Chapter 226 The Real Sea Battle! Domineering!

The speed of the Jackdaw was so fast, when the merchant ship wanted to turn away from its artillery range, it had rushed straight over and passed the bow of the ship.

The trembling sailors on the merchant ship could even see the greedy eyes of the crew on the Jackdaw, the sparkling gold teeth in their mouths, and the sunlight reflected by sharp weapons in their hands.

The Jackdaw’s side spouted a cloud of flames, and the metal tore the air.


When the shell hit, the hull shattered!

During the rainy day, the smoke filled with gunpowder made the surroundings feel like night. The gunpowder smoke choked into the lungs of the merchant crew members, causing them to cough and breathe stagnantly, which aggravated their confusion and panic.

The feeling of shaking the earth on the deck emerged. The crew members wondered whether they had been shot and whether they had died. Maybe they had gone to heaven long ago.

“Forward! Adventure!”

Amid the gunfire, Cotton’s parrot also shouted and cheered.

And this seemingly smooth battle to stop merchant ships actually contained a lot of Chen Feng’s great wisdom.

First of all, when pursuing the merchant ship, Chen Feng commanded the crew to take the tactics of destroying the main mast of the enemy ship.

This is a very risky tactic, because the tail shaft is difficult to hit.

The tail boom is supported by a lock. The reason for destroying the main mast of the enemy ship is to make the enemy ship incapable of action, so that they cannot run away.

Second, when commanding the crew to board the opposing ship, Chen Feng took the assault captain and led by the bowsprit, and the rest followed by planks and rigging in batches.

Because the warship has something called gunwale, the shape of the two walls of the hull is actually not vertical, and the hull will bend slightly inward.

In other words, when two ships are close together, the distance between the two decks is actually very long.

The mast protruding from the bow plays an important role in supporting most of the rigging of the ship.

It is quite effective to hit the enemy ship from the ship first and then board the enemy ship from the bowsprit.

There is a lot of risk in the battle. When you board an enemy ship, you must be confident enough in your own combat power.

Because if you are the inferior party in the battle, your ship may be captured instead.

If you didn’t want to fight the battle at the beginning, you probably won’t be captured.

The more common method is to shoot at a distance and then take over the enemy ship once they surrender.

But there is one thing to say, the battle between the two ships is indeed more enjoyable than the battle between the two ships.

In the process of pursuing the East India Company merchant ship, Chen Feng also discovered that there was another point that was completely different from what was portrayed in the movie.

That is, turning the steering wheel in the movie is completely easy to turn, but in reality, it takes two people to actually turn the steering wheel.

Because you are going to turn a huge wooden part that sinks under water.

So when you turn the steering wheel, the steering wheel will drive the rope. The rope connector is tillered, and the tiller is connected to the rudder, and finally the rudder controls the heading of the ship.

But if you don’t operate the sails, the boat can only turn a little bit, and at the same time you have to do a lot of other work. The wind direction and wind force must be just right, which takes a while.

And when the enemy ship travels to the right position, the time left for you to fire the gun is very short.

So the final result is probably that you can only scrape a Sha, and then miss the enemy ship.

After being bombarded, the air is full of flying debris. These debris is very dangerous and will hurt you.

The probability of you being hit by a shell is actually very small, but it is not impossible.

Debris is the real threat. These fragments will fly around like bullets.

The ammunition depot is a place where gunpowder is stored. If the ammunition depot is on fire, a big explosion will occur.

An iron shell will not explode, there is nothing inside it, just a solid iron ball.

Therefore, the shelling of enemy ships is unlikely to cause the ammunition depot to explode, and there is no way to deliberately target the ammunition depot to fire.

It is more likely that the ship caught fire, and the fire spread to the ammunition depot.

All the cannons on the ship need sparks to ignite the gunpowder in the chamber to fire the shells.

Therefore, sparks are permeated around the gunpowder on the ship, and if something goes wrong, it may cause a fire.

Another thing Chen Feng found new was that most of the artillery used in the early 18th century had no rifling, and they were basically smoothbore guns!

That is to say, the diameter of the shell is slightly smaller than the diameter of the barrel. When the shell is launched along the barrel, it will be dragged by wind.

Therefore, the projectile will bounce in the barrel as it moves forward and finally exit the chamber.

Therefore, the accuracy of this gun is not high, and the accuracy of the musket is much lower than that of the rifled gun.

Nevertheless, the cannon’s range is still very long.

The shells fired by the 32-pounder gun used by the Jackdaw have a muzzle velocity of about 457 meters per second, or 1.3 Mach (1.3 times the speed of sound), which indicates that the Jackdaw can hit certain objects from a mile away!

As for whether you can hit the target you are aiming at a mile away, it is unlikely. But at a distance of one mile, if you can accurately grasp the point of impact, you can use the bounce of the shell to hit the target. You can let the cannonball shoot so far.

Ideally, it is best to keep the distance between the two parties within a quarter of a mile.

These guns only retreated slowly to retreated when they fired, which seems to be non-threatening. In fact, the 3.1-ton guns would retreat by 10 to 11 feet (about 3 meters).

You can’t even see this process with your naked eyes, the back seat is extremely fast.

Because the muzzle velocity of what is shot out of the muzzle is 1.3 Mach, this will put tremendous pressure on the ship’s wall.

Because of the bolts fixed on the wall, each time the gun is fired, it will be pulled inward by 16 tons.

Over time, people learned one thing, that is, don’t let all the cannons on the ship fire at the same time.

Let the cannons fire in turns so that each bracket on each side of the ship will not be pulled by 16 tons at the same time.

Fire at the same time will not necessarily tear the ship to pieces, but if you don’t take turns firing, it will definitely put a lot of pressure on the transmission.

To fire a cannon, the slow-burning arquette needs to touch the ignition hole, which will ignite a flow of gunpowder, which will burn down along the ignition hole.

Ignite the gunpowder in the chamber, and in the next 2 to 3 seconds, the cannon will fire.


The captain’s shout came from the stern of the East India Merchant.

At this moment, a man in a trench coat on the side of the Jackdaw jumped up, folded his arms, and stepped onto the handrails lightly, and then boarded the merchant ship deck in the next second.

Chen Feng jumped into the air like an eagle, and the windbreaker spread out behind him like a pile of wings.


As soon as Chen Feng landed, several young men who tried to resist immediately passed out on the spot.

With Chen Feng’s current strength, dealing with these ordinary humans has reached the point where there is no need to do anything to cause harm to them in the air.

“Overlord look domineering!”

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