9th Circle Lord

# 121Hwa Soul3

Souls scattered everywhere like broken pieces of glass encroached everywhere.

Luther explores the world of souls made by himself.

The world has not changed much.

However, the runes he created were tightly embedded in the world.

The Demon King laughed.

“You've made something interesting. ”

“What is all this? ”

“What else do you make and ask me? It is literally a world made of your soul. Here, you can do whatever you want. It's your will. ”

Luther only realized that.

“Is it because of his soul that time has changed as if stopped by the Demon King of Chaos? ”

“Yes. He wanted to slow down the time, so it was done. It's a kind of power, but it has a stronger will. Because it's the world he built. ”

He jaws.

“Do something. Looks like your own runner is working. Anything will work. ”

Luther looked at the space in which his soul unfolded and pondered what to do.

At that time, a monster entered Soul's dominion.

The monster was a monster with two boar faces.

His eyes were furious, and his throat fluttered under the breath of his breath.

The Demon King smiled.

“A scapegoat has appeared. Try manipulating anything with that. ”



A boar with two heads rushes.

Luther felt able to control the soul as he realized it.

It was similar to Ener.

You've made your will come true.

He slows down the time, just as the Demon King of Chaos did.

Then, the Boar monster slows down as he rushes with his jealousy.

The kicking of the ground is slower than the rumbling crawls.

Luther and the Demon King approached the boar.

The boar was slow, unlike his furious posture.

It wasn't just a boar.

When his will came into effect, all existence within Soul's power was slow.

Flowing winds and petals scattered by such winds.

Slow to sea foam pushed along the coast.

It is a phenomenon that happens except for him and the Demon King.

Luther watches the boar and raises his will.

The body of a boar was crushed as if someone had built it.

At the same time, the limbs are torn and the organs in the body are unevenly revealed.

Of course the boar is dead.

Luther turned his time around.

Starting with the weighed organs, blood and leather became sutures and then turned back into live boars.

Luther was shocked by the consequences he had caused.

But it was different from admiration.

His expression was very serious.

“This is the power of God. It's a force that no one should ever deal with. ”

It's dangerous. It's too dangerous.

Among all the difficulties he encountered, it was the most dangerous.

Take complete control of the power.

It manipulates space-time at will and is involved in the forbidden realm of death.

“We are now overlooking the power of God. Maybe you're touching the realm you shouldn't go over. ”

The Demon King was interested in Luther's views.

Usually, when you encounter the power of soul, you are drunk and longing for its power.

But Luther insists it's dangerous.

The Luther he knows is never a small bowl.

He is born human and eats like the ultimate.

It was a runaway router looking up like a bull.

However, he insists on the power of Soul.

“I've never seen a guy like you. They usually want to deal with me. ”

“So. Is the Soul Realm easily accessible? ”

“None of my men handle the power of the soul. ”

Luther looks at the Demon King.

“Is that true? ”

“Yes! You monster! As you said, Soul's power is dangerous. By the way, will you give the dangerous realm of power to any dog, cow, or person? Only a few Demon Kings can be dealt with. But you woke him up at once. ”

How many can awaken the power of souls in the void?

We must draw new power from a completely intact existence.

Only a few are close to impossible and in the end some very few are possible. It is a power that no one can ever achieve.

But Luther pioneered the realm.

The Demon King didn't mean to imprison Luther.

It was talent that bored me enough to see.

The Demon King thought he was good enough to create a void, but he was handsome compared to Luther.

There was no case of pulling souls out of the void at once.

Even now, the Naxanors are full of monsters who ask themselves to find souls in the void.

But I assure you, they will never get souls.

If he made a bet, the Demon King himself could hang.

As much as that, Soul's realm does not allow anyone.

Soul was a very demanding virgin, according to the Demon King.

No one will allow you to taste it.

But Luther took down such a demanding virgin very simply.

Even if he is jealous, the party expresses its concern to accept the meaning acquired by the power of the soul.

‘He's really funny. ’

The Demon King spilled the truth without even knowing it.

“Uh-huh. You're the first one to grumble over a blessing. ”

“I'm not grumbling. I'm just saying it's a dangerous force. ”

“Yes. It's a dangerous force, as you say. We also need to be careful. ”

“Is there anything you should be aware of? ”

“As I said before, your enemies will detect Ener Soul. But in this broken world, there is no one but me. It's a sad thing.”

“Why is that lamentable? ”

“I put my men in the void for a long time. I wanted to realize the soul. But no one ever came out on their own. He didn't have the talent. For a long time, no one. ”

The Demon King sighed.

“Expectations are disappointing, but this is too much to do. ”

“It's just foolishness to expect something that doesn't work. ”

Luther recalls a time when he dealt with the Demon King's men the other day.

I double-checked their conversation.

Luther then understood why the Demon King's men had turned against him.

“You carried too much burden on your men. Those who couldn't handle it fled, and now they've come and betrayed it. ”

“What is it?”

When the Demon King is defeated, Luther hands over the subject.

