Chapter 249 Tribal leader! God’s will!

Captain Bemira akimbo and said loudly:

“If you both like this dress, you can wear it separately and wear it for one day.”

“It’s not like that, sir.” The accountant hurriedly replied, “This ship is haunted!”

Bellamy looked at the dress and said, “Is it now?”

“Yes.” The quartermaster agreed, “There is a female ghost on the boat with us, sir, everyone feels it.”

The crew began to complain, and a sailor spit sharply, “I think it’s a ghost who became a widow before she got married. Come to find her husband who died at sea.”

The accountant nodded: “We are going to throw our skirts out of the boat. I hope the ghosts will follow, otherwise the boat will sink in fourteen days. Remember my words!”

A sailor on the side of a painted ship listened carefully to the dispute.

“Enough!” Captain Bellamy ordered, and he took up the skirt and looked at it carefully.

“Gentlemen, it seems to me that there is nothing more than a stolen passenger on our ship. From the looks of it, she is a young woman. Go back to your post. If there is a stolen passenger and she is still a woman, I don’t think She will slip away under our noses, right?”

In Pirate Life, women are generally not allowed to be brought onboard pirate ships, and even women who have been captured cannot be touched.

The superficial reason is that women will bring storms and disasters.

The real reason is to avoid robbing women and triggering pirates.

A woman is not only a tool for venting desires on a boat, but more importantly, she is a living person. A single expression in her eyes may affect the violent turbulence of interpersonal relationships and affect the harmony of the entire fleet.

The crew thought about what Captain Bellamy had said, and then they dispersed, looking for the female stolen passenger.

The sailor on the side of the painted ship turned to face the rest of the people.

This person is not a sailor at all, she is Elizabeth who successfully disguised herself as a sailor.

She put down the paintbrush and joined the search for the lady on the boat. These noisy guys barely noticed her.


At this time, the distant jungle.

Will Turner woke up to find that he was tied up and was walking through a small village full of huts.

The residents of the island looked at the team curiously.

Finally, in front of a huge throne, Will was let go.

He looked up and smiled.

The one sitting on the throne in the ornate ceremonial costume is no one else, it is Captain Jack Sparrow!

“Jack Sparrow,” Will said. “To be honest, I’m so glad to see you.”

Jack didn’t respond. He stared at Will blankly, as if he had never seen Will before.

The samurai pushed Will to the front: “Jack, it’s me, Will Turner, let them let me go.”

Jack stepped off the throne and twisted Will’s arm.

He spoke a language that Will had never heard before, and the samurai nodded frequently.

Suddenly, Will discovered that this throne was not an ordinary throne, it was made of human bones.

“Jack, listen.” Will said desperately, “That Feng Shui compass! I only want that, now only you and Barbosa know where that man is, take me to see him!”

“Jack, Elizabeth is in danger right now. We were arrested for helping you. She is going to be hanged!”

A samurai pointed to Will’s thigh and touched his belly again, suggesting that Will would be a good meal.

Jack nodded, and the whole tribe cheered.

“No!” Will yelled when the warriors grabbed him. “Jack, what did you say to them?”

But Jack still didn’t answer, he climbed back to his own throne and looked into the distance.

When the samurai dragged Will past Jack and prepared to take him to a big meal, Jack’s eyes turned sharply, trying to get Will’s attention.

“Help me!” Jack whispered a desperate voice from the corner of his mouth.

The samurai dragged Will to a deep ravine where there were two large cages made of bones suspended by thick ropes.

When Will saw some of the crew on the Black Pearl, he was locked in a cage.

Will was thrown into a cage before he could resist.

Captain Barbossa was among them!

“Hey, Will, meet again.” Barbosa smiled, seemingly not caring about this situation.

Will struggled to get up, then touched it in his pocket.

He handed Barbosa the bottle he found on the jungle floor, and Barbosa raised the bottle.

Will went on to ask him about Jack’s weird behavior and the status of the leader of the tribe.

“If Jack is the leader, why would he treat you this way?” Will asked, looking at the crew members around him.

Barbossa said: “These Pelegusto people let Jack be their leader, but Jack can only sit as a leader if he acts like a leader. That is to say, he can’t do what they think a tribal leader shouldn’t be. Things to do.”

“So he is a prisoner just like us.” Will said.

Barbossa frowned: “In fact, it’s a lot more. The Pele Gusto believe that Jack is a god trapped in the flesh of a mortal. They plan to help Jack free from the mortal womb.”

Looking through the corner of his eye, Will noticed that Caton had interrupted. He was gesturing something was cut by a knife, and Will frowned.

“They are going to roast him and eat it. This is an unsuspecting religious belief.”

Barbossa said thoughtfully: “Actually, we guessed that maybe they were just starving.”

Will could see that most of the pirates were kept in these two cages, but many of them were gone, so he asked, “What about the others?”

Barbossa shook his head: “The two cages we are in are not made after we come in.”

Will looked at the two human bone cages and quickly retracted his hands.

“As soon as the sun sets, the feast is about to begin.” Barbossa’s tone changed, and even a few smiles appeared.

“As soon as the drums stop, Jack won’t survive…”


In a small boat not far from the shore, two ragged pirates, Pantel and Rajetti, were rowing with their backs to the setting sun.

The two stammering live treasures are the remnants of Jack and Barbosa.

The tall and thin Rajetti put a book on her lap.

“…I said, it is God’s will that we can escape from prison.”

As he said, he adjusted his own wooden eyeballs.

“In my opinion, thanks to my cleverness.” Pantel, who was shorter, replied while rowing.

A dog with a bunch of keys in his mouth suddenly stretched his head from the bow of the boat.

Pantel patted the dog on the head and said, “Is it, Butch?”

“How do you know that it was not the will of God that inspired you, so you became clever?” Rajetti argued, “I will never steal the ship anyway.”

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