Chapter 250 Immortal’s Soul! Escape the fire pit!

“How do you know that it was not the will of God that inspired you, so you became clever?” Rajetti argued, “I will never steal the ship anyway.”

“It’s not stealing.” When they approached the island, Pantel said, “That’s salvation. Since when have you been concerned about this?”

“Since we are immortal now, we should take good care of our Immortal soul.” Rajetti said nervously, looking down at the book on her lap.

“You know you can’t read!” Pantel shouted to him.

“This is the “Bible”.” Wooden-eyed pirate Rajetti said with a smile, showing his incomplete yellow teeth. “You just have to try and you will get praise.”

“Pretending to be reading the “Bible” is a lie. It is an impression against you.” Pantel said loudly.

At this moment, the Black Pearl suddenly appeared in sight.

They have been looking for this thing that they can never seem to find, but now…

“Look! It’s there!” Pantel cried.

The dog suddenly jumped into the clear, blue water and headed for the shore.

“What’s wrong with it?” Pantel asked.

“You must have seen catfish.” Rajetti giggled.

When they got ashore, Pantel looked up at the black sails on the boat and said greedily: “It’s easy to get!”

At this moment, the sound of drums suddenly began to resound through the jungle and to the beach.


As the Pele Gusto prepare for their feast, the drums are getting louder and louder.

They are adding firewood to the firepit and raising their salaries, and their distinguished guest, and their main course, Captain Jack Sparrow, nodded his approval and forced a smile.

“I see women here, but there are few children. Why? Are children delicious?” he asked.

No one answered him, and the samurai were busy putting a large barbecue spit on the fire pit.

Jack swallowed and took a deep breath.

“The fire is not big enough!” he yelled, striding to the fire pit boldly.

In order to buy himself more time, he pretended to be more like a leader.

When the Pelagusto stared at him, he frowned, shook his head, spread his arms and said:

“Not big enough! I’m the leader! I need more wood! Big fire!” He said in Pelegusto, “Look for wood again!”

The samurai dropped their spears and ran away to find enough firewood to satisfy their leader.

Jack stood with his head upright, his hands on his chest, glaring at everyone.

When everyone left, he slipped away.

He staggered across a vine bridge and ran past a row of huts.

Suddenly I found myself on the edge of a steep cliff and almost fell off.

In a panic, Jack waved his arms. After standing still, he rushed to the nearest hut.

“Rope, long rope.” He frantically turned around in this uninhabited room.

He found a spice box with the East India Trading Company logo on it.

Jack was about to throw it aside, when a burly warrior appeared at the door of the hut.

Jack took a few steps to retreated and looked directly at the terrifying face of the samurai.

“It’s not escaping, it’s definitely not…” Jack said, opening the box of spices, grabbing a handful and wiping him on, “See?”

Jack soon discovered that he was tied to a huge barbecue spit, and his body was evenly sprinkled with a layer of fresh seasoning, and his whole body was framed on top of a large pile of burning wood in the fire pit.

He sighed and looked down at the fire pit.

Thanks to his own efforts, this fire pit is now very large.

“Good job.” He nodded approvingly to the proud warriors.

Too much better, he said to himself silently.


At this moment, the pirates waited helplessly in their cages.

But Will doesn’t want to let it go.

Elizabeth’s life is at stake, he must go to Jack!

“Swing your cage and lean against the wall!” He yelled to everyone, and moved his center of gravity from one end to the other to make the cage shake.

Leach and the pirates in the other cage understood his intentions, and everyone began to swing the cage toward a wall of the abyss and grabbed a cane.

Will said loudly, “Put your feet out and start crawling!”

The crew pulled the cane with all their strength, grabbed a foothold, and slowly moved the two cages to the top of the ditch wall.

A guard passed by, staring at the tilted cage for a while, and everyone stopped immediately.

But after a while, the people on Leach’s side became anxious, and they tried to cheat one step further.

The soldier found out, and he screamed loudly and sounded the alarm.

The drums stopped.

In the village, Jack, who was tied to a spit like a turkey, heard the alarm at the moment when the fire pit was about to be lit by the torch.

The guard suddenly rushed into the village, screaming and pointing at the jungle.

His meaning is very clear-the prisoners are going to run away!

“Go after them!” Jack still tried to act like a leader and commanded, suddenly turning his head in the direction of the jungle: “Don’t let them run away!”

The samurai hesitated, not knowing whether it was time to light the fire or to run away.

After all, they have the responsibility to free the own god from the shackles of the flesh, but this god is also ordering them to catch prisoners.

They finally ran away, throwing the torch on the ground as they left.

Jack opened his eyes wide, watching the torch slowly roll towards the fire pit below, and suddenly a small dry branch on the edge of the pit was lit.

With a swish, the entire fire pit was burning.

Jack tried to blow out the fire, but it was just a waste of effort, he was almost cooked through!

Jack tried to escape as quickly as possible. He desperately tried to move his fork up and down to get away from the fire completely.

A village boy watched the pirate, who was bouncing up and down, breathing hard and crackling in the flames.

Finally, Jack played enough this time, he managed to land far away from the fire, panting.


At this time, in the abyss, Will’s cage reached the top first.

In the other cage, Leach reached out and caught a thick vine, but when the thick vine curled up into the cage, Leach screamed.

What he pulled into the cage was not a cane but a giant snake!

The pirates quickly let go, but the cane that was holding them suddenly broke because of the violent force.

The entire cage fell into the bottom of the abyss and made a loud noise.

When Will moved the cage to the top of the cliff and climbed out of the abyss, he heard the screams of people.

But he had no time to worry about Leach and the others, and the samurai came straight to his cage.

Unable to escape, Will and the others extended their feet from the bottom of the cage, lifted the cage around the legs, and started running through the jungle.

They must go to the Black Pearl, hurry!

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