9th Circle Lord

# 112 Inner lining2

Luther noticed intuitively.

‘You're looking at me. ’

There is pure malice in the eyes of the smiling beast.

In the meantime, when Kalnix was removed, the polymorph dragon clapped with great joy.

“Excellent! Excellent! Faiholt. This will open up a whole new world for us in the future. ”

Even in the harsh dragon world sequence, I put Kalniks to death.

You can now wipe out the world with Naxanore's monsters.

Joyfully, he asked with a suspicious face as Fayholt watched the void and did not move.

“Fayholt. Is there a problem? ”

The smiling faeholt suddenly soars into the air like a shot.

Polymorph dragon's face died black.

I wanted to attack myself.


Faeholt, who swallows the wind in vain, hits the air in the air after ignoring him.


Faeholt, who is blocked by his shield, smiles again.

A router that unfolds and reveals the shield.

I was astonished when the polymorph dragon looked back and found the router.

“Who are you! ”

Awareness of the interstellar router emerged without a scale.

Luther, who stopped Faeholt's attack, pushed his tongue into the air.

‘I never thought you'd find me. ’

Since his hideout synthesized Ener, it cannot be detected by simple magic sensing.

But the beast found his location.

"I am detecting Ener." You mean this? It's the power of darkness. He said he embraces everything in the world. ’

Luther stares at the beast.

Faeholt smiled with a smile. At first glance, there will be more murders.

Luther looks at the polymorph dragon with a disdainful smile.

The unidentified polymorph dragon was hostile to himself.

“If you don't reveal who you are, I will kill you! ”

It was a strong warning, but Luther only snorts.

I don't know where to hear your mannequin on the subject of a dragon that doesn't even recognize its position.

‘I'm sure you believe him and you're a coward. ’

After seeing Naxanore's monsters, Luther became curious.

‘How strong. Is it really worth fighting with me? ’

I wondered honestly.

According to the prophecy of the Ancient Demon jellyfish that I met on the East Coast, I said I would be killed by the Demon of Naxanore.

However, what jellyfish say is that a demon at the level that can kill itself should be at least a Demon King.

‘The demons of Naxanore are not all like the Demon King. ’

Some were evil spirits, and others were monsters of men who had turned the Demon King.

They had a big gap with themselves.

And I wondered how strong the demon the dragon summoned this time.

First, Luther scans the opponent's combat power.

Not measurable.

‘I don't think it's a normal bet. ’

This is the combat strength figure you used to make. You can't confirm it no matter how far you go.

‘First we have to fight. ’

Verification is required.

Luther ignores the polymorph dragon yelling at the whale and moves toward the beast.


His body fades scarcely, revealing itself behind the back of the beast.

The beast snaps its head as it sees the air.

The body looks forward as if there is no spine, but only the head is broken.

In a bizarre appearance, Luther puts out his tongue.

Najj whispered to the beast that saw him.

“Well, let's play. ”

The start was his own.

Luther casts a spell on his front.

Light chain explosion.

It was a unique magic created by Luther, a magic that strongly condenses light and causes it to explode.

A unique magic created by Ener. It is synthesized according to will.

A powerful magic that even a dragon can't accept. Luther wondered how the monsters would cope.

The old form of light magic began to explode in a row.

Kwakagaga River!

With the light, you hear an explosion, tearing the body of the beast like a slut.

The head, as well as the upper half, flew without a trace, and only the thin lower body lost its owner, and it twitched.

The polymorph dragon who saw it cried out.

“Argh! Stop it! You son of a bitch! What the hell are you doing! ”

Turning his back, Luther felt disappointed.

‘Is this the only level of monsters the dragon summoned? ’

If your expectations are high, you'll be disappointed.

It seemed to end so easily that the discussion between them was worthless.

But the disappointment soon cleared up.

A dark force emerged from the torn surface of the dimpled lower body and immediately healed the upper half of the body.

A demon that regenerates to the head smiles again at Luther.

He seemed to ask if this was all he had.

The polymorph dragon, who yelled at the whales, smiled brightly again.

“Hahaha! That's it! It can't be easy! My man! You will pay dearly for touching Faiholt! ”

Surprised breasts were filled with excitement within minutes.

Luther's gaze shifted.

"Excellent at regeneration. Is this also the power of darkness? ’

The power of darkness is also unknown to Luther. I didn't know much about the side effects of holding that power, but now I can see that the regenerative effect is excellent.

‘The more I look at it, the more curious it is. But it's too strong. ’

It is a force that should not appear in this world.

Luther awaits the beast's attack.

The body of the smiling beast begins to tear, as it did when it devoured the Red Dragon Kalnix.

Wei Ying!

At the same time, the dreadful adsorption attracted the router.

Kalniks couldn't beat the sucking power even with that huge body.

I couldn't even handle the dragon because the router I was watching was quite long, but I definitely don't have the strength to pull myself together.

‘Even the surrounding Rune language. ’

Is that why you couldn't escape?

Luther gazes at the center of the unfolded beast, like a flower blossoming from a bud.

The Seeker Darkness, where you can't even see the light.

Even in his gaze, which pierces the essence, he can only be seen as darkness.

