9th Circle Lord

# 113Inner lining3

A dragon caught by Luther. Kailer could not understand the situation of the crop.

A total of thirty dragons summoned together and were monsters with the ability to eat.

I even gave it the name Fayholt, which means "swallow everything."

Demons were selfish dragons who were deeply devoted.

But now it's crushed to flatten.

I couldn't believe the report.

But it was also difficult to deny the reality of the pressure of the hand that imprisoned oneself.

Who the hell is this guy?

Kailer recalls the one who told him the secret of summoning monsters.

No matter how much you think about it, he's the only one who has a backlash against them.

Luther asked.

“What's your name? ”

“…… Kaifler. ”

“Looks like a black dragon to me with a black eye, right? ”

“ ……. ”

“I don't like silence. ”

“That's right. I'm a Black Dragon. ”

“I've never seen a Black Dragon before. Yes, Kaifler. Let's start talking now. ”

“Can we just let this go before then? ”

Kailer looks down at the hand holding his neck tightly and makes a poor face.

“If you accidentally hold the power in your hand, I'll be done. ”

He was convinced that the opponent would not kill himself.

I thought I'd interrogate him once I had questions.

Kailer pleaded.

“If you have any questions for me, I'll answer as many as I can. But if you could just let this go before then, I think you can answer it easily. ”

Luther shrugs.

“If you're uncomfortable, you should listen. ”

He was a prisoner, but let him go without any constraints.

Kailer operated the magic power.

I didn't move like a locked door.

“Haha. Mana's not moving. This is very sophisticated. ”

Luther, sweating in awkward movements, laughed at him.

“If you're going to run, you better not even dream about it. Do you think I let you go? ”

“... I see. You're not normal. If you don't mind, can you tell me what your name is? ”


“I think he's human. What's going on in dragon space? ”

“I'm here to play for a while. I love to travel.”

Kailer smiles awkwardly at a lying router.

‘Son of a bitch, where did you lie? ’

He spits out arrogance, but Luther holds the card.

“You look like you like to travel. I know a good place, but why don't you go? ”

“Do I have to come all the way here and talk to you? ”

“You've forgotten where I am. If you have any questions, I'll tell you anything. You deserve to be the winner. ”

Luther asked.

“Where is the Dragon Road? ”

“It's on the northernmost island of Taewon. ”

“The island of Tao? ”

“That's what we call it. It's where the dragon first settled. It all started there. ”

“I see. Speaking of which, I think the Dragon Lord is crazy, am I right? ”

“I see you've all heard. That's right. The dragon rod's predation won't stop. If we go this way, we'll be in crisis for our entire race. ”

Kailer glances at the corpse of a demon that was made with a lamentable eye.

“Fayholt was our hope, and it was all foaming. ”

Now there is no way to stop the Dragon Rod.

Luther, who was sad for him, snorted.

“Isn't it forbidden to summon Naxanore's monsters? ”

“If you're in crisis, of course, no exception. Especially now that the Dragon Lord has gone mad and plunged the entire race into the abyss, this situation needs even more Naxanorian monsters. ”

“How did you summon the beast? ”

“I know you use magic, but using Mana in this world is not impossible. ”

I am also obsessed with unsatisfactory explanations before and after.

Luther is full of tongues.

“Kailer. Am I being ridiculous? I'm asking for an answer as politely as I can, but I'm trying to stay out of it. ”

His face and even his voice were mixed with annoyance, and Kailer swallowed his throat.

“What's the exact question? ”

“Who told you how to summon a monster? ”

It is the most important question.

Luther is not yet convinced that the Demon King summoned the monsters to the dragons.

The severity of the lie was obvious, but I needed direct proof.

Luther, who stabbed him in the throat, stares at him.

“Tell me who it is. ”

I felt a panic in Kailer's eyes.

He stammers his voice.

“Well, why is that curious? ”

Luther's eyes were irritated.

“You still don't know what kind of situation you're in. ”

"Come or come," he replies.

Luther casts a frozen spell on the Mana, which stands on Kaifler's body.

I felt frost all over my body in an instant at the time of the raid.

“Knock it off! Stop! Stop!"

“I don't like torture. But if you keep coming out uncooperatively, you better not expect a polite attitude until now. ”

Kailer did not respond to the warnings recited by Nazir.

In an instant, a scream exploded in extreme pain.

Luther adds strength to the frozen magic.

Kailer screams in horror as his whole body freezes and ice crystals rise in his eyes.

“I don't know his name! But he was from the realm of man! He told me! ”

That's how Luther unravels his magic.

Unlike the frost in the shovel, the frost slowly loosened.

After buoying him in the extreme cold, Luther sweeps his chin.

The human realm. It's ambiguous. ’

It could be the Demon King, or now it could be the rogue men of the Demon King hiding somewhere.

Two possibilities cannot be ruled out, so my thoughts deepened.

Luther wanted more clues.

