Chapter 241 First stage clearance! Get an immortal body!

After bringing together Jack and Barbossa, the happy friends, Chen Feng also completed the reinforcement contract with the two, and took the magic horn back to his own personal warehouse.

“The Pirate King of the Caspian Sea” Captain Barbosa and the “Pirate King of the Caribbean” Captain Jack Sparrow, as a result, two of the nine pirate kings were robbed of Chen Feng as an alliance. .

The strength of Chen Feng is obvious to all crew members of the Black Pearl.

From today, Chen Feng’s name will travel across the oceans and spread throughout the Caribbean.

At the same time, starting today, Death Island, a place hard to reach by ordinary people, will also become the home of the Chenfeng Jackdaw fleet.

After sending off the Black Pearl, Chen Feng took the Jackdaw crew back to the treasure cave on Death Island.

Came to the treasure chest of Aztec gold coins.

Chen Feng took the lead and took a gold coin, and ordered all the crew to come and get a gold coin, and then took all the gold coins back into his own hands.

In this way, all members of the Jackdaw were cursed with Aztec gold coins.

In other words, they all have immortality!

In the moonlight, a group of skeletons and bones appeared in the exclamation of each other’s eyes.

“Congratulations to Samsara, “Chen Feng”, who has completed the current task: Ascension your pirate reputation in the Caribbean to the “rise to fame” stage!”

“Congratulations to “Chen Feng” Samsara, who has reached the first stage of the joint point: establish a foothold in the pirate world, establish your own base and power!”

“The “Pirates of the Caribbean” world copy will continue from the 6th floor of Samsara Tower to the 9th floor of Samsara Tower. You have reached the preset first-stage joint points and completed the contents of the 6th floor copy of Samsara Tower.”

“Now you can choose to leave the Samsara Tower dungeon, settle the phased dungeon rewards in advance, and return to the Samsara space for a short rest.”

“But you can also choose not to leave when the joint point is passed, and directly start the next phase of the mission. Every time you decide not to leave the dungeon, Ascension 100% will be settled for your phased dungeon rewards at that stage, and the phased dungeon rewards will be accumulated. The settlement will be unified the next time you leave the copy.”

“Samsara,’Chen Feng’, did you choose to leave the instance?”

“If you choose to leave, the Samsara person will return to the Samsara space after 10 seconds.”

Chen Feng thought for a moment, but chose not to leave.

One is that the time to come to this dungeon world is not too long. Compared to the two or three years that I have spent in the dungeon before, it is nothing short of a shame, and I am not tired.

The second is that I have now obtained the immortal body, and then I basically walked sideways. No matter how I die in this instance, only the control of Death Island is still in my hands. It is completely invincible and invincible. NS!

The third, of course, is the double dungeon reward settlement bonus. According to the rewards of the previous dungeons, this double bonus can be said to be something of steady fragrance, don’t take it for nothing!


A few days later.

Another wonderful day in the Caribbean Sea, the sky was shining with bright blue shadows, and there was a gentle breeze blowing in the air.

At the top of the cliff overlooking the Royal Harbour, suddenly there was a tumult of gongs and drums.

Whether today is pleasant or not, a hanging will be held today.

Two pirate-like guys had their hands tied to their chests, listening to a Royal Navy officer enumerating their crimes.

One of them was wearing a shabby shirt with a red handkerchief on his head, and the other was wearing a captain’s suit with a scar on his face.

Hearing that they were called “Jack Sparrow” and “Hector Barbosa”, both of them struggled in place for a while, but because they were stuffed with rags in their mouths, they could only send out unclear meaning. The whine.

Brigadier General Norrington, Elizabeth Swann and Governor Swann all dressed in costumes, standing on a platform a few meters above the crowd.

Since they returned to the Royal Harbour, Elizabeth has participated in the activities of becoming the fiancée of the brigadier general.

But this does not mean that she agrees with all his actions.

Elizabeth stared at “Jack Sparrow” with an unclear expression on her face.

According to the arrangement of the Chinese pirate named Chen Feng, the two heinous pirates were knocked out and then sent to the Royal Navy’s house, dressed as Jack and Barbosa.

Although Norrington still regretted not being able to catch Jack and Barbosa personally, in order to quell the panic of the people as soon as possible, and at the same time highlight his outstanding record in combating pirates as soon as he took office, he would still make mistakes and falsehoods.” “Jack” and fake “Barbosa” were sent to the guillotine.

This is not the first time Elizabeth has witnessed cruel hangings, but this time it seems particularly worrying.

She was thinking of a person.

Want it so so much.

At this moment, some changes suddenly appeared in the crowd, and someone came over.

Elizabeth raised her head and tried her best to look over, trying to see who came.

After a while, Will Turner appeared in front of Elizabeth.

He wears a feather hat on his head and an elegant red cloak on his shoulders, which is very attractive.

He spoke, his voice full of courage.

“Elizabeth,” Will said, ignoring the gazes of Norrington and the Governor. “I should have told you early, I love you.”

Elizabeth stood in shock, feeling her own heart pounding.

Will walked through the crowd, pulled off his cloak, revealing the two sabers hanging on both sides of the strap, he drew one of them and rushed to the gallows.

In the next second, Will found himself surrounded by a dozen sailors, all of them holding a scimitar.

However, Elizabeth yelled, jumped down angrily, pushed the sailor away and walked to Will, put her hand into his arm, and held her chin high in resistance.

The governor ordered the sailors to lower their weapons and watched Elizabeth stare affectionately at Will, Norrington sighed.

“So, is this your real sweetheart?” he finally asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

By the low wall of the castle, Elizabeth and Will stared into each other’s eyes.

Governor Swan sighed when he looked at his daughter like this. This is not the life he wants to give his daughter, but she is too willful and refuses to listen to him.

To confirm, he asked the last question, “Is this really the path you chose? After all, he is just a blacksmith.”

Elizabeth looked at her father and smiled.

“No,” she said proudly, turning to Will, gently removing the hat from his head. “He is a pirate.”

In full view, Will leaned forward and pulled Elizabeth closer.

There, they reveled in the long kiss.


On the distant sea.

The black sail of the Black Pearl is no longer in tatters, and the hull is shining under the bright sun.

Captain Jack Sparrow was standing behind the rudder of the Black Pearl, wearing the familiar three-cornered hat on his head, looking out to the sea, feeling the wooden body of the Black Pearl with his fingers, and smiling on his face.

“Now, take me to the horizon over there,” he said.

Captain Jack Sparrow set up a new route. He drove his own boat through the emerald waves of the Caribbean Sea.

And Barbosa and his squeaking monkey appeared behind Jack.

“Can you let go of the rudder? First officer.”

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