At this critical moment, suddenly, a terrifying pressure came from nowhere.

Nangong Qin, Ji Kong and others were surprised to see that all the demons that rushed out of the magic circle were suddenly shocked and stood still, as if they were frightened by the terrifying pressure.

"What's the situation with these monsters?"

Although the Xuanjie strongmen were also affected by the pressure, they were not like those monsters, unable to move.

Nangong Qin's phoenix eyes were full of murderous intent, and she shouted coldly:"Kill!"

The long sword was like a rainbow, piercing through the head of a great king werewolf who was stunned in front of her!

Blood splattered, accompanied by the blazing flames bursting out of the sword body, and the great king werewolf was killed as soon as it met!

Nangong Qin's decisive killing made everyone wake up from a dream, and they reacted immediately.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Don't worry about why these monsters were suddenly fixed, it doesn't matter, kill them first!

For a while, colorful magic lights rushed straight into the sky!

All kinds of weapons and magic weapons bursting with brilliance, dazzling and dazzling, carrying the heads of monsters one by one.

This kind of life and death killing, without fancy tricks, is the simplest and purest killing, and every time you make a move, you go all out! In just such a moment of stunned time, 80% of the werewolves in the sea of trees were killed!

"good news!"

"The demons in the passage below the magic circle suddenly stopped pouring in, and even had a tendency to retreat."

At this time, the powerful man from the Wanfa Ziran Sect at the front sent a message.


The experts in the room looked at each other, their eyes full of shock and confusion.

Nangong Qin flew to the bottom of the Sea of Divine Trees and soon came back:"It should have a lot to do with the pressure just now. The demons in the passage are indeed retreating. The demons can speak human language. Find a way to capture one and torture it with the Word Spirit Technique."

"In addition, Elder Xu, contact Tianxu Immortal Sect and Taikun Immortal Palace to see what's going on there."

"Patriarch Ji, Elder Yu...please help kill the remaining werewolves."

"Mr. Si Xue, the magic array below still needs help from people who are proficient in arrays. Please bring a group of array masters to assist."


Nangong Qin looked solemn and spoke to the masters in an orderly manner.

The masters named by her immediately took action without hesitation.

The rest of the Xuanjie masters looked at her cold appearance with a few drops of blood on her crystal-clear and beautiful face in a wedding dress today.

They were all touched.

This Pavilion Master Nangong was really beautiful and sassy at this moment, and she was full of charm.

Before, Nangong Qin wanted to be a concubine to the Chu Saint. Although she didn't say anything on the surface, there were always some people who looked down on Nangong Qin in their hearts.

They were more envious of Nangong Qin for holding the thigh of a saint and getting a huge wedding gift. It's not an exaggeration to say that they were jealous, envious and hateful.

She was decisive in killing and showing her talent just now, which made many Xuanjie masters present secretly admire her.

Now hearing Nangong Qin's clear and orderly arrangement, these people secretly changed their views on her.

This Pavilion Master of Chongxuan Pavilion is not a vase, and she is a perfect match for the Chu Saint!

After the arrangement was completed, Nangong Qin looked around and said,"Everyone, take the pills first and recover."

She took out a crystal clear jade bottle with her jade hand, and the special jade stone blocking the mouth of the bottle floated away. The fragrant medicine smelled strong and drifted away. One by one, cinnabar-colored pills fell out and scattered to the people around.

In the face of the disaster in the Xuan Realm, many strong men did not refuse and bowed:"Thank you, Pavilion Master Nangong."

Nangong Qin ignored it and took a pill on her own and began to regulate her breath and recover.

A few minutes later, Nangong Qin opened her phoenix eyes and looked at the figure returning in the sea of trees below.

A werewolf in the late stage of great power was brought back by a middle-aged man with a square face. He threw out a red scroll and landed on the werewolf's head.

The werewolf's head had ferocious facial features and roared continuously. As the red scroll floated down one mysterious black character after another and printed on his forehead, his eyes became dull and his mouth opened and closed gently.

Aba Aba Aba...

A group of Xuanjie strongmen gathered around and looked at it curiously.

The middle-aged man nodded to Nangong Qin and said,"Master Nangong, you ask it."

Nangong Qin did not refuse, and said,"Why did you freeze just now? Is your army retreating?"

Aba's wolf head was silent for a moment and said,"This world suddenly has a terrifying blood suppression aura descending."

"That is definitely a great monster of the fierce level. We are afraid and dare not provoke it."

He gave the answer, which shocked all the powerful people in the Xuan Realm.

It was indeed because of the pressure!