“What do you have in mind? ”

“I don't know. I covered my whole body. But her voice was a woman. ”

“When you analyze an opponent, you can see it in an atmosphere other than appearance. What did she look like to you? ”

“He wasn't a man to look at. It's not magical, but it's a bit more vulgar. That's why I couldn't easily identify myself. ”

“I don't feel credible. Do you believe the words of a great man who doesn't know who you are and put them into practice? Didn't your dragon have a lot of doubts? ”

“I had no choice then! Rod was walking down the path of destruction, and we were frightened. That's when she showed up. It was a real hope, so I wasn't in a position to cover my back and forth! ”

I didn't feel a lie when I saw Kaiflur shouting in a musical instrument.

Luther fills his tongue.

“You should have been more careful when an unidentified opponent made an offer. Yeah. That vulgar atmosphere must be the power of darkness, right? Is that right?”

“It seems different, but a little different. Unlike the monsters I dealt with earlier, the energy was organized. But that's it. That's all we know. ”

Luther frowns.

I was expecting answers, and I was falling into a labyrinth.

But there were clues to this.

One is that the Demon King lied.

And the one who deliberately told the dragon the secret of the enchanted faction summoning monsters came from the human realm.

‘Let's get this far. ’

Unfortunately, that's all the information I got.

Luther glimpsed the Kaifler and asked.

“How many dragons cooperate with you? ”

Kailer, who never wanted to suffer from such extreme pain as the manna freeze again, replied.

“It's thirty now, but it's going to grow. ”

“How many dragons are there? ”

“The minimum bag is over. ”

“Too many. Once I heard the information well. Now it's your turn to do your last thing. ”

“Last day? ”

“Yes. Call the travel coordinates of the island of Tao that has dragon roads. ”

The pupils of the Kaifler shook.

Why is he trying to meet the Dragon Lord?

I've been curious, but I prefer to live now.

Kaiplon, who lighted the coordinates gently, noticed carefully.

“Hey, will you let me go now? ”

“It's not fun to just let them go. If you accept my assault once, I will spare you. ”

On his proposal, Kailer nodded with a serious face.

“I got it. Unchain me instead. ”

“I won't.”

I listened to him, but left room. Instead of releasing Mana, he left his mark in secret.

It was a kind of tracking function.

“Now, are you ready? ”

“Well, yeah. ”

When Mana circulated again according to his will, a sense of relief came to his eyes.

But it's not over yet.

Looking at Luther's eyes, he asked carefully.

“Can I do it once? ”

“Yes, do what you can. ”


Kailer unravels the transformation.

A light flashed through his body, revealing the misfortunes of the Black Dragon in an instant.

His body was several times as big, but his eyes were filled with tension.

Luther ran the magic when he was ready.

“Well, let's get started. ”

Cayler saw Luther trying to trigger the magic and immediately used the phrase Movement.

Suddenly his body becomes blurred.

Luther didn't have to hold him.

I was anticipating, preparing.

Luther waited quietly.

The place of escape was to the northwest as soon as the Kaifler moved.

‘Catching one is a waste of time. ’

Cayler, who met himself and was flabbergasted, would flee to the place where the dragon shared his will.

Luther decides to sneak behind him and run away at once.

Router, who was chasing him to the place where the Kaifler fled, had a thought in his head.

‘The truth will come out one day. ’

If you chase after them without letting go of the rope, one day you will see a plague.

The problem is that the Demon King deceived himself.

There is no way he can stand up to himself even if he tries.

"It's impossible to fight. ’

But it is possible to escape.

‘I have to hurry.’

I don't know the truth of the Demon King, but somehow my trust was broken by lying.

Luther paused and moved to concentrate on the task immediately rather than worrying about the next day.

Black Swamp, a habitat of the Black Dragon Kailer.

There are mud floors everywhere, like pearls, full of pools and swamps.

Luther passes through this habitat that smells of death and wonders if Caiplon may have returned to my nest.

But I was out of my mind.

After chasing after the trail of Mana left by Kaifler, I felt the energy of many dragons.

A chill arose in Luther's eyes.

‘Then it is. ’

I can't hide by myself.

It was clear to the herd of dragons who were with him that they wanted to announce the incident and make a plan.

‘I don't want him to notice. ’

If he realized that he had fled easily, he could have told his colleagues to flee.

After a while, the trail of the Kaifler continues beneath a huge swamp.

Luther plunges into the swamp without hesitation.

Looking down at the stubborn, sticky swamp, you can see a dome-shaped structure resembling Jereira's deep-sea prison.

The perimeter of the dome is covered with a shield. Luther uses Ener to enter naturally and then inside the dome.

As I dug through the narrow gap, I saw an empty cavity inside.

There were various forms of polymorph dragons gathered on the floor of that cavity.

In the centre of the dragon, surrounded by the sea, was an evil supported kayler.

Once again, he turns into an elf and yells at the whales.

“He killed Faeholt! It's not an ordinary bet! It uses even unknown abilities! ”

The dragons around Peeholt's side are huge.

No, it was rather the shape of a caifler pressing like that.

“Didn't you steal Faeholt? ”

“You have to be trustworthy. Isn't that your plan? ”

“No way. You're using monsters to get rid of us! ”

Rather, a fierce reaction was emerging.

Luther made a real mistake.

‘What was your usual behavior, so that's the answer. ’

Kailer's argument was not persuasive to the surrounding dragon.

Rather, the dragon, who thought he was playing tricks, persecuted the unjust Kailer.

Luther wondered how things were going to turn around and decided to take a look.

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