Chapter 267


Immediately afterwards, a faint white light appeared all over the body. This white light quickly spread to the surroundings. Finally, the entire Black Pearl and all the crew members on it were all wrapped in it. Leaving, leaving only the turbulent sea with white waves.

When the Black Pearl returned to the sea again, everyone found that they were already in a familiar and unfamiliar place.

“We are back! The Island of Death!”

Someone shouted.

That’s right, it is impossible for every crew member of the Black Pearl to forget this feeling, this desolate and bleak sense of oppression, as if all creatures will come to an end here.

What makes them even more unforgettable is that weird, ungrass mountain, along the small river in the island, deep into the cave, you can go to the treasure cave full of gold and silver treasures.

There is a chest in the treasure cave, which contains the cursed Aztec gold coins.

That was the source of their strength, but it was also the source of their pain.

These three months have returned to a normal life, allowing these Black Pearl crew members who are eager to get rid of their immortality to live their second lives.

Although I often miss the benefits of the immortal body, there have been such unrememberable days, even if they were given the opportunity to take away the Aztec gold coins, they would not do it.

“Wait, it seems to be very different from the original.”

The Island of Death seems to have changed significantly from the past.

Jack and Barbosa didn’t expect that in just three months, Chen Feng turned this deserted island into its own base!

What shocked them even more was that now Chen Feng actually had a fleet of more than a dozen warships.

In addition to the powerful Jackdaw they had ever seen, there were two large battleships that were no less inferior.

Emperor and Brigade Practitioner!

“My God!” All the crew of the Black Pearl who witnessed this scene couldn’t help but marvel.

Barbossa and Jack are actually both pregnant with ghosts. Although they are afraid of Chen Feng, they are both well-known pirate kings at sea. There is no situation where they are willing to bend to others.

As a pirate captain, if he is willing to be inferior to others, then Barbosa will lead his crew to betray Jack, and there will be no such thing as the Royal Navy and Jack do not share the sky.

There are certain restrictions on the pirates, that is, only the “Piracy Code”, and…absolute power gap.

Chen Feng completely crushed them by strength.

Not only did they crush them, but they also forcibly accepted them as allies, superficial allies, but in reality, a little brother, a “magic horn” called them to come and go.

Seeing the first side of Chen Feng, Jack asked: “Sir, Feng Shui compass…”


after one day.

Captain Jack Sparrow was sitting in a small boat, holding the pot of soil desperately like a frightened child.

Elizabeth and Norrington sat across from him, and they both tried to be serious about the captain’s absurd behavior. Pantel and Rajetti were in charge of rowing to Cruise Island.

“You rowed too slowly,” Rajetti replied, “We don’t want to be caught by the sea monster.”

Jack shivered at the mention of the sea monster’s name.

“So I have to save some energy to deal with it.” Pantel said, “And I don’t think it is called ‘sea monster’, I’ve always heard that it is called ‘black monster’.”

Jack shivered again.

“What? Is there a long a? It sounds o in the Scandinavian language from which it originated.” Rajetti replied, leaning on the oar.

“So “Sea Monster” is closer to its original pronunciation.”

Suddenly they heard a sound in the water, and the two hurriedly started rowing. They could discuss this topic later.

Finally docked, and Jack jumped off the boat gratefully. He took off his jacket and patted his pockets to make sure the amnesty was still there.

He put the jacket and the jar on the bow of the boat, and then took a shovel: “Look at the boat, watch out for the rising tide.”

He ordered Pantel and Rajetti, Jack put the Feng Shui compass into Elizabeth’s hand, and they walked towards the beach together.

When they happened to see an abandoned church, Norrington said, “I don’t think anyone will come here.”

“No,” Elizabeth replied.

“Do you know this place?” Jack asked in surprise.

“I heard it from the story.” Elizabeth said as she walked. “This church came to this island and brought salvation, disease and death. The story says that the priest had to bury everyone, one by one, In the end he was driven mad and hanged himself.”

“It’s better to be crazy with the world than to be sober alone,” Norrington said.

Elizabeth stared at him, and Norrington was very different from the person she had known.

This cynical man was no longer the Commodore she had known before.

Jack interrupted her thoughts and said, “My dear, don’t get close to the helper I invited.”

Elizabeth looked down at Feng Shui compass with an unhappy face, and moved on.

Suddenly the pointer started to turn around—they found the place!

Jack drew a fork in the sand with the toe of his shoe and handed the shovel to Norrington.

At the same time, the flying Dutchman had reached an outer reef on Cruz Island, and David Jones saw the small boat through binoculars.

“They have arrived.” He stamped the deck angrily. “I can’t go ashore for nearly ten years!”

“Do you trust us to do things for you?” Max asked him.

“I hope you know what will be waiting for you if you are not doing well!”

Jones said firmly: “Dive!” He ordered the crew.

Max nodded and shouted: “Dive, dive.”

The bow of the flying Dutchman sank into the blue water, and the waves surged onto the deck.

In a short while, the whole ship sank into the sea and moved fast underwater, as if being pushed down by an invisible big hand.

Schools of fish quickly swam across the water to Cruise Island to the Dutchman, and the hull foamed layers of foam on the surface of the water.

Pantel and Rajetti sat on the beach, staring at the tumbling sea, and then looking at each other in horror. Then they jumped up, dropped the boat, and ran to inform the others.


Jack’s time is running out, and he and Elizabeth are standing eagerly by the hole Norrington dug.

When the shovel slammed into something hard, everyone was stunned.

They hit that treasure chest!

Jack jumped into the hole and helped lift the treasure chest out.

Jack quickly opened the lock of the box with a shovel.

He knelt down and opened the box, which contained a memento of a dead love: a string of white pearls, a white dress, some dried flowers and faded love letters.

Jack pulled these things away and found a box.

He took the box out of the treasure chest.

The box was hooped by iron bars and locked tightly, but every low beating from inside was still heard.

“It’s true!” Elizabeth gasped.

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