Chapter 240 Sign a Reinforcement Contract! Jack and Barbosa join!

Jack and Norrington’s first encounter between evil and righteousness gave Elizabeth the first experience of the pirate charm of “men are not bad, women don’t love”, and the little white rabbit was taught the first lesson.

Jack had to find a helper if he wanted to steal the boat and go to sea. He instigated Will with a few words. This guy who loves the goddess for the first time said his love for Elizabeth: I can die for her.

This oath also determined a series of choices after him, and finally used his life and freedom to practice his unswerving love for Elizabeth.

When Will rescued Elizabeth and bandaged her wound, Will asked Elizabeth why she lied to the pirates that she was Will. The look of expectant eyes exposed his innocent young man’s mind. How much he longed to hear that the goddess was because he loved him. , Believing that he is Will’s person and crowned her husband’s surname in advance.

Elizabeth’s blank answer is: I don’t know.

At this time, she was really at a loss, just like a newcomer who had just entered the industry for a year, and found that the society was full of routines.

The freedom, free and easy, chivalrous, and handsome pirates that I expect in my heart does not exist. The real pirates are a bunch of dirty, despicable, cruel and untrustworthy hooligans.

What she was even more confused was that she originally hated Norrington’s well-behaved old-school men, and liked Will, a little blacksmith with pirate blood, but was awakened in a few short contacts with Jack.

I can’t tell what it feels like, but it’s a little messy, and the chaos made her feel a little bit shaken at the person she originally thought.

It’s just that she is still too young at this time to understand the relationship between love, marriage, and family, and she doesn’t know what she wants.

So she could only answer in a daze without knowing.

And now, there is another man in Elizabeth’s life.

A man who shouldn’t have appeared and completely disrupted the entire plot line.

Chen Feng.

Although she hadn’t had much contact with her, it saved her life and left a trace in her heart.


On the shore of Death Island reefs, gray and dark sandy beaches.

“So, Captain Chen Feng really got them done?” Sacred Land asked.

“Look at Barbossa like that.” Gibbs’s excitement was beyond words. “I saw him once, and his head was as high as a rooster at that time, but this will be… Haha, I have never seen such a stinky face again.”

“Long live! Long live Captain Chen Feng!”

“Long live the Jackdaw!!”

The crew of the Jackdaw cheered.

Under Chen Feng’s guidance, Chen Feng, Barbosa, and Jack reached a ceasefire agreement.

“Long time no see, Jack.” Barbossa said in a playful tone.

“To be honest, I don’t want to see you very much, if it’s not to get back my Black Pearl.” Jack put his hand in his pants, dangling like a scorpion, but his expression was displeased.

Both Jack Sparrow and Barbosa thought Chen Feng was the helper the other party had found, but it was not until this moment that they really confirmed that this was a character who was not in the same camp as them.

“Hey, that was originally my ship, let alone sharing a ship with a thief, even on the same deck with him, I think it is an insult to the Black Pearl.”

For Jack’s hostility, Barbossa only smiled, symbolically chatting with Jack.

However, in fact, he just wanted to find a quiet place to rest for a while, because he hadn’t experienced the feeling of being a human being for too long.

And the moment he returned to his human form, he thought of own’s past, of several women in his life, and his flesh and blood.

In the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead No Testament”, Barbosa’s daughter Karina was involved.

According to Barbosa’s dictation in the photo, it sounds as if he gave birth to Karina when he was confused when he was young. Including him sneaking into an Italian ship to steal Galileo’s diary, it is more like what he did when he was young.

However, it is impossible to calculate according to the timeline of the Caribbean series.

Before Part 1, Barbosa had been cursed for a full ten years.

The first part is 20 years after the fifth part. If Karina was born when Barbosa was young, she is now at least 30 years old, and Henry is only 20 years old.

If this romantic history of Barbossa happened in the 15 years between the third and fourth parts, and Jack’s tone in the fifth part seems to have witnessed the relationship between Karina’s parents.

But during this time Jack’s Black Pearl was stolen by Barbosa, and they never met.

There is another possibility that it happened before the third part, that is, after Barbossa’s resurrection and before going to Singapore.

But at that time Barbossa should have done his best to complete the task assigned to her by the Seagod in order to save his life, and it is unlikely to do romantic affairs.

Therefore, this bug seems hopeless.

At the end Barbosa, Karina and Salazar are on the rope ladder.

The film first gives a shot of Barbosa from a bird’s-eye perspective. The shot shows that Salazar is about to catch up with Karina, and Karina is at stake. So in an atmosphere of sadness, Barbosa decided to sacrifice himself to save his daughter.

As a result, in the panoramic shot of Barbosa jumping down, we clearly saw that Salazar was several meters away from Karina!

This also makes Barbosa’s sacrifice seem unconvincing, and it also makes the father’s love and redemption that the film is about to be rendered irrelevant.

This is actually a bug that can be solved by late stage technology alone, but the director ignored it.


After the armistice agreement was reached, Chen Feng took out the horn and signed a reinforcement contract with Jack and Barbossa.

Prop “Magic Horn”: After establishing a reinforcement contract, you can send reinforcements to you as long as you blow it. ——From the world of The Chronicles of Narnia, Susan.

This horn is not the first time that Chen Feng has used it in the dungeon world. The last time it was in Busan Tour: Peninsula, a girl named Jun’er once treasured it and shed tears in her arms. But that time it was used in reverse, and Chen Feng was the summoned party.

Under the salty and wet sea breeze, a white light lit up all over Jack, Barbosa and Chen Feng.

The contract was successfully signed!

Now as long as Chen Feng is in the world of “Pirates of the Caribbean” and the horn is not in the CD cooling state, he can summon Jack and Barbosa to help him at any time!

Until the end, Chen Feng did not return his desire Feng Shui compass to Jack.

Chen Feng also has many doubts about the source of the magical instrument of desire Feng Shui compass.

Jack’s Feng Shui compass, whether in the novel or in “Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Soul Gathering Coffin,” clearly shows that it was given to Jack by the witch Tia Dorma to help Jack avoid David Jones.

But in the “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead No Dilemma” villain Salazar’s reminiscence screen, Feng Shui compass became a gift to Jack by the dead old captain. The original screenwriter of the previous life film nakedly ate his original setting.

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