Chapter 228 Privateer Captain! Her Majesty’s non-staff soldiers!

“Congratulations to the Samsara ‘Chen Feng’ for winning the first sea plunder!”

“You won 500 pirate points in this piracy, and the extra loot you got is as follows: 140 units of wood, 140 units of steel, 140 units of cloth, 15 heavy bombs, 5 mortar shells, 7 transformable crew members !”

Chen Feng’s first battle after coming to the world of “Pirates of the Caribbean” was also the first battle of the Jackdaw’s appearance and ended with a complete victory.

In the face of the powerful artillery blow of the Jackdaw and the brave boarding battle of the pirate crew, this ship, known as the “Edinburgh Merchant”, was almost helpless and immediately defeated.

In the first battle, although Chen Feng had a sense of accomplishment, he was not as excited as he had expected.

Because this naval battle is not as powerful and thrilling as it appears in the movie.

Many people imagine that the 18th century naval battle should be two giant cannon-style sailing battleships painted in gold, red or white and black fighting each other amidst gunfire and smoke.

However, the reality is that the scenes of sailing battleships shooting each other often appear in the movie, which has never appeared in the chronicle of pirates in the Caribbean.

In Chen Feng’s previous life, someone once quipped that the scale of the war in the Warring States Period was actually the level of the village chief’s war.

Similarly, in fact, the pirate melee in the Caribbean in the 18th century can also be described as the marine version of the village chief’s battle. Generally speaking, it is basically a small boat fighting.

But this does not mean that the strength of pirates is insufficient. During the golden age of the pirate kingdom, piracy was once rampant to almost block the connection between Europe and the New World.

Really large ships, large ships with several layers of heavy cannons and heavy wooden bunkers used by the Royal Navy, have not appeared much in real naval battles.

Because most of the time large ships carry the role of deterrence and demonstrating national strength, there are great shortcomings in confrontational naval battles, too slow and too poor agility!

If there is no reference, it can even be considered that these ships are stepping in place on the sea.

The agility of large ships is too bad to be used for escorting merchant ships, attacking enemy transportation lines, or patrolling the reefs of the Caribbean Sea.

There is only one aspect of large battleships that are truly domineering-that is, powerful artillery equipment.

Only when they are lined up in a large naval battle and then bombarded with artillery from a distance can they maximize their lethality.

Otherwise, it will be the chicken ribs in the naval battle.

Without large battleships, wouldn’t the remaining pirate ships, merchant ships, and cruise ships just peck at each other?

Another thing that Chen Feng felt uncomfortable was that he couldn’t learn Mount Tai to pretend to be an ape.

In the original movie, Jack often swung the rope from one ship to another and then fought in close quarters. It felt very exciting.

But in reality it is impossible. The width of the two ships is actually very large. It is impossible for one person to roll from one ship to the other.

Even if you can pull the sling and sling over the enemy ship and kill it happily, it is not so cool.

Not to mention that it takes excellent physical fitness, physics knowledge and luck to pull a rope on the other party’s boat.

That is to say, when swinging past, a person is basically a living target in mid-air, and in the end it is very likely to end up with a dog gnawing on the mud and then being thrown away by a knife.

Therefore, there will not be such a heroic scene in the real battle.

In reality, when the pirate ship paralyzes the opponent’s ship, most of the time the pirate ship will approach the ship and shoot at the opponent’s splint with small-caliber cannons and guns to clear the splint of the rebels.

Then the pirates will row a small boat to board the plundered ship to snatch it.

In rare cases, a rope hook that fixes the distance between the ships of the two sides will appear, until the guns are almost hit, and then the planks will be set up.

Therefore, in reality, most pirate ship snatches give priority to negotiation. There are no dazzling weapons, no pirates flying over the walls, and the last snatch has to go by boat.

The operations completed by the Jackdaw just led by Chen Feng are already considered the highest-level battle scenes in the pirate plunder.

At this level, for Chen Feng, who had killed 800,000 zombies alone, naturally he couldn’t even count as a warm-up.



There was silence around, and the sound of waves hitting the hull and breeze blowing masts and rigging could be heard.

“I’m Captain Benjamin McCarthy, please tell me, do you know what ship you just attacked?!” The man in fancy clothes tried to straighten up.

“A merchant ship.”

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows disdainfully, wanting to see what more interesting things this man could say.

McCarthy righteously said: “It is the merchant ship of the East India Company! You should know that we are protected by the British Royal Fleet.”

The red flag on the deck that had been chopped off and crumpled into a dirty ball was a strong proof of this fact.

“When you threatened us with artillery to stop, you were already on a path of no return, sir.”

“You will have no chance with the privateer captain, you will all become wanted criminals, Her Majesty’s fleet will chase you, the Navy will arrest you all, and then hang you at the Dharma Pier on the Thames, and your body will be in London. Show in the public!”

The privateer that McCarthy said was a pirate ship that was licensed by the royal family.

Watching the Portuguese and Spaniards looting the wealth of the New World, the British thought of a ruthless way to prevent their wealth from prospering by recruiting private boats to rob ships of other countries along the coast.

When the theft is recognized by the royal family, then it has legitimacy and will not be held accountable.

As long as the privateer does not attack the ships of one’s own country, no one can take it to court for piracy.

General Henry Morgan, Captain Francis Drake, Captain Christopher Noport…These brilliant names are all names on the privateer captain’s list.

As long as he enlists in the privateer, Chen Feng represents Her Majesty the Queen, just like her non-staff soldiers, participating in the wars between the British, the Spanish and the Portuguese in a unique way.

Such an attack that does not talk about military ethics can certainly make a privateer a big fortune without any effort, but it means betraying Britain and becoming a pirate without a country and hated by everyone.

Once captured by the Royal Navy, it is hard to escape being hanged.


Upon hearing this, Chen Feng chuckles indifferently: “I can’t ask for it.”

The sound of his eye-catching brown trench coat under the hunting sea breeze was majestic.

The crew of the Jackdaw immediately followed the roar of laughter, and McCarthy’s face rose visibly to purple.

Afterwards, Chen Feng turned his back without expression.

The first mate Gibbs behind him sneered and shouted: “Okay, the captain is alive. Now send our brave Captain McCarthy to the Jackdaw for a treat.”


Several sailors exchanged glances and sneered.

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