Chapter 225 Hunting at sea! Join the battle!

Other Samsara who came to this big world, faced with the vast ocean and the Caribbean Sea where demons danced wildly, would be at a loss what to do and don’t know how to survive.

But Chen Feng is different.

Knowing the plot, he not only feels that the completion of the time-limited main-line mission is at his fingertips, but he even has extra energy to think about how to intervene in the original plot in advance, to lay a solid foundation for himself in this big world, and pave the way for the next stage of mission goals.

“Becoming the living dead” is the most important part of it.

This is also the ability that Chen Feng wants to possess most after going through multiple copies of Samsara Tower-the ability of immortality!

However, the problem now is that Chen Feng has no desire for Feng Shui compass.

Without that artifact, unless it was a ride on the Black Pearl Barbossa, he wanted to rely on Chen Feng’s own ability to find Death Island by no means.

Desire Feng Shui compass, the most powerful but neglected artifact in the world of “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

As long as the person holding the Feng Shui compass has what he most wants to have in his heart, that Feng Shui compass will point to it.

If the Feng Shui compass fails to point accurately, it means that the owner cannot think of what he most wants to have in his mind, or there are too many things he wants to have, and he cannot concentrate on what he needs most.

At the time Chen Feng is now, Jack Sparrow is the master of the Feng Shui compass of desire.

If you want to go to the hidden Death Island again, you must use the power of the Feng Shui compass in Jack Sparrow’s hands!

Following the plot line, Chen Feng knew that Jack would definitely come to Tortuga, so he didn’t have to look for it, he only had to wait for the rabbit in Tortuga and wait for Jack to deliver him.

But before that, he had to enter the role of a pirate captain, find someone to practice his hand, and by the way, get pirate points to upgrade the Jackdaw’s equipment, anyway, sooner or later he could use it.

So, who will be the first lucky person to be used by Chen Feng to open the meat?


“Captain! It’s a merchant ship of the East India Company. Are we still chasing it?” Gibbs asked.

“Chasing! Why not chasing?”

After only half a day out to sea, Chen Feng found his own prey, a merchant ship of the East India Company.

Brother Sacred Land climbed to the high mast and shouted while looking out:

“The target speed is estimated to reach nine knots, and the boat will be able to meet in ten minutes!”

Chen Feng nodded in satisfaction, raised the wooden knife in his hand and shouted, “Go forward at full speed!”

The Jackdaw is extremely fast, probably reaching 90% of the Black Pearl, the fastest ship in all instances.

As long as the Jackdaw is aiming at the merchant ship, there is absolutely no way to escape!

After a while, the Jackdaw succeeded in catching up with the East India Merchant Ship and keeping pace with it.

In fact, some scenes in the original movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” are unrealistic.

In a real naval battle, it is very difficult to keep two ships close together.

Two boats, whether facing or in the same direction, it takes a lot of effort to keep them close together for a long time.

Unless the two are anchored to each other, they have to fight each other to the end and fight each other.

“Fire!” Chen Feng shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, the sailors shouted in unison while they were busy.


The chain bullet was shot first.

The chain bullet can either kill the crew, or fire it at the rigging on the ship, which can cut the rope when it rotates.


There were more than a dozen side-spinning cannons.


An excellent naval gun squad can have a large number of people. It can load cannons and fire within one minute, but this efficiency cannot be maintained for long.

“Bang!-bang -!

The next moment, the hull shattered and the wood chips splashed.

Fierce shooting at the lower part of the enemy ship’s hull is aimed at killing the crew, not sinking the enemy ship.

It is actually difficult to sink a wooden boat because the wood will float.

The correct approach is to kill the crew of the enemy ship. The chain reaction is that you can either engage in a battle to capture the enemy ship, or the enemy ship will surrender to you after it suffers heavy casualties, and then you will capture it again!



Blood was splattered on the deck of the merchant ship, and the stumps of limbs flew across.

A few seconds before death, someone looked down and saw their no longer existing lower body, and began to scream heartbreakingly.

After the shell hit the target deck, the hull shattered and the wailing of dying people continued.

The crew on the Jackdaw cheered instead, and the hull swept past the starboard side of the merchant ship.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The crackling sound of flintlock pistols and muskets sounded.

Immediately afterwards, several stinking bombs exploded on the deck of the East India merchant ship, and suffocating smoke hovered on the deck of the merchant ship like a shroud.

The strong sulphur smell released by the foul bomb can make people’s knees soft, making the air thick and black, making it difficult to see things, let alone judging the distance.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Chen Feng saw that the brig was turning. It drew an oval in the water and planned to use the starboard artillery.

However, it was unlucky, and the wind that dissipated the smoke stopped before the hull completely turned.

The full sails of the merchant ship fell down, and the speed of the ship also slowed down significantly.

Under the fierce shelling, the sails became rags, and the rudder was nothing but wood chips floating on the sea.

“Check your own equipment and ammunition! Ready to board the ship!”

Until then, Chen Feng ordered own’s men to forcibly board the ship.

Trait “Yun Tian”: The loyalty of the indigenous subordinates recruited in the dungeon world is 100%, and they will never betray. ——From the world of “Hot-Blooded High School”, Genji Takigani.

The prop “Commander flag of the three armies”: When facing the enemy, holding this handsome flag can greatly improve the morale of your side, encourage your soldiers to fight bravely, and also have a certain deterrent effect on the enemy.

Chen Feng has the righteousness of Yun Tian and the flag of the commander of the three armies in hand, the Jackdaw’s performance in the battle is destined to be brave and ferocious!

“Yes!” the storm captain shark took the lead and roared.

The crew of the Jackdaw loaded the bullets, confirmed that the sword was not blunt, and then moved out of the boarding hook.

The ropes and the long plank were joined together.

These thrown ropes are to keep the two ships relatively stable, prevent the two ships from staggering each other, and keep the two ships close enough.

The ropes used for the ship-to-board warfare are swung directly over, and there is a high probability that they will fall between the two ships.

If you want to be crushed into powder, please do so, especially when the opponent is firing at you, this behavior is even more unwise.


This merchant ship was already riddled with holes. The hull was tilted to one side, and the air was full of the pungent smell of gunpowder. The gunshots of matchlock guns and the sound of scimitars came and went one after another.

The shark took the lead and rushed onto the enemy ship, holding a machete in his hand, cutting off the head of the gunman who was trying to resist, and instantly chopped his cocked hat in half, and the man’s head was almost divided into two.

The second one who ran in front of the shark obviously hadn’t experienced any fighting, with fear in his eyes, so the shark once again dropped his knife and cut off his nose.

“Uh ah ah-”

The noseless man backed away in pain, bleeding from the holes on his face.

The shark looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

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