The more adsorptive the Luther endured.

The distorted runner screams and makes a strange noise.

It was hard to get to space, but Luther wasn't even dragged.

The polymorph dragon who was watching made an impression.

Kalniks couldn't move on that assault either, but that unknown guy who just showed up doesn't even know who he is.

Luther still felt free to look at the monsters that didn't stop sucking himself.

There is no change in attack mode.

Luther, feeling free, shoots a spell at the beast who tries to inhale persistently.

An eagle flame appeared on the front of the Luther.

8 Circle Magic Hellfire.

“Old times.”

Hellfire, holding Ener, penetrates the darkness at a horrendous rate.


A faint flame blooms in the darkness.

Luther spotted Lee Jae.

‘Look at this? ’

The darkness that the demons opened was a kind of subspace. It means there are volumes and limits.

‘Somehow, when I swallowed a dragon, I heard chewing. Is it some kind of digestive space? ’

It looks like you can eat anything by bruising the surrounding Rune language as well as material.

Luther was curious.

‘Let's see how far we can eat. ’

He uses Ener to draw a summon magic camp on the front of the devil's mouth.

Rune language happened, but not as distorted as the surroundings.

Ener is Luther's will. It was a rune expressing will, so there could not be any interference from monsters.

“Try it. ”

Luther created magic power.

Magic Giga Meteo.


The enchantment trembles violently and the sky drops into darkness.

“Well, what is it! ”

The polymorph dragon, who watched the battle with satisfaction, suddenly shook everywhere and looked at the sky as the sky turned dark.

His face died black.

“Hey, what's that? ”

A huge meteorite was falling over the sky that appeared.

The meteorites were immense.

It was huge enough to swallow Kalnix's territory, but if it hit the ground at that size and speed, the world would be turned upside down.

A change occurred around the falling meteorite as the polymorph dragon was frightened.

A massive enchantment appears as the meteorite descends.

The enchantment was a kind of passage leading to the summoning enchantment.


The meteorite is sucked into the enchantment.

At the same time, meteorites appeared on the ground.

With the whole body wide open, the beast that was developing the digestion opens its eyes.


A meteorite of terrifying size begins to enter with an open hole.

The Summon Wizard was in charge of guiding the demon into the body.

Suddenly, a huge meteorite sucks into your body, and the open mouth of the beast begins to puff.

If you digest that, your body explodes.

He tried to stop the embarrassed inhalation, but he was not a ball-rooter, leaving the action still.

“We shouldn't fast. ”

A router moves behind a new monster and engraves a magic camp in an instant.

The demon panicked when it infiltrated the enchanted enchantment.

The ability to suck in refused and the body did not move.

No matter how powerful the demon is, the current world he came to is in Rune language.

It was not difficult for Luther to force the movement of monsters.

In addition, the inhalation capacity exerted by the monsters remained the same.

Force will and control the body.

It was a cross-section that showed how Luther could easily cook a dragon.

Demons were urgent.

An unbearable meteorite was being sucked in by the inhalation phenomenon.

It's impossible to digest that.

But I'm about to infiltrate inside.

The power of darkness began to burst out.

At the front, meteorites were entering the body, and at the rear, Luther was controlling consciousness and body.

The situation was serious and I need help.

The eyes of the curled beast stare at the polymorph dragon as if they were looking for help.

The dragon panicked.

Faiholt, who swallowed Kalnix in one mouthful, was in danger.

I need help, but for a moment Luther raises her head and looks at him in the air.

I was faced with a situation of urgent return. Luther's eyes were quiet.

No matter how things turned out, I couldn't break his peace of mind.

But the calm gaze put pressure on the dragon.

It was like warning him not to move.

A meteorite begins to enter the body of the monster as the dragon squeezes.


A magnificent sound began to resonate in the body of the beast.

At the same time, the Devil's eyes were turned upside down.

A gigantic meteorite that can't be digested or eaten is rubbing inside.

Of course I can't handle it.

If there is a lot of water, it is difficult to overflow.

The dark forces lost control and began to run.

Luther fills his tongue.

“You can't digest it to meteorites. ”

The dragon swallowed in one mouthful, making it look more difficult.

“You cut the thread in front of me without even swallowing it. If you're going to fight me, at least you know how to eat meteorites. ”

I thought I was doing one strand to look confident, but I'm not disappointed.

“Let's digest what this king has begun, to the end. ”

And then he dies, but Luther doesn't go anywhere.

He reached out.

A panicked dragon loses control and gets sucked into his hands.


A panicked dragon screams and drops to Luther.

Router twists his neck at shovel time, pulling him close.

Luther whispered.

“You said something funny a little while ago. I'm interested, but do you think you could kindly explain? ”

The dragon whispers.

I didn't understand what kind of way he was pulling himself.

Meanwhile, the meteorite touched the ground.


It's about to explode with massive thermal energy.

I couldn't handle the size of the rock, and I saw the corpse of a monster built on the ground.

Luther speaks magic to meteorites.

The stalled meteorite slowly cracks as if it had been braked, and it splits into pieces.

In the falling rock, Luther stares at the dragon again.

Fear came to mind in the eyes of the dragon who saw him.

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