"how could be?"

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

The Great Sage Qingniu stood up from the boulder!

The pressure that swept across the Xuan Realm could not deceive the monsters.

The monster race values blood, just as humans value physical fitness.

For any monster race, this pressure that swept across the Xuan Realm can immediately sense the murderous aura of the blood!

This can only be released by the ancient monsters with supreme blood!

Although the pressure just passed by, it still made this great sage tremble!

The Great Sage Qingniu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, scowling and pacing back and forth on the boulder:"This is a big trouble. If the Emperor Wu comes, my lord, we have to retreat!"

"How about we take this opportunity to return to the Heavenly Demon Realm? We should still have some old friends in the Heavenly Demon Realm."


"Have you forgotten what happened to Gu Yan after he was expelled from Chongxuan Pavilion? Those old subordinates are unreliable."

Bai Xiner narrowed her eyes:"The Emperor Wu has always been arrogant and domineering, and he has acted in a high-profile manner. He has just arrived in Xuanjie and has overwhelmed the Eight Desolations. This is what he would do."

"But this guy has always been arrogant, how could he suddenly come to a remote place like Xuanjie? Could it be that he just happened to sense the breath of the origin treasure?"

Her eyes flickered, and her thoughts were flying.

The Great Sage Qingniu hurriedly said:"My lord, let's talk about this later. Now it's better to leave first. If the Emperor Wu finds out that we are in Xuanjie, it will be a big trouble."

A gust of wind happened to blow at this time.

She stepped forward with her snow-white jade feet, her fox tail swaying gently, and walked in the air:"Let's go first, to Tianwu Small World."

The Great Sage Qingniu immediately followed, and a tiny vortex appeared in front of the two of them, with light particles floating.

Bai Xiner suddenly stopped and stood still.

"My Lord, why did you stop again?"

"There is one more thing I need to do."

Bai Xin'er's eyes flickered, and her slender white fingers gently touched the fluffy tail behind her.

Two fingertips pinched a tuft of pure white tail hair.


A wisp of fresh air blew out from the corners of her pink lips, blowing the tuft of tail hair away, and it soon disappeared.

The Great Sage Qing Niu was puzzled:"What are you doing?"……"

Bai Xin'er said:"Just in case, let the man know."

"Emperor Wu has come to Xuanjie, we need help"

"But can he, a small human... stop the Martial Emperor?"

"Do you have any other ideas?"


Bai Xiner stepped into the barely detectable vortex in front of her and disappeared.

The Great Sage Qingniu also scratched his head and stepped into the vortex, muttering,"Yes, it's not bad to find a scapegoat to take the lead, but it would be a pity if the origin treasure was taken away."


Xuanjie, Wanfa Ziran Sect, and the Sea of Divine Trees.

There are more than a thousand giant trees with a diameter of more than 100 meters, and the treetops are towering and green, covering the sky and the sun.

Every divine tree here is the foundation of Wanfa Ziran Sect, comparable to a great man.

The entire sea of trees is connected into a magic circle, which can be intercepted even by a saint.

But now, people are moving back and forth in this sea of trees, and there are roars and brilliant flashes of magic from time to time. Precious divine trees fall to the ground one by one, making a loud bang.

A great man of the Wanfa Ziran Sect with white hair and beard has broken an arm and is covered in blood. He is weak at this time and shouts:"Stop them! Stop them, we must not let these demons rush out. Hold on for another half an hour, and the magic array can be repaired... Puff!"

Before he finished speaking, a shadow suddenly appeared behind him!

A sharp and huge claw pressed on his head, and an infinite force surged, and ketchup was immediately spilled all over the ground.

"What a noise! A mere trash race from a small world dares to stop the great Heavenly Wolf Tribe."

It was a werewolf about five meters tall, with a wolf head and a human body, covered with long blue hair. He shook his claws, as if he was very disgusted with the blood.


The wind sounded.

The werewolf who had just killed a powerful man, his pale yellow pupils suddenly became vertical, and all the hair on his body stood upside down.

There were despicable ants sneaking up, damn it!

The werewolf felt that the world was upside down, his vision gradually blurred, and the last glance was from bottom to top, he saw his neck spurting blood and a blood-red figure.

After killing the werewolf, the blood-red figure did not stop, and countless gorgeous halos bloomed under his feet, Her speed reached the extreme.

With the cold light flashing in the green sword in her hand, the sword rose and fell, and the murderous aura was everywhere.

Under the sea of trees, strange figures with surging breath kept rushing out.

Most of them looked like the werewolf just now. They just rushed out and had no time to react.

The sword light fell!

Heads flew left and right, setting off a feast of killing.

The demons rushing out of this area were quickly killed by her!

The woman in red was not alone.

Behind her, figures kept appearing.

Elder Jiang, Elder Xu, and the elders of Chongxuan Pavilion, after calming down the chaos in Chongxuan Pavilion, all came to Wanfa Ziran Sect to support

"Pavilion Master Nangong is so strong."

Ji Kong also came to support with Chongxuan Pavilion and others. Seeing Nangong Qin's killing, he was shocked.

As a great king, he asked himself if he could compare with Nangong Qin.

Elder Jiang fought side by side with him and smashed a werewolf with a diamond bracelet:"Master Ji, our Pavilion Master is extremely talented. He once suppressed the genius of his generation. He is expected to step over the threshold of the king and connect the holy bridge to become a saint."

"If it weren't for that little bastard Gu Yan, who had no hope of becoming a saint in this life, with the arrogance of the Pavilion Master, he might not necessarily agree to the marriage proposal of Chu Dasheng."

There was a lot of regret in his words.

As one of the most profound transcendent forces in the Xuan Realm, Nangong Qin fought her way up to become the Pavilion Master.

At the beginning, no one knew how many people fell at her feet, but she was too lazy to even look at them, and was obsessed with cultivation.

Even if the way forward is cut off now, Nangong Qin's strength is not something that an ordinary great king can challenge.

Hearing what Elder Jiang said, Ji Kong couldn't help but say,"Gu Yan, that little bastard, deserves to die. Pavilion Master Nangong has paid so much for him, but he is so rebellious."

"Stop chatting."

Elder Xu walked through the two of them with a sullen face and urged them,"Hurry up, go help, the Pavilion Master is in trouble."

Ji Kong's face changed slightly, and he realized that Nangong Qin's efficient killing just now attracted the attention of these demons that rushed out of the Fu Mo Magic Array. At this time, ten werewolves surrounded Nangong Qin!

Each one was a great king who was not inferior to him.

In just a moment, blood was pouring, the sacred tree collapsed, and all he could see was a sea of blood and corpses!

What's more terrifying is that there are more werewolves rushing out, and even Ji Kong's heart palpitated, and he felt a more terrifying breath coming from the broken magic array at the bottom!

Ji Kong played the Tianyuan chessboard and rushed up, and was immediately stared at by three great king werewolves, who slapped the Tianyuan chessboard away with one claw.

He felt cold all over, and the death star was bright!

Nangong Qin is in danger!

Wanfa Ziran Sect is in danger!

Xuanjie is in danger!

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