999 Times Training System

Chapter 250: Murong Zili Appears

As soon as the voice fell, a purple shadow suddenly appeared in front of the three Ji You.

"Palace Master Murong, why are you here?"

Ji You couldn't help being surprised.

He hardly felt the breath of Palace Master Murong, as if Palace Master Murong came out of thin air.

"I left something on Elder Zheng. Once something happens, I can know it immediately and arrive."

Murong Zili answered Ji You almost without concealment.

Hearing this, Ji You suddenly realized.

Originally, Qianyuan Wufu was not far from Canglan Imperial College, and Palace Master Murong left on Elder Zheng a certain treasure that could be teleported within a certain range.

It is estimated that only people of the level of Palace Master Murong can possess that kind of treasure.

"Murong Zili, are you trying to do something with me?"

Seeing Murong Zili who suddenly appeared, Gao Huan's eyes sank.

"No matter what happened before, he is not someone you can move."

Murong Zili's style has always been domineering, and this time there is no exception.

Hearing Murong Zili being so unreasonable, Gao Huan nodded and said coldly: "If this is the case, then I'm not welcome."

I saw him wave his hand.

Huh! Huh! Huh! ...

All the mentors of Canglan Empire Academy present came to Gao Huan's side.

These instructors are all strong in the Profound Realm, and their cultivation base is not lower than Ji You, but Ji You can surpass them in strength by virtue of his sword skills and sword intent.

As soon as the war broke out, the juniors with lower cultivation bases of the major forces all retreated.

Even the other big figures on the high platform are temporarily avoiding the edge. This is a struggle between Canglan Empire Academy and Qianyuan Wufu, and they dare not easily intervene.

On one side is the martial arts force with the strongest strength of the Canglan Empire, and on the other side is a young man with unlimited prospects.

No matter which side, they are not willing to offend casually, so they can only remain neutral at the moment.

At this time Ji You was already ready, and Leng Feng shook hands tightly, with sword intent hidden deep and ready to go.

The toughest guy Gao Huan was dealt with by Palace Master Murong. As for the rest of the Profound Profound Realm powerhouses, he and the two elders could handle it!

"Ji You, be careful later."

Elder Zheng stared at a total of eleven people opposite, and said solemnly.

"If it doesn't work, you will hide behind me later."

Elder Fu also reminded.

Ji You nodded slightly, and said nothing.

He stared at the ten instructors of Canglan Empire Academy, as long as those people moved, he would immediately sacrifice Leng Feng.

"Why is Ji You still up there? Does he want to join the battle too?"

"That kid is just looking for death, not to mention the dean, the tutors can pinch him to death with just one finger."

"At least our senior Ji has the courage. Look at your so-called first-day talent Gao Junjie, who can't even pass the first level of the three levels of fantasy."


The younger generations of all major forces hid behind and started talking quietly.

The disciples of Emperor Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty had a peaceful discussion. The students of Canglan Empire Academy and Qianyuan Wufu were different, and both sides froze.

After all, at this time of deep waters, they were already pretty good without doing it in private on the other side.

But as the saying goes, gods and mortals suffer from fighting, and they dare not act rashly except for quarrels, otherwise if they are affected by the fights of those above the Profound Realm experts, it will be finished.


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