999 Times Training System

Chapter 251: The sun is in the sky and everything is shattered

The big figures of the major forces also felt that something was wrong.

Not only did Ji You not hide aside, but instead wanted to fight the Profound Realm powerhouse of Canglan Empire Academy together.

They thought that Palace Master Qianyuan Wufu couldn't be so stupid, and they couldn't help but guess whether Ji You really had the strength to compete with those strong in the Profound Realm?

Those who are strong in the Tongxuan realm also have high and low points.

The instructors of Canglan Empire Academy are basically at the fifth level or above in the Tongxuan realm.

In their opinion, Ji You might have the strength to compete with the first-tier martial arts practitioners in the Tong Xuan realm, but it is almost impossible to deal with the strong men above the fifth-tier Tong Xuan realm.

They can't figure out what is going on.

"I'm going to have a meeting with that woman, and you guys will solve that kid for me."

Gao Huan communicated to those mentors through spiritual communication.

At the moment Gao Huan started his hand, the other instructors immediately killed Ji You.

Although Ji You had never understood the strength of Palace Master Murong, his cultivation level must have been in the Ninth Level of the Tong Profound Realm just like Gao Huan.

The duel between the two powerful masters of the Datong Xuan Nine Layers seemed to shake the world with every move.

The two made preliminary trials, and the situation was evenly matched regardless of high or low.

But Gao Huan seemed to be deliberately dividing the battlefield, drawing Murong Zili into the distance.

But Ji You didn't have the time to pay attention to the situation of Palace Master Murong now, because the mentors of the Canglan Empire Academy had already killed him.

Those mentors have used their own skills one after another, one by one with great momentum and amazing power, like a terrifying wave, they want to suppress the two old men Ji You and Zheng Fu.

Elder Zheng and Elder Fu suddenly became very heavy. They did not dare to be negligent and prepared to use all their strength to resist. They must ensure the safety of Ji You.

Only Ji You's complexion is always the same.

The corner of his mouth slightly raised, the cold front golden light in his hand flickered, and the horror sword intent came out through.

"Ding! The master performs the first shining sun in the sky, and the first shining sun in the sky gains experience points: 1000*999 times!"

"Ding! The master urges 50% of the true meaning of kendo, and 50% of the true meaning of kendo earns experience points: 500*999 times!"

At this moment, Ji You no longer has any reservations, the ground-level swordsmanship Yaori and the true meaning of swordsmanship are released at the same time, like the bright scorching sun.

With a sword of illusion, you can vaguely see a big sun phantom hanging above the nine heavens and passing away in a flash.

The extremely hot aura burst out instantly, and a trace of scarlet golden sword light shot out from the "Leng Feng" sword body, turning into a huge sword wave.

The sword wave was as fast as light, and there was a sizzling sound, as if the space was about to be cut by this sword wave.

Before Elder Zheng and Elder Fu had time to resist, they saw a terrifying scarlet golden sword wave, shattering all the moves of those instructors as if they were ruining.


The expressions of the ten mentors of Canglan Empire Academy suddenly changed.

Although they didn't use their full strength, they were all skillful moves, and they were completely destroyed by the opponent's sword wave!

The strength that Ji You showed this time completely exceeded their expectations.

They hurriedly performed defensive mysterious skills or defensive formations, because this sword wave made them feel a strong breath of death.

The crowd hiding below was even more astonished, and their eyes were incredible.

It's just like cutting tofu, what the fuck? !


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