sight, Chen Feng is almost completely motionless during this process.

The next second Chen Feng didn’t move his upper body, his right foot slightly lifted, and he kicked like electricity for a moment.


The nigger flew out on his back.

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