Elder Jiang was shocked and said,"I read in ancient books that the monsters under the magic array are violent and will kill us humans when they see us. Their crimes are heinous. Because they look like monsters and their natures are like demons, they are called monsters."

"Such an inhuman and unkind creature would actually have fear and timidity."

"That great demon of the fierce level……"

When he said this, his face suddenly turned pale, and panic flashed in his eyes:"Oh no! Could it be that they rushed out from the other two magic arrays?"

Elder Jiang's words immediately made the Xuanjie strongmen present at the scene have the same thought in their minds - damn!

Elder Xu, who was in charge of contacting the other two magic arrays, hurriedly said:"Nothing, Tianxu Immortal Sect and Taikun Immortal Palace have responded."

"The situation on their side is temporarily under control, and there is no so-called great monster appearing."

After hearing this, everyone was slightly relieved.

But they were still worried! If a great monster of the great monster level appeared, just by showing its aura, it could suppress the bloodline. Even these crazy monsters were afraid. If it really appeared, how would Xuanjie fight?

Nangong Qin asked again:"What is the strength of a great monster of the great monster level?"

The wolf head was controlled by the word spirit technique and immediately said:"I don't know, but the clan leader is also afraid of that aura"

"Patriarch? What is his strength?���where?"

"Saint King Peak, in the passage, escaped"


The words of Wolf Head made the whole audience fall into silence.

What is the origin of these monsters in the passage?

The clan leader alone has the strength of the peak Saint King.

Once he enters the Xuan Realm, who can stop him?

What's more terrifying is that this clan leader who is at the peak of the Saint King ran away, ran away?!

This... doesn't it mean that this big beast can hang up and beat the Saint King!

No one doubts that Wolf Head, who has been hit by the Word Spirit Technique, can speak, and that's why it is even more magical!

Ji Kong asked faintly:"What realm is above the Saint King? Does any Taoist know?"

Elder Jiang, who is well-versed in ancient books, immediately responded without hesitation:"Quasi-Emperor"

"Above the Quasi-Emperor is the Great Emperor."

Another old Great King said,"It is said that in the ancient times of our Xuanjie, a Quasi-Emperor was born, and then he left Xuanjie and disappeared. Later, with the foundation of our Xuanjie, it was impossible to give birth to a Quasi-Emperor. Even the Sage King has not seen many."

Everyone was silent again.

Sage King, Quasi-Emperor.

Are these things something that we little kings can understand?

I thought I was lucky and had a chance to survive this disaster, but now it seems that the luck of the Xuanjie seems to have run out.

Now it is suspected that a Quasi-Emperor demon has descended in the Xuanjie.

I am tired, why not destroy it quickly.

Many people's mentality collapsed, looking at the wolf head, and they fell into a state of panic.

Nangong Qin took a deep breath, and still calmly continued to ask the wolf head:"Who is the patriarch you are talking about? Where are you from? Why do you want to invade our Xuanjie?"

The wolf head opened his mouth again:"The Heavenly Wolf Tribe……"


Just as Wolf Head was about to continue speaking, suddenly, the heaven and earth shook, an inexplicable and terrifying force descended, and Wolf Head exploded directly!


"Palace Master Chen! Palace Master Chen!"


The middle-aged man who released the red scroll instantly turned pale, spat out a mouthful of old blood, staggered twice, and fainted amid a cry of surprise.

Seeing this, Elder Jiang sighed:"If the news on the other side of the passage was so easy to know, it wouldn't have taken so many years for us in the Xuan Realm to know nothing about it."

He looked at Nangong Qin and said,"Pavilion Master, what should we do now?"

Nangong Qin looked at the cracked wolf head, her face a little ugly, she slowly said:"Wait a minute, I will pass the news here to my husband first."

She held a piece of white jade in her hand, which could be used for two-way communication.

This was left by Chu Feng when he was bathing in Qianxuan Holy Spring so that he could summon her, and now it came in handy.

Chu Sheng?

Even if he is a great saint, he can't fight a quasi-emperor, right?

The eyes of the strong men showed worry, and they all looked at Nangong Qin holding the white jade and transmitting information, but no one spoke.

This matter is too big, and it is no longer something they can handle.


In the sea of divine beings, a piece of white jade vibrated gently.

Chu Feng, who had just finished browsing the treasures drawn from the previous treasure chest of destiny, raised his eyebrows slightly:"Xiao Qin? Oh, by the way, today's wedding process is not yet completed."

He sensed the white���Jade soon knew everything.

At the same time.

Not far away, a tuft of pure white tail hair floated over and landed in front of him. A light blue luster flashed in the tail hair.

In front of Chu Feng's eyes, a few big words flashed:——【Emperor Wu is coming, run! 】

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