Chapter 227 All Members Charge! First victory!

“Overlord look domineering!”

Ability “Overlord’s Domineering (Elementary)”: “Domineering” that can be possessed by only one of the millions of people who are chosen by nature. It can intimidate, deter and stun the enemy without taking action. The pressure causes damage to the surrounding things.——From the world of “One Piece”

As soon as Chen Feng landed, the few young men who were standing by the bulwark who were trying to resist immediately passed out on the spot.


Amidst the smoke and gunfire, Chen Feng, as a member of the stormtrooper of the gang war, came to the battlefield in person!

Most of the sailors on the merchant ship fled in a hurry, while a few panicked and took out their matchlock guns to fight back.

Some of the matchlock gunmen were kneeling or standing, with their muzzles facing Chen Feng, and immediately pulled the trigger.

However, Chen Feng’s eyes were cold, turning a deaf ear to it, and walked forward on his own as he stepped gracefully into the dance floor.

“Shoo, hoo–”

In the next second, almost all the bullets poured out towards Chen Feng, but then a weird arc was turned in front of Chen Feng and snapped into the wooden bulwark next to him.

This kind of arquebus takes a long time to reload every time it is fired, and the arquebus must be ignited again after reloading.

After the uneven gunshots, Chen Feng walked out leisurely, staring coldly at the sad “ants” in front of him.

In the next second, Chen Feng’s eyes suddenly sharpened, his eyebrows were twisted together, and his domineering appearance was exposed.


The whole upper body of the sailor, who was hurriedly loading the ammunition with the matchlock in his hand, was about to take aim again, directly exploded in flesh and blood.

It was like a watermelon that was instantly squeezed and exploded by an irresistible force, and the flesh and bones burst out fiercely, causing the entire deck of the merchant ship to be smeared with a dark red and stern blood in an instant.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

In a short while, three more people were directly dismembered into bloody mud under Chen Feng’s fierce gaze.

Such a scene is too horrible. Under the visual impact, it is not only the sailors and crews on the merchant ships who are desperate and hopeless.

Even the crew of Chen Feng’s own Jackdaw had their pupils trembling and their legs trembling. I never expected the captain to have such terrifying strength!

Seeing such a terrifying scene, several sailors on the distant deck looked at each other, screamed and ran away, and jumped directly into the sea.

Even if it is also inevitable to die, they don’t want to die in the unexplained and tragic way they have just witnessed. They would rather die on the bottom of the sea and be buried in the belly of a fish.

“Come on!!!”

The remaining images in the pupils of a row of matchlock gunmen before they fell, apart from Chen Feng’s terrifying and powerful figure, and behind him, the pirates behind him held axes and sharp swords in a majestic scene of the charge!

I saw first officer Gibbs brushing his beard, shouting, and leading the remaining support crew of the Jackdaw to step on the plank between the two ships.

He used to be cynical and somewhat drunk, and under his smile was a pair of sharp and cold eyes. After pulling out a short-barreled musket and exploding a person’s head, he roared loudly: “Those who surrender without hands, die! ”

Except for the gunner, cook, and physician, all the other senior crew members of the Jackdaw went to battle in person.

“For the Jackdaw!!”

“For the Jackdaw! Kill!!!”

Not losing to the male, Anna Marie immediately drew out the silver stabbing sword on her waist and stabs forward at a dazzling speed.

Brother Sacred Land, holding a machete, also joined the battle behind the shark and the stormtroopers. Compared with Anna Marie Saber Technique, although unfamiliar, it was extremely brave.


Cotton, who was manipulating the deck swing gun on the Jackdaw, accurately fired a shot at the opponent’s gunner, with a sullen smile on his face, and the parrot on his shoulder had already taken no surprises at the bloody scene and slapped his wings twice. , Shouting and cheering:

“Beat these girls!”

“Snatch Rum!”


The battle on the deck is the highlight of the battle, but it is not the end.

After the ship-to-board battle, there was a clean-up battle in each cabin.

This merchant ship has three floors, and each floor has more than a dozen rooms. The downside is that the ship is flying the flag of the East India Company and is backed by the British Empire. In the past, no one dared to rob the ship, so sailors didn’t have much to deal with. Pirate experience.

Otherwise, if the remaining surviving sailors hid in the cabin room, arquebus and flintlock pistols were waiting in battle, forming a posture of fighting more with less in a local area, that would be difficult.

Chen Feng was able to deal with it easily, but his crew was not necessarily so.

Although Chen Feng can smash into the enemy ship alone, for him who once had one thousand enemies in the Kowloon Walled City and ten thousand enemies in Incheon on the peninsula, this is nothing to say. This can also minimize the casualties of his crew.

The reason why Chen Feng didn’t do that, but insisted on launching a battle and encouraging all the crew to take the risk to participate in the charge, is entirely for the consideration of pirate points!

Legendary ability [Infinite Arms] (active): The Jackdaw is a giant ship blessed by magic. All parts, armaments, and cosmetics of the ship can be repaired, replaced and upgraded by consuming pirate points. Pirate points can be obtained through pirate actions such as plundering at sea, destroying ships, attacking docks, destroying the navy, and occupying important seaside towns.

Behaviors such as “pirates at sea, destroying ships, attacking docks, destroying the navy, and occupying important seaside towns” can be identified as piracy. There is a basis for determining that they must be collectively dispatched!

As the captain, Chen Feng would not be recognized as a piracy if he performed any of the above actions alone.

The pirate captain is the role that gives orders, and the so-called piracy is a collective act initiated under the authorization of the pirate captain.

Therefore, only by leading all the members of the Jackdaw to participate in Chen Feng can he get the pirate points he deserves.


After dealing with all the unwilling enemies of the merchant ship, the crew of the Jackdaw under the command of Chen Feng conducted a well-trained search for the belongings of the deceased.

Divide the looted property into different categories, then wipe the blood from the hands with the clothes of the deceased, strip all the corpses away and throw them into the sea.

At this time, First Mate Gibbs, under Chen Feng’s instruction, shouted to the remaining captured crew members:

“Who is the captain! Is the captain alive?!”

There were very few merchant crewmen who were kneeling on the ground, all wounded. They looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

The crowd was silent for a while, and one of their hands was raised from the crowd.


I saw a man wearing luxurious clothes, shaking his body and stood up, trying to look at Chen Feng and the others with an aristocratic contemptuous eyes.

When he stumbled forward by sharks and others, he still held his head up meaninglessly, causing the Jackdaw crew to laugh at him again and again.

“Are you the captain?” Gibbs asked.

“Yes.” The man nodded.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Captain Benjamin McCarthy, please tell me, do you know what ship you attacked just now?!” He tried to straighten up.

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