“Is there anything else you should be aware of? ”

It was unpleasant to reveal the chivalry, and the Demon King advised of Ener Soul for a little while.

“Beware of those who deal with Ener Soul. The user overwhelms the target with a stronger impact. The battle between Ener Soul is not a scissors. It is overwhelmingly advantageous if one side is a little ahead. Therefore, whenever you have time, expand your soul and build up the power of Ener. ”

Luther pointed out unavoidable advice.

“But not for the Demon Kings. ”

The Demon Kings must have spent a terrifying amount of time dealing with Ener Soul.

Of course I can't be an opponent.

The Demon King shrugs.

“That's not true. But there's an asterisk. The next player is usually at a disadvantage. ”

“To sum up, Ener Soul can make an extreme difference, even in small gaps. ”

“That's right.”

Luther recalled the confrontational face of chaos with the Demon King.

“That's why the Demon King of Chaos is reluctant to see you. ”

“Yes. As you can see, I was out of Soul's reach. That's why he didn't try to deal with me. ”

“I should have killed him then. ”

“It wasn't easy either. If he was trying to remove himself from his sphere of influence, he would also have summoned him as a free material. It is impossible to kill rats and birds without crossing the footsteps of the Realm of Transcendence. ”

Luther glances at the Demon King.

“I didn't mean to be a god. ”

“Tsk. Did you realize that now? What do you think? Ener Soul's power is strong. ”

“I see improvements. Especially if you don't want to make a small difference. ”

“Hmm. You're going to fix that? ”

After sweeping his chin, the thoughtful Demon King smiled brightly.

“You'll be able to improve. Whatever it is, it's the best talent in the whole world and Naxanore. ”

“I pointed out that I was forbidden to paint my face at any time, and it was just me. ”

“I like jokes, but I don't say empty words. You're good enough. ”

Luther clapped and handed over the topic of the conversation.

“Let's get this sorted out. ”

“What sort of arrangement? ”

“The Dragon Realm. What are you gonna do now? ”

“That's for you to decide. ”

“Why? Aren't you the one who rules this world? ”

“That's a bit of a dominant expression. I'm just staring. ”

“What are you going to do? ”

“I told you, do as you please. ”

The attitude of the Demon King is a little annoying.

Luther asked with suspicious eyes.

“Something's wrong. Why is it that your firstborn son, who liked to interfere directly or indirectly with the world, is now here? ”

“Why not? I've solved the troubles of the troubled dragons, so I'm comfortable. ”

“Tell me the truth. Any changes to your kidney? ”

In Luther's euphemism, the Demon King laughed bitterly.

“You know me very well. All right, let's be honest. Start working on becoming a god soon. ”

Luther nods.

“It seems a little late. ”

“Ho. I didn't know you were judging me like that. ”

“So do you underestimate it? I just want to know what it is that frightens the Demon King of Dongbae to stay in this world. ”

If you decide to be a god, of course you have to talk about it.

“Are you going to punish Naxanore soon? ”

“That's right. Now we're going to focus on Naxanore more than on this world. ”

I was distressed by Luther's expression.

“Do you really have to punish Naxanore? ”

“You know, the world didn't work out, but it didn't. There are things that wouldn't be weird to call God. I know why, but it's the power of darkness. And the power of darkness is constantly flowing out of Naxanore. If you don't sew it up, this world will be doomed. ”

Luther hesitated for a moment, to be honest.

“Why don't you just throw it away? Because there is a way to bring together those who follow you to create another world. ”

“Like you? ”

Luther flinched at the Devil King's point.

At that moment, Luther and the Demon King exchanged views. After the silence, Luther sighs for a long time.

“Since when did you know? ”

“Ever since you got acquainted with the ancient monsters. ”

“Do you know that jellyfish? ”


“I didn't give you a name, so I called you what you wanted. ”

“His full name is Arkansas. Ancient monsters of wisdom and prophecy. I left it behind because it was useless to think deeply. But he went to see him. ”

“I know everything, so let's be honest. He prophesied. I am slain by the demon of Naxanore. ”

“So you were going to avoid it? ”

“You can't blame it for being selfish. I have people who believe in me. If you want to protect them, you can take whatever cowardice you want. ”

“I understand. But I'll give you one piece of advice like that. The prophecy always changes. Go see that jellyfish again now. When you see what prophecy he is making, you will realize something. ”

I thought the Demon King would blame me, but there was a surprising answer.

Luther doubts this time when the expected accusations do not come out.

“It's really strange, by the way. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“There's no way you wouldn't have thought of a plan that I had in mind. Why didn't you leave this world? ”

Luther thought it was strange.

Why didn't the Demon King, who appeared much more than himself, think of leaving for another world?

He was close to God, so he can do anything. So the monster doesn't have to hit Naxanore.

But the Demon King wants to fight.

I didn't understand.

Luther guessed.

“There's a reason. Why not leave this world. What the hell is that? ”

As he drove away, the Demon King smiled bitterly.

Luther somehow drew the grin of the Demon King.

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