Chapter 268 The dark side of ambition!

“It’s true!” Elizabeth gasped.

Norrington said in surprise: “So you still told the truth.”

Jack raised his eyebrows and said, “I have actually told a lot of truth, but people will still be surprised.”

“For example, I said I could use his hand to find Jones’ weakness.”

Although Jack failed to get the Feng Shui compass that had fallen into Chen Feng’s hands, he still learned about the location of Cruise Island from Chen Feng’s mouth with his own cheeky, and he was far from completely free from David Jones’ clutches. One step closer.

Of course, what he didn’t know was that all this was in the overall situation set by the style.

Whether it’s Jack, Barbosa, Elizabeth or Will Turner, they are just a pawn in this overall situation…

“There is a reason for this,” a voice said.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Will Turner, who walked towards them breathlessly, drenched.

Elizabeth held her breath in surprise and ran towards Will.

“Will, are you all right!” She put her arms around Will’s neck.

Jack looked behind Will worriedly. He asked Will, “How did you get here?”

“Turtles, buddy. A pair of turtles, tie them to their feet.” Will referred to a famous legend about Jack sitting on the back of a turtle and escaping from an island alone.

Jack grinned in response to Will’s contempt: “It’s not that easy, right?”

“But I really have to thank you, Jack.” Will said, “Since I was tricked into boarding that ship by you, helping you to pay Jones’ debt…”

“What?” Elizabeth looked at Jack and said.

“…I was able to meet my father again.”

Jack swallowed, “You’re welcome.”

“Everything and every word you tell me is a lie?” Elizabeth glared at Jack and said.

“Yes, my dear, it’s always been the case.” Jack nodded without apology.

It wasn’t until he saw Will kneeling next to the treasure chest that he put away the arrogant expression on his face. Will holds the key in one hand and the dagger his father gave him in the other.

“What are you going to do?” Jack asked.

“I’m going to kill Jones.” Will replied.

In an instant, a cold blade pressed against Will’s throat. It was Jack’s sword.

“I can’t let you do this, William.” Jack said, “If Jones is dead, who else can control the sea monster? Please give me the key.”

Will hurried Jack’s sword flying like lightning. He jumped back and snatched the dagger that Elizabeth had been carrying since she went to Tortuga.

“I want to keep my promise.” He confronted Jack and said, “I want to save my father.”

But Norrington suddenly drew his long sword and raised it towards Will: “I’m sorry, I can’t let you do this.”

Jack looked at the former Commodore and smiled.

“I knew you would eventually touch me.” He said, he was very happy to see things suddenly turn around.

Norrington quickly pointed the sword at Jack and expressed his true intentions.

“Lord Beckett is eager to get the contents of the chest. If I give him the treasure chest, I can regain my original life.”

“Ah, it turns out to be the dark side of ambition.” Jack said coldly with a sigh.

The three people suddenly jumped forward, their swords intertwined, and there was a sound of steel collision.

“Will.” Jack said urgently. “We can’t let him get the treasure chest. You can trust me about this!”

Will held the sword steadily, distrust in his eyes.

“He is more untrustworthy than me.” Jack finally had to say.

Will stopped the sword in his hand and thought for a while, then he looked at the scruffy Commodore Norrington and said, “You look terrible.”

“Even so,” Norrington replied, “but you are really naive. Jack just wants to monopolize Elizabeth.”

“Huh, fifty steps and one hundred steps.” Jack said, and he summarized the status quo in six words.

The three men raised their swords to each other again and hit one place.

“Look at the box.” When Will, Norrington, and Jack were fighting hard, Will told Elizabeth.

“No! You are too savage! This is not an adult’s way of solving problems at all!” Elizabeth yelled, but no one paid any attention.

Rajetti, who safely left the beach and walked through the palm grove, watched this scene.

“Hey, why are things so messy?” Pantel came to Rajetti and knelt down and asked.

Both of them saw the treasure chest.

Rajetti sighed: “They all want to swallow the treasure box. I think Mr. Norrington wants to regain his dignity. Jack expects to exchange it with Jones to save his life. Turner tries to solve the two-time suffering between him and himself. The unresolved problem between the cursed pirate father.”

“It’s really miserable.” Pantel commented: “That treasure chest must be very valuable. If we still have a little conscience, we should help them get rid of this temptation blocking their way.”

The two pirates glanced at each other sideways, and quietly approached the treasure chest.

Elizabeth is still trying to prevent this crazy sword fight, but it seems to be of no use.

She fell on the sand, pretending to faint, hoping that these men would stop the chaos and come and help her.

She lay on the ground for a long time, and when she opened her eyes, she happened to see Pantel and Rajetti running to the jungle with the box.

She jumped up, and for a while it was difficult to decide whether to tell Will or to chase the box. She squinted and saw that three people were fighting each other in the distance, so she decided to run into the jungle to chase the two pirates.

This melee escalated in an all-round way, spreading across the entire island from east to west, north to south.

Norrington slammed Will back and the key fell out.

“Ha-ha!” Jack laughed and saw the key fall from the air, just in his hand.

Seeing Jack running to the beach with the key, Norrington and Will stood in shock, but they quickly recovered their calm and threw their legs to chase Jack.

Jack ran towards the old church. He ran into the bell tower, with the key in his hand, and climbed the wooden stairs.

On the beam high above his head hung the skeleton of the priest who was hanged in the legend, Jack quickly nodded at the skeleton and continued to climb.

Norrington and Will soon caught up with Jack on the stairs.

Norrington swung his sword at Jack, but Jack dodges in time.

The long sword whizzed past his arm, Norrington grumbled, slammed Jack with the hilt, grabbed the key, and pushed Jack down the stairs.

When Jack fell, he reached out and grabbed the rope of the priest’s skeleton tied to the clock tower.

Jack and the skeleton fell together, but Will grabbed the second rope, and Will was hung up when Jack was falling.

Will passed Norrington near the top of the tower and took the key from Norrington’s hand.

When Will reached the top of the tower, the church bell began to ring.

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